Whatever it is. Can you believe this? Even at the end of the tunnel, there is a way, but it is not sure that it is the right one, and the future, be that as it may, in this life or the birth of a god? Or is it just our imagination playing with us? Or not?
Boy: - Mizeya! Do you hear me?
This is a relatively pleasant but very familiar feeling, wait, I'm dreaming again, whose voice is this?
Mizeya: - Who is it?
I see the boy standing on the top of a castle, scanning the overcast black sky completely to himself.
I tried to climb up, but it's completely pointless, this is my dream, I just want to be able to go there if I just imagine myself there. I close my eyes with a small but subtle movement, and when I open them, I'm already in front of the boy.
Mizeya: - Is that you?
Boy: - This might be our last meeting, so listen carefully to every single thing I want to say.
As the boy began his speech on top of the dream castle, it started to rain, it just poured without stopping, as if someone was crying, the sky?
The mysterious boy comes closer, but now I can see his whole face, sharp, precise. I looked back into his eyes and was amazed for a short time that the boy looked so familiar as if I had seen him somewhere, up close.
If I had to describe his appearance, I would say that he is a young knight with long silver-white hair and shining blue eyes that look deep into my soul, seeing through everything, no matter what I say.
Mizeya: - So this will be the last time you will appear.
Boy: - Only in your dreams I won't be appearing again. Listen, you need to know something about the kingdom of Tirinia.
It's Tirinia, it's Tirinia, it's Tirinia again, why does everything always have to be about this kingdom? Is this why I'm here?
Boy: - Do you know which dog tends to bite? What is it?
Why are you asking me this now?
Mizeya: - Which one?
Boy: - What is harmless, easy to manipulate, and who takes advantage of this?
Why are you asking me these things? This makes no sense, absolutely nothing.
Mizeya: - Now we're going to talk or you're just going to continue your meaningless monologues?
Boy: - Those who have the power to control them.
Mizeya: - And who has such power?
Boy: - Those who are not bound by the rules, just do their job, even if they encounter obstacles, they will not deviate or replace them with an easier path of their choice.
My head hurts a bit from all the guesswork, but I let the boy tell me what he intended, is this just my last dream, or not yet?
Boy: - The beaten dogs of society who rule this entire kingdom must pay, at any cost, grab any means or help, but whatever method you use, it must be successful.
"Telepathic Communication"
Faina: - I feel another soul nearby, be careful.
Mizeya: - How can you be here in my dream?
Faina: - Silly, remember that we are almost one, and this dream is not ordinary anyway, you were sent here, and so was I.
Has Faina even seen my dream? This is strange, maybe it's not even a dream.
Boy: - I see the confusion on your face, you don't have to be afraid of me and it's a dream, I'm 100% sure of that, don't worry.
Mizeya didn't know this yet, but Faina lives in the mark on his right arm, thanks to their souls connected, they became one.
Mizeya: - And why are you telling me this?
Boy: - Because only you can take my place when I'm gone. Mizeya, this world is not what it seems, people are not as simple as you think. Many weak but brave souls have already tried to change their fate, but they all failed one by one. You too, like me, have walked under the influence of terrifyingly powerful forces, but once you will see clearly, you will realize that, like a kingdom, it can be completely different from what we thought and committed ourselves to, we chained ourselves, only an alleged thanks to an idea, hope or obligation.
Mizeya: - Does this have anything to do with Tirinia?
Boy: - Not only for Tirinia but for the whole world. Every single bad thing or belief has acted, it was caused by only one thing, because of FEELINGS, it doesn't matter what we feel, it depends on every person, everything is the cause and our biggest enemy, our feelings, if it didn't exist, only peace would wait upon us, an ultra peace.
As I'm talking to Mizeya, all of a sudden some liquid gets into my eyes, I tried to rub it out of my eyes, but it just keeps multiplying, gathering, and trickling, endlessly, straight down my face.
Boy: - It's the rain, would I be so sad?
Mizeya: - Are you sad?
I asked the boy in my dream, maybe it was his dream, I think he called me in his dream, suspicious.
Boy: - How old are you? What is it on my face?
Mizeya: - I'm 14 years old.
The boy wipes his eyes with a tearful smile.
Boy: - That's enough, fine.
Mizeya: - What about Tirinia then?
Boy: - Oh, of course, I forgot that's why I called you here, that crazy kingdom, just be careful until you meet me.
Mizeya: - How will I meet you? You're alive?
The boy in the dream looked at Mizeya strangely, as this is clear after what he did for him.
Boy: - Hahaha, did you think I was dead? Don't you remember our first dream? When I gave you that sword.
Mizeya: - Turning to that sword, they said it wasn't quite finished.
Boy: - It's still nice since it was only 10% of my strength, but as I can see from your behavior, it didn't surprise you, so do you already have your weapon?
Mizeya: - Do I look so weak? Even without your help, I managed to get a very nice and sharp weapon. Dream weapon summon.
I summoned my sword with that, but the boy just attacked me and took my sword out of my hand.
Boy: - Not a bad kid, would you like to duel?
Mizeya: - Can you fight even in your dream?
The boy swings his arm and then splits the clouds in the sky, they split exactly in two.
Boy: - Did you see it? You can do anything here.
Mizeya: - I understand.
Boy: - Speaking of which, don't you have a crush on that elf girl? What you saw in our very first dream is a true beauty.
Mizeya: - For an elf girl?
I saw that girl, but only just something, she was moving so terrifyingly fast that I could almost only feel her ears and the air she was pulling behind her, I know it's a bit strange that I felt the air in my dream, but maybe I was imagining it...
Elf girl: - Beauty, seriously?
I was shocked, the girl appearing in front of the boy, with her half-colored eyes and beautiful long white hair, was looking right into my eyes.
Elf girl: - Good evening, Mizeya.
How do you know my name? I never told her, was it the boy? That's for sure.
Mizeya: - Good evening to you too and nice to meet you, but how do you know my name?
Elf girl: - RI... This donkey told me.
The girl pointed to the boy, who was just lying on the roof of the castle and the damned rain, which soaked his knightly clothes.
Boy: - Show some respect, pumpkin seed.
Elf girl: - Who are you calling a pumpkin seed, come here, I'll take care of your problems now.
They started pulling each other's ears and bickering like two children.
Mizeya: - I'm sorry, but I'm still here, if I bother you so much, I can leave...
Boy: - No need, this lady is just a bit hot-headed, don't bother with her. Where did I keep it? The duel, then are you prepared?
Mizeya: - I'm always ready.
Boy: - Come to Abigail to my hand, Soul Pour - First form: Abigail's sword.
How can this be? The elf girl has now transformed into the sword in his hand.
Boy: - You know who Soul Holders are?
Mizeya: - I've heard about them, the acquired soul that they can control or manipulate, but as I know, there is a condition that you have to be at least 18 years old.
Boy: - Correct.