
It was really a deadly brutal attack.

Aru you first calm down ,than i will say you everything in detail........

She turned her head saw eco.......

She clearly saw sadness and care in his eyes........

She silently went near her mom and caressed her face lovingly..........

She peeked under the bedsheet and saw many wound, the most terrifying was the wound near her chest........

Her tears couldn't stop her heart ached tremendously but she didn't wanted to sob or cry which will makes her mother sad and add more suffering to her pathetic state.........

She ran out of the cave speedily.............

The nature might have also know her sadness too, it was lightning and thundering with heavy rain and big ,big raindroplets were hitting the ground harshly............

She ran as fast as she could and reached a cliff and shouted loudly, mother you can't do this to me.........

Come back, i won't forgive you ,if you don't come back............

You must come back, that's final........