
Arcane - Building Mechs in Piltover

Fan translation/localization of book.qidian.com/info/1032701573/ The translation has been paused indefinitely, please go support the original author if possible. Currently, the original novel ended with 561 chapters on QD. Lilin was reincarnated to Piltover on the Valoran Continent. He originally thought that his life would be mundane, until he became a working man of the Kiramman family, but he found that he actually had the [Mechanic] system. . In this magical world of war and strife, Lilin, who knows the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with the little inventions such as bicycles, mechanical watches, and generators that brought him fame and countless wealth. In order to deal with the future crisis in Runeterra, he knows very well what he must do! Starting with simple exoskeleton, to "Iron Man"-like armor; From steam robots to Cybernetic mechas that can deal with world crises; Through the study of astral and rune magic, his invention is enough to dominate the world! However, Lilin, who has such power, when facing the conference of united countries that form the League of Legends: "My wish ... is world peace."

Fisher_0840 · ゲーム
50 Chs

Tanks are usually not...

What the hell is this!? It one tapped my armor for more than 800 points of damage, without the shield it would have been "gg no re".

A layer of cold sweat on Lilin's forehead.

In the monster's perspective, he saw that his all-out attack caused no real damage to the power armor besides some cosmetic damage. He pumped his legs and jumped back, pulling away the distance from Lilin, cautious of a retaliation.

Lilin took advantage of the cautiousness of his enemy between the attacks, and with the help of the heads up display, all the information about the monster came to his mind.

[Chemtech transformation (Shimmer): After consuming a first-generation potion developed by Singed, the body temporarily mutates, which greatly improve adaptive strength, agility, and self-healing. During the mutation, brain cells slowly decay, this effect persists after the duration of the transformation.]


[Passive - Rage: Shimmer affect the nervous and muscular systems, temporarily granting strength and agility beyond human capabilities, and greatly increasing pain tolerance the transformed, duration: 15 minutes. ]

[Passive - Tank: Shimmer changes the muscle density of the human body, the transformed gains an additional 50% HP, and reduces the physical damage received by 75%. ]

[Passive - Rapid Healing: Shimmer increases the speed of cell metabolism, and the transformed person recovers 25% of missing HP per second, and recovers 15% of the maximum HP per second. ]

[Passive - Addict: Shimmer is addictive, and the transformed person is highly dependent, physically and mentally. Strong withdrawal symptoms occur when the Shimmer transformation is not taking effect. ]

Shimmer... another invention of Singed. It seems that he is working with Silco.

Judging from the panel, the Shimmer transformed is a complete stat stick, and can crush most strong adults with minimal.

Just the tank skill provides 75% reduction in physical damage, rapid healing also restores missing health…per second, coupled with the strength and agility provided by rage, it's tanky and doubles as dps.

If it weren't for Lilin wearing his power armor, Vander's group might be wiped again by the transformed with a broken arm.

"Damn it, the brothers in our tavern were killed by this beast, right?"

"Janna bless us. This really isn't something we can fight against..."


On the sideline, the people who retreated far away were whispering and talking about the dire situation.

Caitlyn and Jayce also had gloomy faces, staring at the monster, trying to come up with a plan.

Because of its speed, even Caitlyn, who could hit a rabbit's eye with without a scope three hundred paces away in the wild, couldn't guarantee that she could hit this monster.

Therefore, they could only put their hope of defeating it on Lilin, and silently prayed for him in their hearts.

"The shimmer potion, why does it remind me of Mundo..."

It's hard for Lilin not to associate this purple potion with the Zaun madman who was locked up to be tortured and went mad in the future.

It's just that the reality in front of him didn't leave him much time to think.

The transformed man pumped down on the ground, his muscles covered with purple blood vessels moved, and then exploded violently, like a train moving at full speed, rushing towards Lilin with lightning speed.

As dozens of orange sparks suddenly appeared, in just two to three seconds, the monster had already punched the power armor a dozen times with his singular arm.


[the exoskeleton power armor received 23 damage...]

[the exoskeleton power armor received 21 damage...]

[…14 damage..]

[…21 damage..]

Following a series of notifications from the system in his mind, Lilin in the suit almost laughed out loud.

Nevermind, it feels like Ashe…when she's 0/10 and tickling you with her Q.

It seems that the 800+ points of damage caused by this guy before was the result of a full charge tackle, or it happened to hit a weaker point of the power armor.

After all, this exoskeleton is only the prototype, whic has not yet been perfected, and it is already good enough that it works this well thus far.

Thinking of this, Lilin gradually restrained his smile and started to get serious.

It is still possible for me to lose this if I get hit by the monster again at a weak point.

Lilin pressed a button on his arm, "Overload mode, activate!"

The energy core radiated energy outward, covering the entire power mechsuit with a layer of azure blue light.

The monster held his remaining arm up to block the light, and so did all the spectators.

"hmm… high light sensitivity…thank god." Lilin muttered to himself while he sweats that his magical girl transformation is taking so long.

It is a long unskippable animation that even button mashing won't help, as the mechanical parts snapped together and twisted, the entire suit generated a lot of heat due to energy consumption, and turned into white steam after contacting the cold air.

Although the monster sanity dropped drastically after consuming the shimmer potion, it didn't mean that he completely lost his ability to think.

Realizing that Lilin had been wide open for an attack, but now is in a different form, the monster leaped away from its original position.

However, the speed bonus of [Overload Mode] allows Lilin to match the speed of the transformed man.

Lilin pierced the air with his mechanical right arm, grabbed the reformed man by the neck before it can pulling away from him, and lifted him into the air.


Under the pain, the monster screamed at Lilin, its eyes covered with purple capillaries revealed rage and hatred.

With the only remaining arm and the two legs suspended in mid-air, it continued to punch and kick the power armor, without any fear of possible death.

Seeing that the man in front of him had lost his sanity, Lilin sighed.

He grabbed the monster with his right hand and slammed it on the ground, while his left hand punched the transformed man's face.

After more than a dozen punches, the transformed was finally unconscious, its entire face was swollen, the facial features could hardly be distinguished.

Beating the monster unconscious, Lilin grabbed it and threw it towards the iron bridge where Silco was.

"Damn it!"

A huge monster flying towards him, Silco cursed, and quickly jumped to the side, dodging it.


A loud crash.

Then, the monster's huge body slid out from the hollow of the iron bridge and fell to the ground. Limbs sprawled out, still alive, but perhaps not for the best.

Lilin slowly turned and looked at Silco, who coughed heavily as he stood up, still in shock.

"Now, maybe it's time for a talk?"