

"It seems that you are aware of the significance of the situation... If you cooperate, I may consider letting you off easy ..."

"On what grounds can you make such a guarantee?"

"By the name of Kiramann."

As a shadow chem-baron in Zaun, naturally Silco knows the names of the families in the uppercity.

Silco took a deep breath and glanced again at Lilin's power armor.

We are not ready yet to initiate another uprising…

Vander is ... another factor to consider …

"Well?" asked Lilin, "Without a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid Caitlyn's deal …"

"Apologies, I can assure you again that we have nothing to do with what happened in uptown."

"However, not long ago, I was provided with some news that there will be riots in the uppercity on Progress Day, and the enforcers will will lax controls in the undercity."

"For me, it meant an opportunity to seize control of The Lanes."

Caitlyn did not believe a word of his apparently flawed explanation.

She didn't pay attention to Silco's attempt to pull himself out of the situation, the matter of finding her parents was more urgent.

"A man or a woman? Any unique features? What's was the accent?"

Silco shook his head, "I will not be of much help in this regard. My news provider was well concealed, and spoke through a robotic device, the meeting location ..."

"It was night time in my office, when I suddenly smelled a strange fragrance that did not belong with the smog of undercity.

"The door was pushed open, and from the footsteps, I could tell this was not my subordinate.

"As I reached for the pistol in the drawer, I found that my body limp and collapsed on my desk..."

Caitlyn went through the story told by Silco.

Silco was subdued by a pollen that had a different purpose, and different effects seems to be achievable.

"At that time, I thought it was an assassin from my … colleagues, but my news provider stood at the blind spot of my vision and told me about the date and time of the events that will take place topside"

Silco's voice stopped, and everyone heard the commotion outside the factory.

"Silco, we should go." The bald tattooed man next to Silco reminded.

Silco prepared himself to exit the scene, the goon opened the door that lead to a corridor.

"Wait..." Caitlyn knew that Silco hadn't finished speaking, and three followed Silco.

Silco was not one to leave his own safety to chance on a little girl, with so many shimmer potions on the scene, waiting around was a fool's decision.

"I'm sure you still have a lot of questions, but unfortunately, I don't know much else." Silco walked briskly behind his men.

Walking together, he remarked, "There were some traces that I found, after the encounter, that leads to the abandoned Wells Distillery in the northwest square. Perhaps that is of interest to you."

Soon a hidden door was revealed, and Silco stepped in.

"I'm certain your party would not follow me into unknown territories, it is best we part ways here Miss Kiramann. There is a regular exit down the hall for you and your friends."

Silco said softly, "Do take care, Miss Kiramann," and his left eye glanced at Lilin for the last time as the door shuts.


"Wells Distillery..." Caitlyn whispered the name, then turned to look at Lilin and Jayce, "Let's leave, we're going to the Wells Distillery."

"But the officers are here, shouldn't we notify them?" Asked Jayce.

"Do you think Grayson will let me continue the investigation if she found out?"

"Well, my power armor and Jayce's hammer has more than enough energy."

As he said that, Lilin turned his head and looked at Caitlyn, "How many bullets do you have?"

"34 rounds."

Lilin nodded, but he also noticed the flashlights coming from where they came from and reminded:

"We should get going."