
April Red

The sudden appearance of April Red was as strange as herself. Sam postman gets into a series of events after meeting and getting along with her. The United Kingdom goes through many strange events all at once, Be it mysterious natural disasters, Communal riots or the assassination of the Royal family. Is behind that innocent face something dark is hidden?

Ron_Madly_808 · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Impressions

The introduction of April Red in our class was not an usual event. It was the day with cloudy and windy weather. something quite rare in our city.

It was after a long time that our class was having a transfer student. It was not that much of a introduction, she sounded very monotonous and something was off about her. But it was quite exciting for every student.

Teacher: Introduce yourself April.

April: Good morning friends, I am April Red. I am 16yrs old and reading is my hobby. I have transferred here from.....[silence]

Teacher : Tayyy...Tayll... (whispering)..

April : ...Talyor Park international school, London. Hope we can be great friends.

Initially, we were quite surprised how one can forget the name of their previous Institution but thought maybe she was little forgetful. I must say she had became the centre of attention of many boys in our class.

she was quite beautiful, but more of a cute face. A face full of innocence, which was masked by a serious expression. she wasn't skinny but heathy, if you know what I mean. She was short in height at 5'2. Something of an ordinary school girl.

A few weeks went by and I hadn't talked to her unlike other boys. It was because of my shy nature. I was in an all boys school before moving here, as a result it was quite awkward for me to approach girls like other boys. Few days later, I met Lee outside locker room. Lee was Asian, but born and brought up here in England. His parents were from Vietnam. Lee was quite an intellectual and my only best friend.

Lee: Hey Sam, what's up with that new girl April Red.

Me: I haven't talked to her yet, did something happened?

Lee: Nah, Just heard some girls taking shit about her.

Me: That's because all the boys have gone crazy and no other girl is getting any attention anymore.

Lee: Men will be men, what about you?

Me: I cannot say anything since I haven't interacted with her yet.

Lee: Nice, you have quite a chance, since I'm already committed.

Me: How's your relationship going? I have heard long distance relationships rarely work out. (Lee had a Girlfriend before, she had moved to whales few months back)

Lee :Yeah, but ours is a true one. she said she will return after 2 years. I have promised her that I will wait .

Me: Great dude.

Dave comes running.(one of our classmates)

Dave : Guys! Heard the news?

Lee: what news?

Dave : Mr. Jones' entire farm was robbed and destroyed yesterday.

Lee: what?

( Mr Jones was the biggest farmer in our state, his farm area was even bigger than some small towns)

Me: What happened exactly?

Dave: Don't know much but according to what I have heard. His fields were set on fire, equipments and some stuff stolen, and strangely all the Animals were killed but none were taken or stolen.

Lee: So it wasn't done by vegan activists?

Dave: Doesn't looks like.

Me: what did Mr Jones did?

Dave : strangely, he hasn't reported a case or anything, He said it was done by some of his farm workers as revenge after they were fired.He said he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

Lee: Maybe he's depressed.

Me: possibly.

The bell rang and we went for the classes again. The school progressed and it was time to leave. Everybody had left the class except me, since I had gone to submit my project. I returned to the class to check if I haven't left anything.

To my surprise, April was still there. Reading a book called Moonwalking with Einstein''. With earphones in ears, reading like she's in another world. Maybe she missed the bell? Its already 30min past the bell. I thought it is the best moment to approach her. More like to inform her.