
Aranyani entering the cave where iris ru is getting treated.

Aranyani followed pintu and ran so speedily that her life depends on how fast she run's........

Soon there she saw blacky who was ready to take her ,where ever she wants to go........

Without a second delay, she hopped on blacky and slached tha reins to fasten balcky speed.........

soon she reached near the cave where iris ru was present.............

yes, pintu had said the whereabouts of iris ru to aranyani..........

At the entrance hopper was present, seeing aranyani it didn't had the guts to face her and it hidden at the corner ,it wished aranyani should not enter the cave, but it was helpless on how to stop her............

It was wishing for the arrival of eco, so that he can stop aranyani seeing iris ru in such a condition.........

Aranyani soon entered the cave, but was stopped by a elderly man named wong........