
Grand wedding of eco and aranyani

Aranyani was not able to sleep last night but her mother who knows aranyani very well had accompanied her daughter for sleep and coaxed her to sleep and threated her if she doesn't take her beauty sleep she will be a ugly bride,under her mother threat aranyani slept well.............

Mother iris woke up aranyani at six in the early morning and washed her tresses ans helped her in taking her bath by herself she felt very relucant to give away her daughter but she can't keep her for long time she knowas this fact very well..........

Aranyani was dressed in a pure white gown which was embedded with crushed diamonds shimmering and shining elegantly.........

she looked so pure and beautiful......

After getting ready olivia grenville came to see aranyani and said lovingly, you look best my darling, not because of the dress but you wear my son love and its the most beautiful dress on your skin........

aranyani blushed and said thank you hugging olivia grenville.........