
My little sweet suprise pie......

Eco was happy as well as worried regarding aranyani, it's not easy to have three children at the same time the pain she need to endure it becomes more and his heart ached a lot for her pain......

Yes, there was a another child ,zywie had clearly seen the head coming out........

Eco, who was having a mixed feeling wanted to prepare aranyani for one more child birth.........

Baby, listen to me carefully......

Aranyani who was having pain, was not able to concentrate on eco words........

My sweet wife aru, my baby, we have one more child ,you have triplets ........

Aranyani who was in pain jumped in joy, she holded eco's hand and asked excitedly.......

Coco, is it one more child......

Yes, you have one more child aru, so before he could complete his words he heqrd aranyani's joyful tone........

My little sweet suprise pie, mommy welcomes you, iam so happy, so, so happy......