
Arcana Compendium master

funnygrunt11 · ゲーム
7 Chs

Pulling Mordo

Thank you Lonnie_Barre for the stones!


Fury looked at Mordo who was watching and exhaled before coming over. He gave a look at her before muttering, "excuse us," He then grabbed Kurama by the arm and walked further away so, they couldn't hear, "What are you doing?"

Kurama said, "Before you send me into timeout, I have a reason to do this; a couple reasons actually." She massaged her arm seeing a displeased look on his face. She pouted, "First, I don't trust spies or governments. I however, trust you and your people to do what it takes to fulfill your role."

He said, "The second reason, I was dragged into this? You said there was a couple of reasons ."

She looked kind of embarrassed as two blue flames showed two fox ears that were dropped as she tried to look cute, "The second reason was to get that guy off my back. I don't like being under others...especially smart idiots."

She saw a look and said, "Trust me, it's a thing...I lived with one for years. The girl was a genius at anything science or tech related but, would be way into a scary game and at night forced me to sing lullabies to her and the hitter of our group check the closet, vents, her shop next door and under her bed for a creature called 'Pinky'...Pinky is roughly the size of a trueno. After a while, we had to ban all scary games or movies in the base because of that."

He was surprised at that story and asked, "So, why isn't Liara coming out? I am pretty sure your otherself wants to be in control of her body at some point."

Kurama said helplessly, "I am trying to give her a history lesson however, she is currently salivating over the prospect of being able to contract with and turn into very powerful beings in the future and lamenting that she can't use it against those 'Stubborn donkeys and greedy pigs' back home. It's like she found a new toy that she can't play with."

Mordo nodded, "So, other than me having your back when you work...do I get something for my labor? You did say that to get something, you have to give something."

Kurama chuckled, "Hmm, that is the law of the omniverse. Don't worry, I won't make you work for nothing. If it really is dealing with that place, I will be able to give you some good loot and who knows, it may help your martial brothers and sisters if you use it properly."

He thought for a bit, "Fine, I agree but if you go against your word or pull me into politics."

Kurama interrupted, "We have our rules and I would never pull you or your sect into that type of pit. I want you guys to work for me in case I have some gig that goes more so, into your territory."

Mordo said, "You also have to tell me about 'that place', who your otherself meant by contract and who the 'Stubborn donkeys and Greedy pigs' are." He was curious about a lot of things she had talked about.

Kurama stretched her back and said, "Seeing as we are in the same business, I can only say some stuff about it...but, not now. I don't know if that One eyed idiot is trying to listen in or read our lips and I don't want anyone trying to find a way to go that dangerous and weird place."

Mordo asked, "Is that place weird? I get from what you told Master that it was dangerous but, weird."

She said, "The layout and mechanics of that place often changes so, it can be easy to get lost and swarmed by the inhabitants there if you aren't careful. Last time I went over there, a school had turned into a castle and a really crappy chateau turned into this really gaudy art museum. The time before that, a town turned into a peaceful meadow...see what I mean?"

Mordo nodded as they walked back, "Yeah, I can call that weird." Fury looked at them and had tried to get information but, couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Clint said, "So, he's going to help you save the kid?" He looked at Mordo and saw that he was a monk.

Kurama said, "Dealing with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome can be really delicate and dangerous for me so, I have to have him as an assistant. Especially when, I am not sure of the cause."

Fury asked, "Does it have many causes?" He hadn't heard of this syndrome before so, he needed information.

Kurama said, "Yes, two that I know of are supernatural related and the other being more people wanting to stay in a certain dream or memory. I knew an old sniper that had went into a coma for weeks because he wanted to be with his dead wife and daughter or God wanted him to learn something."

She said as she saw each guy with a surprised look, "I maybe a fox spirit but, that doesn't mean that I am not religious or respectful to other religions. Well all but, the stupid ones like Scientology or the cults who think a fiction book is real. Besides, I have met and battled plenty of Kami and Mozu tribe back in the day. I even had ice cream with Izanami once." She looked quite proud at that.

Clint said, "Hold up, your a fox spirit as in..." He was dumbfounded that he was talking to a supernatural being.

Kurama said, "A kitsune, Inari or trickster and I never lied since, I got here. I do think you are a good man and Fury is an idiot who takes on more than he is qualified for."