
Arc of Olympus

Me:Oh no jaune gets abandoned again but what's the twist this time hmm, I wonder what would happen if became a God

slyslick · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Savitar, the God of Speed, and this is how I became the fastest being in the multiverse. But you would know me by a different name..

Jaune Arc. The infamous Fake of Beacon, leader of Team JNPR (Juniper). Former member of JNPR (Juniper). Former member of the Arc Family.

Brother of Seven Sisters, son of Jacquez Arc and Penelope Arc-Uzumaki, cousin of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Son of Amaterasu and Izanagi. As I mentioned earlier, this is my life journey to becoming the fastest.

*Two days ago*

[Ruby] crying, Jaune, is it true? Please tell me it's not true... I'm begging you, please tell me it's not true.

[Jaune]: Ruby... I'm... I'm sorry, but it's true, I faked my way into Beacon to become a Huntsman, but I fabricated my credentials to gain admission to Beacon Academy. I did this out of a strong desire to honor my family's legacy as skilled warriors. It was clear that I am deeply committed to becoming a proficient fighter like my loved ones and making them proud.

but Ruby doesn't hear him and runs off crying because her first friend turned out to be a fraud. Jaune stopped and looked shocked and guilty as Ruby ran away from him

Jaune is guilty, sad, and frustrated, and she's gone. Good job Jaune, you just lost one of your only friends.

A/N: Play Lost in Five-Fold.

Yang, furious, says stay away from my sister or I'll kill you. then Proceeds to punch Jaune in the face and gut, then storms off to find Ruby. Weiss who is also furious says I always knew you weren't meant to be here, Blake was silent.

[Ren]: You could have gotten Nora killed using his Aura and Punched Jaune's face.[Nora] crying, fearless leader, how could you run away?

[Jaune]: Nora, wait, please...

[Pyrrha]: I hate you, you shouldn't have come here she says as she walks off. Jaune is surprised and hurt that Pyrrha said that, [Jaune]: Pyrrha if you would just let me explain...you were the one I told this already, Why are you acting like this now? I don't understand.

Jaune looks down, crying.

[Ozpin]: Jaune, I'm sorry, but by orders of the Council and your parents, you are disowned and banned from all Huntsman Academies. And thus, I am afraid I must expel you from Beacon Academy and forbid you from talking to your sisters from now on.

And your parents demand that you return home to them, Jaune, broken, says it's okay Professor, I understand.

Jaune Gives Ozpin the sword and shield and walks away to pack his bags to leave Beacon Academy vowing to never come back again, and thus my journey in becoming savitor had begun.