
Arcane: A MLB Reincarnation

Willow Bolbok, a girl that had everything she could ask for from the moment she was born. Her family was one of the leading families in Piltover, their very name commanded respect. Yet, one fateful day her life as she knew it changed. Memories of her past life awakened by the Nexus, power granted to her to wield in this new life; new goals had formed in her mind. Her actions are selfish to many, but she knew that power was what she needed to survive. Follow her on this journey through the magical world, with her unique background. ------- Disclaimer - I don't own Arcane, this is just a fan-fiction, anything mentioned in the story that is inspired by the original work is owned by its respectful owners. I do not own the cover. For anyone confused; MLB stands for Mobile Legends Bang Bang, a mobile game I am an advent player of; I love it and thought it would be interesting to make a novel with it somehow. #yuri #femalelead #system #stronglead #antihero #arcane #mlb

ZeroX0666 · テレビ
15 Chs

Chapter 7 - Bloodline

As Willow listened to her grandfather's explanation, a mixture of emotions swirled within her. The revelation of the Run'es existence and its significance to their family history weighed heavily on her young shoulders.

It was a burden she hadn't expected to bear, yet she couldn't deny the sense of responsibility she felt within her heart.

Her grandfather's words about the Rune's power and the tragedies brought about by it resonated with her emotions. Now, she could understand why the man had acted the way he had throughout her memories of him.

This made his reasoning in the show— his actions— somewhat more understandable.

He was a man that lived in fear, fear of the past being repeated and of the Rune being revealed. Due to this his dislike for Hextech at first was understandable— he didn't hate Hextech, he hated the meaning of the magic behind it.

Magic had ruined his family and species and forced them into this self-isolating duty— how could he not blame magic for his tragedy.

But those thoughts were for another time; her grandfather's cryptic mention of her bloodline awakening and the changes she would soon experience had left her confused and curious.

She hadn't noticed any outstanding physical alterations in herself, aside from the Nexus changes, that is.

"What do you mean, Grandfather?"

She asked; her voice did not hide her curiosity and confusion from the man before her— who would naturally indulge her.

Councilor Bolbok looked at her expression, and a soft sigh escaped from his robotic tone— the emotions hidden behind his mask of a metal unknown to the girl before him.

"The reason our family could even find the Rune— could protect it— was because of what we are. Our species is called the Vellox. Even in the times before the Rune War, we were a rare species— but now only a handful of our kind exist."

Willow already knew this, thanks to the system, but hearing it directly from her grandfather confirmed that it was truthful about her bloodline. Granted, she had no reason to believe it would provide false information.

"We are a species of beings closely attuned to nature—the spirit, as my father once told me. As we grow older, our bodies slowly change to accommodate the emotions and thoughts we feel; some of us go through vast changes while others only have minor alterations."

As he explained this bit, Willow's eyes widened with worry. A species that was attuned with the spirits in LoL was no simple species— they often had complications that she couldn't fully understand.

Not to mention the part about changing— she didn't want to change into some animal.

"I am going to change, Grandfather?"

Seeing the worry on his granddaughter's face— the mechanic man shook his head and eased the girl.

"Do not worry, child, the changes our kind goes through vary from person to person— but they all have clear signs upon turning 13."

His words eased her worry somewhat, but she was still unsure— she hadn't seen any changes in her body.

"While others may turn into animals or have animal traits— others can even have minor alterations. Markings on their body, crystal forming, and so forth."

The man raised his finger and pointed at the girl's eyes— then spoke once more.

"You may not have noticed it yourself— for now, it is still minor— but your eyes have begun to change. Golden— a hue that neither your father nor mother have; you have begun to become more golden."

Hearing her grandfather's words, she couldn't help but furrow her brows in thought— he was right.

Her father didn't have golden eyes, and her mother's eyes, while somewhat gold, were mainly amber— where did her golden eyes come from. She didn't overthink it before because, as a child, she didn't see the relevance.

But with memories of her past life— this now stood out to her. 

And he said they were getting more golden?

"They are?"

"Yes, they aren't noticeable yet, but as your bloodline becomes more prominent, they will grow brighter and may even start to glow— your hair is also already showing signs of changing."

Willow reached her hand to her hair and moved it over her shoulder as she heard his words— running her fingers through her slightly curly locks as she examined them closely with her eyes.

She couldn't notice any outstanding changes herself— but she could see the slight change to the color of some of her hair strands. They were growing more golden in color— but they were so few and far between that she wondered how her grandfather could notice them.

"In the coming days, you may begin to notice subtle changes to yourself—both inside and out. Our bloodline tends to awaken as we age—primarily at 13 when minor changes begin to occur. Then, at 16, more profound changes occur, and inner capabilities show signs of awakening. Finally, it stabilizes, and changes usually stop occurring further at 19."

A sense of anticipation and worry coursed through Willow's mind as she heard this. Her 13 birthday was tomorrow, and she was already showing signs of changes— she couldn't help but wonder what might occur.

Flicking her hair back behind her with her hand, her eyes gazed towards the large darkened window that showed the estate's front, the night's embrace stretching across the sky, painting the estate in a silent stillness.

Yet under that silent stillness, she knew that servants were working away to make the place look good for her birthday tomorrow— where they would invite people to celebrate with them.

At this thought, she couldn't help but wonder how her family would explain such changes to the public— but her grandfather probably already had a plan.

Seeing her distracted gaze, her grandfather extended his metallic hand and placed it on her head. It was cold to the touch, which caused the girl to flinch slightly, but she did not move away from it.

The man rubbed his hand on her head, and from what she could tell, it seemed he was trying to pat her. However, his body made it difficult, and his movement seemed stiff, if anything.

But the meaning behind it was enough to draw out a smile from the girl— it seemed even her stern and cold grandfather could do something such as that.

"I have kept you for too long— I'm sure you are tired, go, get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day, after all."


As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards the large wooden doors— pushing them open, he motioned for the girl to go ahead. She had no reason to deny him either.

As much as she would like to know more about their species, she was indeed getting rather sleepy, and her grandfather had no intentions of keeping her up too late.

She could only ask him at another time— so with a slight nod, she stood up and made her way out of the room. As she did so, however, she heard one more remark from her grandfather.

A word of caution so that she does not forget the danger that may come from this information being exposed.

"Remember, Willow, some things are better left unsaid— and some things can never be said to others."

Willow understood what he meant by those words— they were a warning to her that her words may bring danger if exposed to the world. And while he trusted her with the knowledge— she could not spread it.

"I understand, Grandfather."

Was all she could say as she left— the doors closing behind her in a soft clank.

I hope you enjoy it; feel free to comment and share your thoughts.

As you can see, I'm taking liberty with his species since it was never revealed.

ZeroX0666creators' thoughts