
Hoo, so you care for me aru....

Aranyani sat at the lake in tje backyard, deep in her thoughts on how to run back to ru dynasty...........

Eco sat beside her but she didn't realized it........

Thinking of a way to run back to ru dynasty without informing me, asked eco teasingly........

Aranyani was shocked and asked how do you know about that.......

Ho, so you agree to it said eco with a dangerous smirk..........

Aranyani got goosebumps all over her body seeing his smirk.........

She really was caught red handed by him by asking so...........

she called him very softly to make him cool so that he can agree for her to go to ru dyansty........

Coco, i am thinking of a way to discuss with you, don't get angry on me,okay........

well, tomorrow we are leaving for ru dynasty together , be ready and don't even think that you can go alone there, i don't agree to it........