
Aranyani's change in food preference......

It was sixth month of aranyani pregnancy and her taste for food completely changed......

ho, hubby i want spicy ,crispy and crunchy potato platters.......

Hubby, i want spicy panner gravy ......

Hubby, i want spicy greenchillies pickle with hot rice......

Eco couldn't do anything other than fulfilling all of aranyani's wished.......

He thought he was going to get a sweet little daughter but aranyani's food preferences made him feel at loss......

May be one boy and one girl, first food preferences demanded by a baby girl and at present may be a boy,thought eco innerly........

The yash dynasty had been silent this long , actually the one who were ready to attack anytime became too silent for such a long period of time which made eco worry a lot......

He gave instructions to his secret guards to keep an eye on any new citizens who entered grenville dynasty recently.......