
Aranyani stealing mother Olivia's letter.

stop ,said eco loudly......

Aranyani was so frightened that she stood still and didn't made any movements......

Eco came near to her and said,you didn't said me ,where are you going out.........

Ha,ha,hmm,hmmm,yes yes i I.. I am going to the waterfalls said aranyani stammeringly.......

Eco knows about the waterfalls in the forest,he was planning to take aranyani there this morning, but she found the waterfalls by herself,it shocked eco,because the waterfalls are deep inside the forest and makes very less sound,compare to the waterfalls in Ru dynasty.........

okay,iam accompanying you there,as I heard there are many deadly poisonous pythons reside near the waterfall.......

Aranyani said iam not afraid of them,you you can rest assured.......

eco felt weird in aranyani's talk,she was really frightened by him,he really hoped that she was strong just how domineeringly she attacked him before ,she behaved with hope that she had strong backing,now she lost it.......