
Second child finally cried.....

Aranyani smiled sweetly listening to the cries of the little cute suprise packet and closed her eyes in exhaustion.......

Even though she closed her eyes ,she was worried about the second child had not cried , she also desperately wanted to know the gender of the third child......

She tried her best to know but the fatigue and all the tension all this days and her depression for eco's coma all made her weak and she couldn't take it anymore as her eyes became heavier and heavier, she desperately wanted to know the third child gender, she tried hard to ask eco whomwas watching her and was asking her something, worry wqs written all over his face but her body didn't cooperated with her ,she hoped that the child is definitely a girl , she knows very well how his coco always wanted to have a beautiful daughter........

The miniature version of her, he always said that he wanted a little aru with some of eco's features and his habits......