
Eco admiring aranyani's attack

when eco reached near aranyani,she was bowing in front of snowy with lot of admiration in her eyes.........

blacky got jeolous and was winning saying that i too didn't make any sound when i was attacked previously..........

Aranyani laughed at blacky's words and went near it and tapped its head and said,without you i would have not know about the attack blacky,you whinned loudly than i attacked quickly ,said aranyani comforting blacky.........

Eco was still in loss ,his mind was reapeating the scence where aranyani attacked the unknown man with her arrows ,which was an extra ordinary attack,a simple girl who looks fragile had such a inner energy and her attack was deadly,no one can escape death on too of it she didn't gave anytime to a person to counter attack..........

Eco was admiring aranyani's attack whole heartedly!!!

Meanwhile they were again fifty more people who were attacking eco again...........