
Ara Zhao The Immortal

Ara was a young girl whose parents went missing when she was a child , her parents were rich and she was the going to be CEO of their company , she used to live with her aunt , she had all comforts on her way but was never allowed to go alone somewhere , had to follow rules always , she felt like she's in a cage made of gold , she wasn't happy at all with it and then when she grows 18 she found out the truth , unfortunately she died . As they say it's not the end Ara then wakes up and finds herself in a small apartment where she then remembers everything , now she's going to change everything , achieve her dream and plan revenge on Mrs Xiao. " I guess it's the end " " It was never the end . It all begins since then " What truth did Ara find ? Will she be able to take her revenge on Mrs.Xiao ? Will she be able to achieve her dream ? What will happen next ? To know the answers to these questions please read !

ara_O7 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter II

I guess it's the end....

[ This Chapter contains some violative content the warning is already given to the readers , please read at your earnest wish , all the very best :) ]

[ room no. 204 ]


Door is open , I can hear some voice , one of them is of my aunt Reyven and the other one is of someone I can't recognise but by the heavy tone of that voice I can say that it is of a very old man not very old but yeah old and matured enough although I can hear them , but I can't exactly get what they are talking...

"Should I eavesdrop them or just go and have a look-?" Ara questioned to herself...

It's not good to hear what others are saying in private but I seriously doubt my aunt for some reason I can't get her innocence by any chance she is so cunning , she knows well how to escape , also at a fact she doesn't know I am here so if she gets to know maybe she will create a scene and scold me harshly , so I better listen them quietly not letting them know that I am here...

" So just go and kill her as you did before with her parents.....then only you'll get your money , until then don't show me your face . " said Mrs. Xiao

"I would but I need some cash in advance to kill that girl , while I had a question , this girl is insanely beautiful why are you just killing such a beautiful thing-?" said the strange old man voice said smirking.

"it's none of your business , I just want you to kill Ara and make a fake thing like she got missing , just like we did with her parents" said Mrs. Xiao

"I really-

Hate Her." said Ara while clenching her fists.

I couldn't believe what I heard , a river of tears start flowing from my eyes , I just can't- M-My parents were my life and she killed them , for what just for money , why-? i need answers- , it's not the time to cry Ara . Show her what you're , confront her. after saying this to herself Ara stormed to the room....

Damn...You Bitch-

Why did you kill my parents-?


I hate you , I will to kill you

My mom , loved you so much just like her own sister still you had no shame in getting her killed huh-?

Are you even human-?

said Ara angrily clenching her fists...

"I don't proably know what you're talking about Ara and yes lower your voice when you talk to me understand"...

Mrs. Xiao in a cold tone.

But this time Ara was really very angry , ofcourse anyone would be if they found out that their parents were killed because a bitch wanted to own their property and everything...

Ara started to throw things at Mrs Xiao and now Mrs Xiao was getting really very angry.

Kill Her right now as soon as she said this the killer aimed his gun at Ara

Now the reality hit her , from inside she was a whole mess , first she came to know that her own business partner killed her parents and made it look like they went missing now she's going to be killed....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! she screamed inside , but she refused to cry and kept her poker face , cause she knew Mrs Xiao would think that she is weak , although emotionally she is a glass , she could break without much effort but when it came to strength "She could actually kill many people , like 7-9 , yeah she's always been taking Karate classes since a 5 year child , yup you're right she's a blackbelt.

Ara wanted to cry , scream etc...but she couldn't

"Actually this ain't time for crying Ara , you need to do something for getting out of here" , said Ara to herself

She was standing near the window , behind the desk , beside Mrs. Xiao and then an idea a came in her mind...

"Okay Ara you can do it , it's not the high that you'll get hurt " after she said this , she jumped out of the window . she almost got hurt but then she saw her car , she quickly went inside it and started driving far from that place.

Her aunt who could see her going , got mad ," Go killlll herrrr righttttt nowwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed at the gaurds who were down there.

the gaurds went following Ara while Mrs Xiao went to attend the party.


Meanwhile in the party.....

"Where is Ara-?" aunt Reyven asked

"She ran away" said Mrs Xiao

"what!" said aunt Reyven giving a 'what do you think you are saying' look to Mrs Xiao

"Believe it or not. it's the truth and a shame for us." said Mrs Xiao giving aunt Reyven a disgusted look

"but-" Aunt Reyven was going to say something but then she stopped after seeing that Mrs Xiao is annoyed.

Even though the party was for Ara basically for killing her ( for all the guest graduation celebration ) this was the truth but everybody thought that she ran away because she didn't wanted to be control but only Ara and Mrs Xiao knew why Ara ranaway, yes for saving herself , unfortunately as a matter of fact actually nobody cares because neither she had friends no she was so social with people.


Ara's Provision....

"oh crap , whay should I do now -? where should I go " said Ara while driving...

When she looked into the side mirror she saw a black Rolls-Royce Boat Tail following her.

"I can't believe this bitch sent her dogs after me-!" said Ara while getting halfway mad.

"wait , I should call Aunt Reyven , but what she is also with Mrs Xiao , I love her and trust her like my mom but for now I have trust issue , I don't know what to do..... I am just driving to the path where this road is taking me." said Ara talking to herself

[ Talking to herself is Ara's old habbit , she wasn't like this from very before but when she lost her parents she got so lonely that she used to talk with herself to make her feel better and guess what it really works well. ]


Author's Note :

All my dear readers , please love yourself and be yourself , you're perfect in your own way , all you need to do is find the beauty in yourself , not the beauty from looks but yeah the beauty which is your qualities such as being kind being , being honest , being truthful and being yourself . You don't need to change yourself you are best the way you are...hope you smile all your day <3


Driving and driving Ara didn't even notice when she went so far in the woods and now everything's so creepy...

"oh my!!!!! " said Ara

They're still following her and it's so dark that she can't even see properly , the headlights are the only source of light for Ara..

"Ah thankfully this GPS works , I don't know how could I survive without this , wait hell I am damn in XiuXing Forest , it's so creepy here..." said Ara

"I can't believe , I am here , why does all shit happen to me only-? Why-? Why-" said Ara almost sobbing [ ・ั﹏・ั]

"I really want to end myself , I have nothing left... no I have to take revenge of my parents, I want their souls to get peace

but the question is how -? when -?" said Ara tearfully

It's not right.....

it's not fair...

I was internally broke and was crying so hard while driving in anger , those cars kept on following her and never stop...

it was so hard for little Ara who just became 18 years old to process....

Ara was still driving and now she was somewhere near The mountain cliff called " 许愿 , Mount Xûyàn , it was very famous mountain of 沙希 , Shāxī , it is said that one who goes there never comes back..... it sounds creepy but it's a beautiful place , no body was allowed to go there in the night , it's not like it had gaurds and etc but no one actually dared to go . The men stopped following Ara because they knew. Ara was an innocent girl and she never was allowed to go anywhere so didn't know about that mountain and it's story.....so she kept on driving and driving .

She was so busy driving that she didn't notice that the men have stopped following her , now it's more dark and thus Ara turned on the Car lights , she also had a watch on her hand , then she was the time it was 11;45 pm , it's late , she could barely see anything even though the headlights of the car were on it was so cold , dark and smoky , that it was making hard for Ara to drive...

Ara was still driving with the same speed , she was super focused and then she got a call from an unknown number , she was scared to pick it up , she hesitated a lot...but it kept ringing....and ringing....

Ring ~ Ring ~ ♪

Ring ~ Ring ~ ♪

then she took out all her courage and received the call..

... After a whole damn 4-5 minutes of silence , the stranger spoke


On the call....

Hello Ara ( said the stranger in a deep voice )

Hello ( said Ara partially scared )

Please stop the car ( said the stranger pleadingly )

I can't , they'll kill me ( said Ara while crying )

No , they won't ( said the stranger now in a cold tone )

How are you so sure-? ( Ara asked )

I know everything. just stop already or else you'll die

( he said half worried and half annoyed )

I am sorry , I can't trust you. ( Ara said this sadly )

Okay . Then . No . Choice . Left . For . You .

Happy . Journey .

( as soon as he said this he hung up )


Ara's Provision

Ara was confused as hell , she had no words left , this was above she expected ever in her life....

Ara's headlights suddenly went off and weren't switching on again , she freaked outtttttt---

Oh wth happened to these headlights

Okay nothing's gonna work now , I need to drive like this only if I want to stay alive said Ara in an annoyed tone.

I still can't believe that bitch wanted to kill me , she had no shame in killing my mom who took care of her like her sister and my dad who was always loving her as a good brother though they were just buisness partners said Ara feeling hurt

( ・ั﹏・ั )

"No one ever cared for me huh-? "

"I was left here alone in this harsh and stone-hearted world." said Ara getting angry and driving more fast

She kept crying and driving faster minute by minute she actually didn't notice that there the car was now at it's full speed...

Now the road almost came to an end but Ara was too busy crying to notice that she kept on driving and then suddenly-

Ara suddenly now came to her senses and tried to apply brake but now it was too late the car had already left the mountain and fell off from the clip.

She's falling !

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ara screamed

She tried to come out of the car but ut was locked and the car keys are no longer there , Ara tried to break the door but-

But now everything seemed useless

"oh my , no , this can't be happening....

I can't die now...

No please no...

I can't go.....

I can't leave my parent's company in bad hands.....

I can't leave them...

it's not the end....

I will come back....." said Ara almost as a whisper

With the end of saying her last word everything goes black

She can't see....

She can't breathe....

She can't hear....

She can't live.....

I guess it's the end.....