
The pure toothless smile of the baby made eco get mesmerized.....

Aranyani tried to push hard but the baby was not responding like the first baby ,like the one who just came out had given her some hints that he was trying and making efforts to come out ....

Aranyani, for the fear that it will be harm the baby if she delayed in hee efforts tried very hard , didn't rested for a second she thought if she delayesd it may harm the baby, she was continously pushing hard, and hard, sweat was dripping all over her body......

Her painful shouts were ear piercing.......

Eco couldn't see her in pain......

Aru, after this no more babies, said eco coldly.......

Aranyani who was in pain moved her head in disapproval........

You, beastly monster iam in so much pain and your making me sad, i want more babies........

Aru, it's final, no more babies.....

urg, ouch, ouch ouch, pain, coco coax the baby to come out, this one is only active when you caox him...........
