
Aranyani's thoughts, eco's selfish conditions on pluffy.

Eco left aranyani room, leaving her alone to think for a while......

Aranyani's thoughts, Do I trust such creature, mother said they are monsters, without any strong reason why will she say me there are dangerous, she is my mother and what ever she says, it's for my goodness........

Mother can I trust him, no, I should not trust him simply, I need to conduct tests, see what kind of danger he hidden behind me ,mother mentioned them dangerous among all, I can't agree blindly with two to three incidents right........

Iam sharp, even humpty act lovey dovey when he want something from me, than why is this monster planning?, what he will gain ,me knowing his world.......

I can't act recklessly, yes I will keep my mintu and pintu on spying, I will see for ten days what this monster intentions are, than I will think of his three conditions, which I swear I didn't understood a single word............