
Arcana: The Beginning of an End

The “Arcana” was a set of twenty-two (22) individuals with special characteristics, power and intelligence, that is far higher and superior than an average human being. Because of their special capabilities, some of the human beings with ordinary capabilities, started to follow, worship or work under them. But as years went by, there has been a feeling of unrest among the humans and this bothered all the “Arcana” but some of them discarded the thought, some were wary and some shrugged it off, thinking that it will be fine. That is until…

Kaiianne18 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 0: The Beginning of the Storm

A long time ago, wherein humans acknowledged magic, sorcery and mythical creatures. Among humans, there was a set of humans with special capabilities living in this world. They were very different from ordinary humans, as they were rumored to be descended from the HEAVEN to EARTH.

These special humans were called "The Arcana."

The "Arcana" was a set of twenty-two (22) individuals with special characteristics, power and intelligence, that is far higher and superior than an average human being. Because of their special capabilities, some of the human beings with ordinary capabilities, started to follow, worship or work under them. But as years went by, there has been a feeling of unrest among the humans and this bothered all the "Arcana" but some of them discarded the thought, some were wary and some shrugged it off, thinking that it will be fine. That is until…


-Three Thousand Years Ago-



There were some rustling sound somewhere in the forest, in the middle of the night. Quick steps could be heard, faint whispers of the faeries and two silhouettes of body. The first silhouette was wearing a long dress and had a long hair, which seemed to reach the waist, while the other silhouette was seemed to be wearing a long-sleeved shirt, probably a dress shirt and a pair of trousers and had a short hair. Both of them kept running away from the pursuers. As they entered deep into the forest, the one in a long dress fell on its knees, due to a root stuck out from the ground.

"Aeolia, get up! We need to hurry." The screamed in a hushed tone.

"Aerohln, I can't run anymore. Leave me and run. Search for Malin, if you must…" said Aeolia, who was already crying in despair.

"Aeolia, are you out of your mind?! I can't do that. Malinjinna will kill me for sure if I leave you behind. And I will not do as you wish, regardless of Malinjinna's opinion. We are bound together. We must survive this. Come on, let's get you up." Said Aerohln as he assisted Aeolia to get up and back on her feet. Aeolia wiped her tears as she thanked Aerohln. Aerohln smiled with strained in his eyes before he led both of them to their destination by running quickly, not noticing that they have been tailed from behind


A mysterious figure with a hat felt something was wrong. The figure felt two presences of an arcana in the domain but also felt thirty (30) unwanted guests.

'Aeolia, Aerohln…'


A woman wearing a pure white long gown and her platinum blonde long hair that reached her feet had been watching the whole ordeal through a diamond-shaped crystal clairvoyance.

'What is going on…? This never happened before.'

The woman looked up from the crystal as someone was knocking on the door.

'At a time like this?'

The woman strolled towards the door opened, only to see someone unexpected and stabbed her on the chest.




"F-Fourth Arcana…"


As Aeolia and Aerohln proceed deeper into the forest, out of nowhere, their path has been blocked by someone who casted a spell of fire element, caused the trees and grasses to be set ablaze and nowhere to run to. Both Aeolia and Aerohln turned around saw their pursuers that consisted of ten (10) soldiers and twenty (20) magic users surrounding them.


A figure, covered in a hood and cape, smirked in mirth.

'All according to plan.'


Aerohln stood in front of Aeolia as their pursuers were armed with their weapons.

One of the magic users, smirked and said, "You have nowhere to run, Sixth Arcana! Surrender and we might consider your lives."

"You must be out of your mind! We will never surrender to the likes of you people. After what we have done to support and served under you to become where you are today. This is what we get in return?!" Aerohln sneered at them.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! You? Helped us? Don't think highly of yourselves. You are only humans like us, yet you all think you are superior to us. Don't make us laugh." Another magic user retorted in disgust.

"He is right! You did not do anything aside from bossing us around. It's about time you receive your punishments." One of the soldiers, said as he pointed his sword at Aerohln and Aeolia.

"But we never bossed anyone around! We did not do anything like that to you nor have the courage to hurt you." Aeolia reasoned out, on the verge of crying.



"You all should never have existed in the first place!"

"All of you should have died!"

Aerohln held tightly the hand of Aeolia like there was no tomorrow. Aeolia returned the gesture, reassuring each other. They both have come to understanding what is to come for them.

"If getting killed is the only other option, do it. Ungrateful humans should do the honour. I pray to the heavens to put shame on you one day!"

"Heavens? Ha! The reason for all of this is because the Heavens abandoned the likes of you! Damn Arcana, it is a great pleasure to kill the likes of you lot. Everyone, charge!" The magic user commanded his group of magic users to attack the Arcana duo with their specialized spells. The soldiers charged towards their targets with their weapons at hand.

When the spells casted by magic users and soldiers who were within radius around Aeolia and Aerohln, all soldiers were blown away and the casted spells were dismissed, which shocked the magic users.

"It is quite surprising to see my fellow humans to attack an arcana. Moreover, how dare you mongrels trespass and ruin the domain that my master wishes to keep from outsiders." A female voice spoke out of nowhere.

Aeolia's eyes widened as she recognized the owner of the voice. Aerohln squeezed her hand, as he felt relieved to hear that voice. The pursuers on the other hand, panicked. Some were frantically turning heads around the surroundings to find the source of that voice. Some tried to compose themselves but failed. One brave soldier decided to exclaimed, "Who's there?! Who the fuck is there?! Show yourself, damn Arcana!"

"Such filthy mouth coming from the same specie as I am? You have guts. You humans are foolish, never even recognizing my voice." The voice chuckled, "An Arcana? Me? What foolishness are you spouting? I am a human like you but I have been blessed with the highest mana and power. If you wish to show myself, then it's a pleasure to do so."

All of a sudden, strong breeze surrounded the atmosphere, creating a like a sphere, which it was not supposed to happen as they were still in the forest then strong wind and leaves followed soon, causing the still ablaze trees to extinguish, which scared half of the pursuers. Some were blown away; some of them were able to get a hold of themselves by holding tree branches, which were not ruined by the fire earlier. Others, including Aerohln and Aeolia covered their selves to protect themselves from the strong wind. The spherical ball of wind vanished and sudden light appeared along with a figure, wearing a long gown, like a magician's clothes under a magician's cloak and hat, that covered half of her face and her long strands of silver-lavender hair, floating in the air, in the middle of the forest.

"My name is Malinjinna, the strongest magic user among humans, with the highest mana graced by the heavens." She looked down to see the faces of the soldiers and took a glance below her, to see Aerohln and Aeolia covered in bruises, due to the branches and some of the casted spells that were able to hit them from their earlier pursuit. Malinjinna narrowed her eyes and summoned her weapon called "Vhreiya Elkeiona", a long magical staff that was the same size as a human with three symbolized crystals designed on each corner of the staff and a large diamond made of Obsidian at the center appeared.

"Oh shit! It's the witch." All the soldiers and magic users panicked.

"Insolent fools, it seems like you have guts to create a coup d'état against the Arcana? I do not wish to interfere but my master wishes that no harm will come to these Arcana you are pursuing. Hence, I have to make you vanish from this world."

Several elements appeared out of nowhere and attacked the pursuers. Some tried to fight off by using defensive spells but was useless when Malinjinna dispelled them and eliminated them in an instant. The soldiers who recovered from the strong wind, charged at Malinjinna but their blood suddenly splattered on the ground.

In a matter of not more than thirty (30) seconds since she appeared, the pursuers were annihilated.


The figure in a hood, gasped when it realized what just happened.

"A-annihilated…? Wha-? How…?

The figure growled, 'Malinjinna, you are just a mere human and yet, you are the closest to the First Arcana… you really are a threat to my plans but I cannot kill you or else…'

"Master, I have captured the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Arcana. What shall I do with them?" said one of the lackeys.

'Perfect timing.' The figure giggled.

'Don't do anything just yet, we will make use of them. Just be patient."

The lackey just nodded.

"Also, it's about time you showed up, Reveria. You can do what others cannot do and they will not hesitate in letting you in their domain. You are the FOOL, after all. The Arcana they trusted and at the same, the most feared one."

Reveria, the lackey, was wearing a brown dress shirt and a pair of black trousers, holding her weapon, "La Emprelia", a Battle Axe. Reveria nodded her head and quickly left to accomplish her quest.

The figure, who shall be called 'Master', smirked in glee. It cannot wait to see what would happen.




"A-Aestrellia and Reveria…why?"


Malinjinna escorted Aeolia and Aerohln to her headquarters, casted multiple layers of barrier around the place of two (2) thousand radius, to the point no one can detect where they were, including the other Arcana.

Aerohln placed the crying Aeolia to one of the wooden chairs that Malinjinna owned as Malinjinna served them tea through her magical faeries.

"I get the gist of what is happening at this moment but how did you two end up here in the forest? I am not really that surprised to see you both as you frequently visiting me. What surprised me is those idiots tailing you. So care to explain?

"W-we don't know how it all started, Malin. When we were visiting Fifth and Ninth Arcana, those humans you fought earlier, appeared out of nowhere a-and t-they started killing those that were loyal to us, even those who worshipped and serving under Fifth and Ninth Arcana…" Aeolia started to explain, whimpering as she trying hard to calm down.

Malinjinna frowned but kept her silence.

"We were not sure if some of them ever survived the attack. We never able to find out when Fifth and Ninth Arcana were killed in front of our eyes." Aerohln continued while comforting Aeolia, who was now crying hysterically.

Malinjinna's eyes widened at the revelation.

'They were killed…? It's impossible…'

Malinjinna stayed silent for a moment as she clutched her dress, trying to remain calm, especially at the time like this.

"We now became their targets as well. When we saw how they are now capable of killing an Arcana, we will be killed like how they killed Fifth and Ninth Arcana. All we can do is run away. You do acknowledged that Aeolia and I are not fighters. We exist to spread Love, not Hate." Aerohln said as he looked at Malinjinna, showing his distressed.

"I acknowledged the purpose of your existence. You are a special case among the Arcana that exist to spread love and blessings to the people, including family, friends and lovers alike. You are considered as 'The cupids." Hence, you are the Sixth Arcana – The Lovers."


"Because of the coup d'état, the hate escalated quickly than anticipated, if we are safe to assume. You are now powerless and not able to take control. Like you said, you are not fighters." Malinjinna stated before she stood up.

Aeolia looked at Malinjinna, she stopped crying at that moment.

"Malin, I have been thinking if we should go to Alkeiyana. She must know something…" Aeolia suggested as she maintained her gaze at the magic user.

"It is safe to assume that during this time, she will no longer be a help at all."

Both Aerohln and Aeolia looked alarmed at Malinjinna's statement.

"If I were the enemy and does not want anyone to be alarmed, she would be among the first ones to be eliminated. If my knowledge about her case as an Arcana, then that would be their course of action."


"W-what…? Why…? Verlinius, F-Fourth Arcana…?" Her soft voice spoke as she felt her chest pricked by the blade.

"I have no intentions from the start but you are a threat to our cause. With your intelligence and capabilities as an Arcana, we must eliminate you. Alkeiyana Regene Ghiopeto or should I say, Second Arcana – The High Priestess." Verlinius said with a cold tone, a tone that can made Alkeiyana shivered.

"E-eliminate me…? So that no one will know the truth of this so called treachery of yours?" Alkeiyana then hysterically laughed, despite the elegant appearance and blood on her chest.

"I do not see how this is amusing to you."

"I find it funny that you still not grasped the nature of our kind, Fourth Arcana – The Emperor, Verlinius Raphele Bellafield. Especially the nature of my existence. If eliminating me first means you will eliminate the others as well?"

"I have no intention of spilling the beans when you are on your deathbed, Second Arcana."

"I have the hunch that you will also get your hands on Malinjinna. After all, she was a disciple under the First Arcana."

"You really are a threat, and Malinjinna as well, but I would not be here if I do not know the nature of your existence, Alkeiyana. You have knowledge that even the person itself does not know, even the birth of the Arcana. Your intelligence is quite frightening. Malinjinna on the other hand, while I understand that she is human, she has something that we need to achieve our goal. We need her to maximize the manpower of every single magic users that are serving us and for the empire that we are striving to build for the past five years.

"Ahahahaha! I do not comprehend that you of all people, would be so greedy for power, to the point of killing your own kind? Verlinius, you really stoop this low?"


Alkeiyana stared at Verlinius with her now dulled pair of steel-blue eyes, "Pay heed to my warning, in the near future…"

Verlinius' eyes widened, alarmed as he pierced his sword deeper on Alkeiyana's chest.

"Malinjinna as a source of power? I wonder…"

Alkeiyana coughed out blood as she allowed her body be pierced even further as she closed the distance between her and the Fourth Arcana. She leaned towards Verlinius' right ear and whispered, "…even if you succeed binding Malinjinna, I do look forward on how you would keep her stay bound forever. I on the other hand, even on my last breath at this moment, your cruelty will still be passed down from generation to generation. And Malinjinna…"

Alkeiyana raised her right hand and placed it on Verlinius' forehead and the brightest light shone around them and vanished, including everything that occupied the room and Alkeiyana herself, leaving Verlinius standing with his raised sword in the air.

"…will make retributions, if ever she gets out."


"S-someone got to her…? What should we do now?!" Aeolia said as her eyes trembled in fear.

"The only possible thing I can think of at this moment is to fight and find out who is responsible for this. And I do have a hunch that an unfathomable opponent is behind this…"Aerohln said as he looked at Malinjinna.

"Then it is safe to assume that an Arcana is pretty much involved." Malinjinna concluded when someone knocked frantically on the door.

The trio got alerted at the sound of the wooden door.

"What is going on…?"Aeolia asked in a hushed tone.

"Get behind me Aeolia and Aerohln." Malinjinna said as the Arcana pair did as she said. Malinjinna narrowed her eyes as she opened the door with her magic, not moving from her position.

A person was panting as the door opened and whom they saw was someone they all knew…

"Gertude? What are you doing here?"

"Malinjinna, I have come to warn you that this place is not safe anymore. You must flee this place now!" Gertude said as soon as he recovered his breath.

But Malinjinna got alerted more than ever when she felt several presence within the radius of the place.

"Gertude, did you led an army here?" Malinjinna asked, quite calmed at the situation. Aerohln and Aeolia got alerted at that statement and stared at Gertude, uncertainty swimming into their eyes.

"No, I would never do that! Just like Aerohln and Aeolia, I was also running away from a pursuit. I heard that they eliminated Fifth and Ninth Arcana. I, being here, I have thought this place is the safest. I guess it is not safe anymore." Gertude raised his hands in the air, implicating that he had no intentions to do so.

"Not good…" Malinjinna muttered to herself, but Aerohln heard her.

"What do you mean, Malinjinna?" Aerohln asked the magic user.

"The moment Gertude entered, this place is already surrounded by an army. But from whom they were serving under, I have no conclusion yet. We have nowhere to run now."

"Malinjinna, is there any other course of action? The only I could think of is surrender ourselves. Maybe they would consider our lives." Gertude suggested as he looked at Malinjinna with a deeper meaning.

'Gertude…' Malinjinna narrowed her eyes at the opened door, where soldiers and magic users can be seen.

"If there is no other alternative course of action, then I have one in mind. My apologies in advance…" Malinjinna stated as the others looked at her, confused at the words she had said.

"What do you mean, Mali-?" Gertude asked but was blown away, out of the place Malinjinna was living in. The Sixth Arcana stared at the human, who has her weapon held by her right hand.

"Malinjinna…?" Aeolia wondered.

"Aerohln and Aeolia, I need you to get out of here. My assumptions seems to be right. I will follow right behind you. For now, I need to take things from here." Malinjinna said as she stared at Gertude who is standing at the door, bright violet eyes staring at them.

"I cannot allow you to do that, Malinjinna." Gertude said, dark aura surrounded his being.

"G-Gertude, what is the meaning of this?"

Gertude only smirked.

"You are a traitor, Gertude…?" Aerohln accused Gertude, who only shrugged.

'My top priority is the safety of these two. I will not let you lay a finger on them but first things first…"

Malinjinna raised her staff as she mumbled a spell.

"Ech, de Malinjinna den Zauberer, bezuele sech wann ech d'Element vum Feier aberuff, fir déi Plaz, déi ech sou léif halen, ze bremsen, all Elementer a wichteg Informatioun verschwannen laanscht d'Existenz vun der Plaz. Äntwert op mäi Ruff. Feier vun der Zerstéierung."

An element of fire suddenly appeared and in a matter of seconds, the place, including all the bottles with contents of variety of potions, medicines, herbs and books, were set ablaze.

This action itself, made everyone astonished. Gertude sneered at Malinjinna, "You must be crazy, Malinjinna!"

"Quit the pretense, Reveria. I should be asking you that."

Aerohln and Aeolia looked at Malinjinna then at Gertude, both thinking, 'What did she say…?'

'Gertude' smirked then a soft fog surrounded him, when it disappeared, appeared a woman with a battle axe. Aerohln and Aeolia stared at the woman, not believing what they were seeing.

"W-what's going on, Reveria? A-Are you really on their side…?" Aeolia asked softly, still in disbelief.

Reveria looked at Aeolia with her cold, violet eyes.

"I have no obligation to answer, Aeolia."

Aeolia's knees weakened and Aerohln supported her.

"Why, Reveria?"

Reveria ignored the question by turning her attention to Malinjinna, "Malinjinna, since when are you aware that I am not Gertude?"

Malinjinna spoke with an emotionless tone, "According to the faeries, Gertude died two days ago. So I assumed that you are the only one who can pretend as someone else. Reveria Prestiena Herpolis, Twenty-Second Arcana – The Fool. You are scarier than anticipated."

Reveria glared at Malinjinna, then smirked.

"Since my disguise has been discovered, I must say I did not like the outcome. You burned everything that First Arcana created and wrote. Foolish human!"

"My master was afraid that this would happen one day. So please, do not accuse me for doing the thing that my master wishes to happen."

Reveria sneered as she charged at Malinjinna, her battle axe ready to swing at her direction.

"I apologize in advance but I have no plans on fighting you."

Malinjinna along with the Sixth Arcana, disappeared when Reveria's battle axe reached a centimeters away but missed.

"Damn you, Malinjinna!" Reveria bolted out of the ablaze place and ordered all the soldiers to disperse and hunt those who have escaped.

'I will make sure to capture you, Malinjinna. I will see to it that will happen, by any means necessary.' Reveria thought as she too disperse.


Malinjinna, Aeolia and Aerohln were now out of the forest and were in the middle of a Greenfield, walking with caution.

"What are we going to do now, Malinjinna? You are now their target now. We apologize for involving you." Aerohln said as he walked behind Aeolia, who was behind Malinjinna.

"There is no reason for apologies. I do get the feeling I will be involved regardless. With the First Arcana, who has been missing for thirty years, all of them would assumed that I am the next Arcana. After all, I have Vhreiya Elkeiona in possession."

"For what reason though? It is unthinkable for Reveria to do this on her own." Aeolia commented.

"The only thing I can think of is… "

"World Domination. Is that what you wanted to say, Lady Malinjinna?"

Malinjinna, Aeolia and Aerohln turned their heads and saw Reveria, along with someone, a person wearing a white dress shirt with frills at the end of the sleeves and a pair of skinned-tight black pants. His wavy silver hair flowed along with the soft breeze.

Aeolia's eyes widened, not believing her eyes.


"Yes, Lady Aeolia?" Gertude's silky voice could be heard.

Aerohln glared at Gertude, "You and Reveria…? Traitors?"

Aerohln chuckled dryly.

Gertude only smiled, "A traitor, you say? Well, based from our actions then yes, you can say that."

"For what reason, Gertude?!" Aeolia exclaimed.

"Aeolia…" Gertude looked at Aeolia with a solemn expression swimming at the pair of grass green eyes but changed into a cold and heartless expression.

"Why…" Aeolia burst into tears.

"Aeolia, don't waste your tears over someone that you all deem as traitors now. I will see to it they won't lay a hand on you and Aerohln."

Aeolia and Aerohln, as well as Reveria and Gertude stared at Malinjinna, who just spoke.

"Don't be too confident of yourself, Lady Malinjinna. You are merely a human. You think you can win against me and Lady Reveria?" Gertude taunted the magic user.

"Malinjinna…"Aerohln whispered.

"Our objective is to retrieve you, Malinjinna. So if you surrender, I will see to it Aeolia and Aerohln will be spared." Reveria tried to negotiate.

"Lady Reveria…?' Gertude took a glance at his companion.

"For an Arcana, you are stupid. No one would believe your words after killing Fifth and Ninth Arcana. You think I did not know that Seventh, Eleventh and Sixteenth Arcana were also killed, by your hands?" Malinjinna said while she pulled Aeolia behind her as Aerohln stood beside Malinjinna, with his bow and arrow at hand.

"Theodolus, Xelinna and Lacresia, you are the ones who…?" Aerohln's eyes widened when he heard those names.

"Yes, we are the ones who killed them. There is nothing you can do about it, Lord Aerohln. You also don't need to look surprise. You guys will see each other soon." Gertude stated as he summoned his rapier and immediately charged at Aerohln, who was caught off-guard.

"AEROHLN!" Aeolia cried out her partner's name as Malinjinna protected Aeolia and herself from Reveria, who attacked as well.

"You asshole, Gertude! For what reason that you have to kill them!" Aerohln screamed as Gertude pinned him down, with the pointed blade of the rapier aligned at his chest in the air.

"World Domination."

"J-just for that, you have to kill them…?"

"Aerohln, you know nothing!"

"Your judgment is clouding, so much for being an Arcana of your nature, Gertude." Aerohln sneered.

"Farewell, Aerohln Perscival Fergonzuelo." Gertude coldly said as he pierced down his rapier to Aerohln's chest.

Aerohln screamed as his pair of green eyes begun to get dull.

Aeolia screamed when she saw Aerohln's body lying down, lifeless.

'I love you, Aeolia…I am sorry…' Aeolia heard the last words Aerohln left to her through her mind.

Gertude got up from Aerohln's body with his now bloodied rapier and charged at Aeolia, who was unguarded but was not able to put some damage when Malinjinna casted a spell of fire between Aeolia and Gertude.

Malinjinna seemed not to be tired but Gertude looked at Reveria, who was locked in a prison, which appeared out of nowhere.

"Malinjinna!" Reveria screamed as she tried to cut the down the metal with her battle axe.

Gertude immediately attacked Malinjinna, but Malinjinna disappeared and reappeared beside Aeolia, who was frozen on the ground.

"I have no time for this." Malinjinna took Aeolia's hand before casting a spell, making them disappeared.

Reveria continued to scream while Gertude clenched his hands, frustrated for not able to capture their target.


'What an exceptional one, Malinjinna. Firstly, you broke Reveria's disguise, just like that? Next, you have powers that are on par with two Arcana? Just what the hell did the First Arcana taught you…?'

"Master" looked at the captured hostages, "It's show time, girls."

"Master" disappeared, along with the three hostages.


"A-Aerohln…" Aeolia broke down.

"There is no time for this, Aeolia. We need to get out of here." Malinjinna said as she dragged Aeolia along the road, somewhere in the middle green field.

"You can leave me, Malin… I have no reason to live now. Aerohln is dead…"

"Don't be stupid, Aeolia! You will survive. I am going to make sure of that."

"Why can't you understand, Malinjinna?! What use could I have now that my other half is gone?" Aeolia screamed at Malinjinna.

What Aeolia received was a slap from her human companion.


"Aeolia Serafina La Cortessa, you are still an Arcana and not a human like me. Remember that."

Aeolia's eyes widened in realization.

"B-but what can I do? I am useless…"

"Are you now? I don't think so. You surviving this means a lot to everyone in your kind. Before my master disappeared, some of the Arcana did disappear. If I recall what my master said, it was after the death of Third Arcana."

"But there is no assurance if they are alive, Malin…"

"Aren't you the Arcana of Hope? You should hope for a miracle at the time like this."

"It is quite foolish of you to make belief of such, human."

Malinjinna narrowed her eyes as she noticed a figure wearing a hood, along with three other people, that looked like hostages, which the magic user recognize based from their profile.

Aeolia's eyes quivered in fear as she turned her head to see someone she never expected to see.


"It's been a while, Aeolia." Aestrellia's voice were soft and feminine but at the same time, intimidating.

"So… the supposedly dead Arcana is the instigator of this rebellion?" Malinjinna asked out of the blue.

"Hahahaha! Me? An instigator? I orchestrated everything. What are you going to do? Stop me?"

Aeolia collapsed on the ground as Malinjinna stepped in front of the former.

"Why…?" Aeolia asked in a soft yet tired voice. Aestrellia seemed to hear it.

"I believe Gertude already answered. It's for World Domination."

"That's not what I wanted to hear, Aestrellia!"

"You meant 'why I killed most of our kind?' Simple, they are too soft on humans, just like the First Arcana taking on an apprentice whose powers are now on par with an Arcana. It's quite threatening, like now. I have to do something for those with potential threats like Malinjinna. It's for the best." Aestrellia answered.

"Am I now a threat? For what? Not succumbing to your wishes. I'm quite grateful for the warning that Second Arcana sent to me." Malinjinna smiled, hiding multiple meanings with it.

"She did? But that is impossible. She is already dead when we started our pursuit to capture you."

"By whom?"

"Fourth Arcana."

"H-he's also…"

"Of course, Aeolia. Did you not know that The Empress and The Emperor existed, so that they are always together to rule the world?"

"What…? That's…"Malinjinna cut off Aeolia's sentence by asking the one she wanted to say, "Lunareiya, Sollario and Estrella, do you really have to capture them for my sake?"

"Of course. If you care about Aeolia and Aerohln that much, it would be the same for these three. Am I right?" Aestrellia smirked.

Malinjinna stared at the three captured Arcana as one of them were already on the verge of crying; another one on the verge of losing hope; the last one out of three, looked ready to die anytime.

"You are degrading them as an Arcana if you think a mere human like me is all that will took to save them. Aestrellia, as much as I do care about them, they all look like they do not want to be saved by me. Sollario and Lunareiya already knew themselves that I am not a person who can save them. Are you sure you can use them against me?"

Aestrellia smiled cruelly as she clutched the chin of Estrella, who was already in tears.

"Estrella!" Sollario and Lunareiya screamed, alarmed.

"Malinjinna, to think that you of all humans, have the guts to fight me, an Arcana. It's beyond my comprehension to think."

"It's also beyond my comprehension to think that you are all important. When in reality, Alkeiyana is more formidable in terms of intelligence than you, Third Arcana – The Empress, Aestrellia Leile Formata."


"How dare you insult Lady Aestrellia that way, you insolent scum!" Gertude appeared out of nowhere and attacked Malinjinna, who countered with her magic staff.

"Gertude, it seems you really clouded your judgment. I pity those underlings called 'Wheels of Fortune' in which my master entrusted to you." Malinjinna taunted and Gertude was enraged and immediately swung his rapier and was able to hit Malinjinna on her side.

"Malinjinna!' Aeolia screamed when she saw blood flowing out of Malinjinna's side.

'Malinjinna… I'm sorry I am too useless…'

"You really are useless, Aeolia. You have no dignity as an Arcana when you always go behind Malinjinna as a form of human shield." Aeolia looked up and saw Reveria smiling at her, bloodthirst swimming at the pair of violet eyes.

"R-Reveria…?" Aeolia stuttered, especially when Reveria placed her battle axe against her neck.

"Malinjinna, if you really do care about the Arcana that your beloved master really wanted to protect, I suggest you stop now."

Malinjinna immediately took a glance and saw Aeolia having her neck on the verge of being cut off by Reveria's battle axe.

Malinjinna's eyes losses focused when she saw the predicament at that moment. She immediately looked at the other side which Aestrellia have Estrella in her grasp with a dagger pressed against Estrella's neck.

"Malinjinna, what's it going to be? Surrender or we'll kill all of them?"

"Aestrellia, you really…" Malinjinna sneered as Gertude pointed the tip of his bloody rapier at Malinjinna's face.

"It seems I need to show an example that I am actually serious."

Sollario, Aeolia and Lunareiya's eyes were widened in horror as Aestrellia slit Estrella's neck and blood oozed out as the dead body of Estrella dropped to the ground.

Gertude's expression was dull while Reveria flinched slightly. Reveria then looked at Aeolia, who was shaking in fear, she then looked at Malinjinna who was on her knees and she saw something unusual about Malinjinna.

Gertude and Aestrellia seemed to notice as they both looked at Malinjinna.

Sollario and Lunareiya felt something and took notice of Malinjinna's trembling body and an unusual aura surrounding her. When both Arcana looked into the eyes of the magic user, they both looked at each other silently before closing their eyes, as if they finally gave up.

Aeolia nearly fainted when she saw her fellow Arcana already giving up and sobbed in despair when both Sollario and Lunareiya's body fell down on the ground, which alarmed Gertude and Aestrellia who were near them.

Reveria let go of Aeolia and rushed immediately to Aestrellia's side, leaving Aeolia alone, unharmed.

The soldiers and magic users appeared from the forest side to help with the pursuit but stopped to protect themselves with their weapons when a flash of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Aestrellia, Gertude and Reveria uncovered their eyes once the light vanished and saw that only Malinjinna standing. No signs of Aeolia, Sollario and Lunareiya. Even the dead body of Estrella has vanished.

Reveria and Gertude got alerted and placed their selves in front of Aestrellia, as protection. When the soldiers and magic users recovered from the light, they also positioned themselves to protect their leader.

"Lady Aestrellia!"

"Stay alert." Aestrellia commanded as she stared at the now standing Malinjinna.

Every Arcana noticed the changes on the magic user. The blood stopped flowing and her eyes turned from lavender-like shade into bloody red. They also felt a change in her aura. Reveria and Gertude felt a chill down their spines. Aestrellia narrowed her eyes, being cautious of what the human will do.

"Ech, de Malinjinna Fersuelenza, de Magier, bezuele sech wann ech d'Kraaft ruffen fir d'Mënschheet, d'ganz Natur an d'Welt selwer ze zerstéieren. Zerstéiert alles wat meng Aen ugeet. Ech ruffen Iech, Schwaarzt Lach vun der Näischt!"

A small black sphere appeared from the sky. Aestrellia's eyes widened as she stared at the black sphere expanding at fast pace.

Gertude's eyes was shaken, not believing what he was seeing. Reveria on the other hand, commented openly, "H-how did she know this spell…?"

Malinjinna suddenly moved then she was now in front of Reveria and Gertude and all of a sudden, the both of them were blown away from Aestrellia.

Aestrellia got alerted when the point of the dagger was pressed against her neck. She looked and saw the bloody red shade of eyes, glaring at her.


Malinjinna did not say a word and continues to press the dagger until blood started to flow down from Aestrellia's neck as the black sphere expands larger and larger.

Soldiers ran away to safety. Magic users casted spells to prevent the black sphere from expanding but failed.

When the black sphere almost reaching the green large trees, it suddenly vanished. Aestrellia noticed that blood started to flow from Malinjinna's chest as a sword pierced in it.

"Lord Verlinius…" Reveria uttered as she sighed in relief that their lives has been spared.

Verlinius nodded his head then he pulled out his sword from Malinjinna, who fell down on the ground as blood splattered out.


"My apologies, but I cannot fathom the casualty that you can cause if that continues, Lady Malinjinna. I had to do something or you will make our cause useless." Verlinius said as he kneeled down on one knee to grab Malinjinna's hair up.

"Gertude, use your power. She needs to be contained or else, she will be dead before we even make use of her powers." Verlinius commanded Gertude and the latter, did as what he was told and casted a spell on Malinjinna.

Malinjinna's body became inanimate, the blood that was supposed to be splattering out, also stopped. As if the person herself was dead.

"Romius, Sarona, take her away. Reveria, lead them to our new place. Make sure to have all the magic users to create a strong barrier around her, so that no one will notice about her disappearance."

"What about the remaining Arcana, Aeolia Serafina La Cortessa, the half of Sixth Arcana – The Lovers, my lord? Same goes for Sollario and Lunareiya. I would like to assume that you would not let them get away." Aestrellia stated as she stared at Verlinius.

"Gertude, command a search party for Aeolia, Sollario and Lunareiya. We need to make sure that they will be perished or else."

"Yes, my lord. I will do it immediately. Please excuse me." Gertude then walked away.

"My lord…"

"Rest assured, my lady. Our goal will soon be achieved."

"Of course."

Verlinius looked up at the sky and noticed an abnormality. His eyes shaken at what he saw but did not raised it to the Empress.



Aeolia was laying down on the frosty ground. Snow was falling as her tears started to shed from the corner of her eyes.

"Aerohln, Estrella, Presto…hic… Herlexis…Alkeiyana…, Sollario, Lunareiya… Theodolus… hic… Xelinna… Lacresia…hic… hic… hic… Malinjinna….why?" Aeolia sobbed as she mentioned all the names that she hold so dear.

"Do I really… have the reason… to live? I am so useless… just like Reveria said…"

"I wish…"




"I have died…." Aeolia pulled out something from her pocket. It's a small bottle of some sort. She opened the cap and she closed her eyes as she put the lid of the bottle at her lips and drank what was inside.

She threw the bottle away from her without opening her eyes as she remained lying down.

She started to cough out blood after a few minutes of remaining motionless. She let herself cough and cough until her breath became short until she no longer breathes.




"It seems I was too late."


1. “Ech, de Malinjinna den Zauberer, bezuele sech wann ech d'Element vum Feier aberuff, fir déi Plaz, déi ech sou léif halen, ze bremsen, all Elementer a wichteg Informatioun verschwannen laanscht d'Existenz vun der Plaz. Äntwert op mäi Ruff. Feier vun der Zerstéierung” = “I, Malinjinna the Magician, pay heed as I summon the element of fire to set ablaze the place I hold so dear, all items and important information be vanished along the existence of the place. Answer my call. Fire of Destruction”

2. “Ech, de Malinjinna Fersuelenza, de Magier, bezuele sech wann ech d'Kraaft ruffen fir d'Mënschheet, d'ganz Natur an d'Welt selwer ze zerstéieren. Zerstéiert alles wat meng Aen ugeet. Ech ruffen Iech, Schwaarzt Lach vun der Näischt!” – “I, Malinjinna Fersuelenza, the Magician, pay heed as I summon the power to destroy all humankind, all nature and the world itself. Destroy everything that sets my eyes on. I summon you, Black hole of nothingness!”

Kaiianne18creators' thoughts