Whatever it is. Can you believe this? Even at the end of the tunnel, there is a way, but it is not sure that it is the right one, and the future, be that as it may, in this life or the birth of a god? Or is it just our imagination playing with us? Or not?
She catches a glimpse of my face, that beautiful young girl, Harlot, my whole face is swimming in blood, I've never enjoyed a fight so much before, I think, and then she stares at the huge head in my right hand.
Harlot: - I see you weren't bored.
Mizeya: - Thank you for waiting.
My unsteady, trembling steps, which try to imitate an almost immediate collapse from fatigue, a small breath of wind is enough and my tenaciously held position collapses, like a hopelessly weak castle that everyone just wants to knock down.
Harlot: - Mizeya!
The girl said, worried about my physical health, but my chin was placed on the shoulder of a large figure, then my whole body weight, I can finally relax, and my strained body falls on the shoulder of the familiar figure like the fluff of a feather.
Eudemon: - You're not a kid.
This soft, delicate feeling, I can never forget it, so I lay on the bed in the corner of my room, I feel it, I mean I can make it more certain, I look around and then I see the clock on the wall and its exact time value, I think it's time to finally get up, I think I have rested enough, I stand up and only the movement of my eyes followed the convulsive steps of my legs, the memory images of what happened in the cave and this cruel muscle pain, which fills me with the feeling as if a thousand needles are being inserted into me, are circling in my head, each one of my steps, did I have such a hard fight? I didn't feel it at all, I wouldn't even say it was strenuous, but I hope I wasn't late for the meeting, my sudden awakening and my stubborn determination, thanks to which I got a little deeper in my thoughts, I'm a little better now, although I think I'm late, I'm used to it...
Standing idly in front of the door, clutching the handle, should I go in? Or rather not? I'm pretty scattered right now, I've never fought with such excitement, it scares me a bit, maybe I'd better go back to my room to rest, I don't think what they say will have any effect on my decision, I don't even know when was the last time I was praised, maybe my sister, when I was much smaller, the same age as Yoriko. It's been a few days since I saw them, I hope they are well, Yoriko, Yasuha...
I open the huge door with my quiet footsteps, which I could just manage to gather, and then I stumble unexpectedly, why? Because everyone is quiet and looking at me strangely now.
Zegrod: - Who do our eyes see, if not a boy who overextended himself and now wants to be a hero?
Harlot: You should rest.
Demigra stood up from the third chair, then approached me and stared in amazement at the mark on my right arm.
Demigra: - Where did you get the mark on your arm?
She is too close, I can feel the warmth of her tender hands as she examines the sign, she is completely uninhibited in front of the others, I am also a little embarrassed, I am too young to handle such situations.
Mizeya: - I got it inside Karnest, one of Syronida's hidden caves, where she took Harlot.
Demigra: - Did you get it?
I told my little story about what happened at the bottom of the cave and I also told about the mysterious girl, I told her every little detail, my feelings, after the events that happened inside and even my teleport to an unknown place, which I found strange at first, but looking back, I completely understand, after so much imprisonment, she finally found a prison guard, whom she didn't have enough time, but she completely sacrificed herself for me, if I go deeper, she also saved my life.
After my story, you look at me with shocked eyes, that tall, confident, beautiful elf, the others listen to what happened to me in amazement and hardly even believe me, especially Harlot.
Harlot: - No way would have happened to you.
Mizeya: - Then how do you explain the mark on my arm?
This feeling, as if someone is twisting my heart, is unpleasant.
Demigra: - He is telling the truth, I used my soul wave on him, the heartbeat remained completely even, he is not lying.
Mizeya: - Do you believe me then?
I stood incomprehensibly, waiting for the answer, but suddenly I had a very strong premonition, it was at the same time I fought in the cave.
I feel a throbbing sensation in my hand again, the others also noticed this, then Demigra took my hand and burst into tears, a bright girl bursts out of my arms, whose small hands wipe away Demigra's tears.
Demigra: - Sister?
The elf lady said with tears in her eyes, then the girl who came out of the sign stroked her head and they hugged each other very tightly.
Faina: - You squeeze all the air out of me.
Demigra: - I won't let you go anymore.
Watching the calm, peaceful meeting of the two sisters, I was a little shocked, I thought I would never see this moment again, except at home.
Faina: - Oh, hello kid, I see we'll meet again.
Turning to me, then with a huge smile on her face that floods my heart with warmth.
Mizeya: - But I thought you were dead.
Faina: - Who said that? You are an idiot.
I'm a bit embarrassed, my face is completely red, according to them she saw what I said about her during my fight.
Faina: - Why are you making such a face now? You are very red.
I cover half my face, but this woman...
Faina: - Let me see, you don't have to be ashamed of anything.
Mizeya: - Leave it.
Faina: - Thank you.
She breaks Demigra's strong grip, then walks over to me and places my head on her chest.
Faina: - Thank you for what you said after my disappearance.
Mizeya: - This will only embarrass you more, master.
Demigra stares at us wondering how long I've known about Faina, because I twisted my story a little in my report, not to reveal that I'm the descendant of the Queen of Thorns.
Demigra: - Sister, how long have you been this boy's master?
Faina: - You know it happened like that...
Maybe I should have asked Faina not to report every little detail, she even told them my little speech, which I now have to listen to in shame.
Demigra: - So, this boy is now your apprentice?
Faina: - As you say, but you know that I haven't seen you in 200 years, tell me something interesting, where are we?
Demigra: - Me and my companions, whom you see in the chairs in front of you, were classified in a secret formation.
Gertz: - Welcome, I would be the commander of this unit.
Simon: - The honor is mine, so you would be our little witch's sister.
Demigra: - Hey.
Simon: - Just kidding.
Eudemon: - I am also glad that we can get to know you.
The signal on my hand starts flashing.
Faina: - As I thought, maintaining my real body is quite exhausting, I'm afraid that I will say goodbye to you now and later.
With that, her projection went back into the mark on my hand.
Eudemon: - That I always have this with me.
Several people burst into loud laughter.
Harlot: - It's just your usual luck.
With that, everyone went about their own business, and I went back to my room to think or prepare for my next training, I only have 5 days left and I will be in the kingdom of Tirinia, now as I look out the window, it has become quite dark.
"Telepathic Communication"
Eudemon: - Are you awake? I'm waiting for you in front of the mountains of the Karnest cave.
He didn't need to say more, I was already hurrying towards the mountain, but suddenly I realized that not only Eudemon was standing there, but Zegrod was also there with him.
Eudemon: - I see you are excited.
Mizeya: - So that's how visible it is to me.
I said in my childish confusion.
Mizeya: - Tell me, Uncle Eudemon, what are we going to do?
Eudemon: - Uncle? Do I look that old? Listen carefully, I'll tell you, do you remember the duels you had with the commander?
Mizeya: - Of course, I have all the memories of what happened here in my head.
Eudemon: - Good, I'll tell you why he defeated you so quickly, Mizeya, did you know that all weapons have feelings?
Mizeya: - Their feelings? Don't joke with me, these are just items for combat.
Eudemon: - You're wrong, our commander knew exactly that the sword you wear on your back has no feeling at all, it's even hard for me to believe that you were able to fight with it this far.
Mizeya: - I still don't understand you, until now I just swung my sword to lift him off the ground, I didn't need any feelings for that.
Eudemon: - Because that sword is not yours, the chances are quite high.
Mizeya: - What do you mean?
Eudemon: - Every swordsman who already owns a dream sword must have felt in his weapon, even though you got it quite young.
Mizeya: - Dream sword? Feelings? So there are no such things in my weapon?
Eudemon: - It is a dream sword that you have, I know that for sure, but it has no feeling.
Mizeya: - How could I get the feelings out of him?
I take the sword off my back and just stare at them incomprehensibly.
Zagred: - That's why I'm here.
Mizeya: - Who are you?
Zagred: - Seriously?
It's an awkward situation, I heard his name from Gertz, but I don't remember him saying a word to me at all, so it's out of my mind.
Zagred: - Whatever, then I would start.
He started chanting some magic spell, I could hardly understand what he was muttering through his mouth, but as I look at it, it worked, he summoned something, something.
Zagred: - Summon - Path of Blades.
A huge barrage of swords appeared in front of me and Eudemon.
Mizeya: - What are these many swords?
Zagred: - It's a good question, young man, with these swords we will shape your dream sword, you just have to hold them by the hilt.
Mizeya: - But there are thousands of swords here.
Zagred: - Then see to it, you have until noon tomorrow, then Eudemon will treat you.
Mizeya: - What?
Eudemon: - Already on your first day, your swordsmanship is pretty poor, it wouldn't hurt to learn a proper technique as soon as you have your sword.
Here we are again when I think I'm going to get an easy task, fight or explore, but they surprise me with such detailed and annoying training, DAMN.