
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · ファンタジー
120 Chs

Chapter 1: Gathering of Divine

"So would you remind me again what all blessing was granted to him?" inquired the three eyed deity in serene voice. Though he had his eyes closed while putting forth the question it didn't helped the group from sweating profusely.

The group kept their heads bowed down before the person as they felt ashamed and kept their lips tight shut for a minute. Finally, the leader of the group spoke, "Lord, he has the blessing that he cannot be killed either by any warrior or any mage classes available in their world at present."

"Hmmm", the deity finally opened his two eyes which were like perfectly shaped black opal and gave a side glance to the snake which was garlanded around his neck and then to his wife present next to him who was giving the group and specifically the leader of the group half annoyed and half disgusted look.

The deity further inquired, "So tell me Devraj why has he declared war on you even after we have taken such a good care of him and yet he has renounced us and started professing his belief in another being?"

Devraj who was the leader of the group of the Gods balled his fist and replied, "My lord, he is being manipulated by that con of a deity, in believing that we had come to their world to make them our playthings and slaves"

"And...?" The three eyed deity asked giving a sly all-knowing smile.

"And he thinks I was after his women" came the reply.

"Were you not after his women?" questioned the wife of the three eyed deity in disgusted voice.

Devraj kept his mouth shut.

"So you fought him with intention to defeat him only to take his women for yourself and satisfy your ego as well. But in the end suffered loss and after humiliating yourself came before us", spoke second deity who was silently observing the discussion until now. He had four arms, each arm held on an object or a weapon.

Devraj and others finally got on their knees before them said, "That's exactly why we have come before you three, My Liege."

The third deity who was mounted on a huge swan raised his hands while shaking his four heads in denial and declared, "Keep me out of this, this is beyond my department."

Everyone started staring at him. This flustered him a bit.

"What?' Creation' is my only department not like the other two who are preserver and destroyer" he fumed.

Three eyed deity looked at him with pity and then turned to look towards the 'Preserver' giving him 'how we handle this?' look.

The objects in his three hands vanished and he joined his four hands together as if praying and declared, "This time it's on you, my Avatars and my apostles are already engaged in three-four worlds while you are were meditating and chilling at this peak"

Three eyed deity sighed and nodded his head.

"So does Lord Destroyer has anyone in his mind to appoint him as his apostle to save the world?" questioned 'the Creator'.

"Yes there is one child I have my eyes on. He fits the bill", the destroyer declared with a gleeful smile adoring his face.

"Oh!!!" exclaimed everyone.

"I can't believe you had already had selected a candidate for your next apostle. I don't remember how long has it been since the last one?" said the creator while brushing his beard on four heads with his hands.

"Who is this person My Liege?" questioned the wife of the three eyed deity with curiosity.

"He is diamond in the rough, who has been through so many hardships but he never gives up on his dreams and work to bone to pursue his dream" declared the deity.

Everyone's ears perked up, as it was quite rare for the good of destruction to choose apostle as he always prefer to just take an avatar and go on destroying stuff on the respective worlds.

"Let's summon this child my lord." Said a beauty which justified her existence as a divine being, sitting next to the three eyed deity and who was also his wife.

The deity gave a sidelong glance and then declared, "You people seem quite interested in this child."

Everyone nodded and even the swan can be seen nodding his head in affirmation.

Sensing the eagerness in everyone around him with a sly smile he snapped his finger and what came next was something no one could have expected.


The sound echoed throughout the peak where the gathering of divine took place and the echoes were etched in the history in dark characters.



Somewhere in the vast universe an alarm clock was ringing and with a not so typical smack it was made to shut off.

Satvik just woke up from his sleep and raised his body lazily and with eyes still half shut went to bathroom and stood up before the mirror to brush his teeth.

He had burned the midnight oil just to go through the criminal files of his client just so he can find an argument which can help him out to get his client bailed out of jail.

Satvik is a first generation lawyer struggling to make enough fame and money so that he could pursue his other hobby which is dancing.

It was hard to make a living for dancer in his country and so he opted to become a legal professional to meet his ends. But if only he could have known that the struggle of a first generation lawyer had to go through he would've planned differently.

With still reminiscing about his wrong life choices he started to brush his teeth and kept thinking about legal arguments for his case.

After flossing his teeth because remember kids it's the most important for your dental health he sat on the pot to part away with chicken biryani he had last night.

If you never have to go through the proclaimed apocalypse of digesting a spicy biryani you had a blessed life and you should be thankful for that.

While trying to conquer the berserk attack of the untamed opponent such as biryani, Satvik had failed to notice a faint golden aura enveloping him.

And just as the thunder that was followed by rain in the pot, Satvik heard several people snort which was followed by thunderous laughs.

Satvik realized with a great delay that he was not alone when he opened his eyes which were tight shut due to him enjoying the nirvana that came after spending several minutes on pot.

He was flabbergasted at the beginning to see so many people surrounding him which was followed by him feeling ashamed and to kill himself by drowning.


And then he heard another snap of fingers and finally the scenery around him changed back to his usual dim lit 1bhk Flat.

He thought that he might have been daydreaming and left the matter to be long forgotten and continued with the deeds.

Satvik afterwards took his shower put on his clothes and left his home to reach Court to make sure that he gets his client bailed out or he could kiss his legal fees bye-bye.

Just as he was about to reach the courtroom he felt that time had stopped around him and he observed that a golden aura had started to envelope his body and once again he heard a snap of finger after which the view around him completely changed.

Once again he felt gaze of dozens of people on him and when he looked around he found himself standing in snow and the scenery around him had changed.

The air was chilling but for some reason he didn't find it unpleasant, rather there was some calmness to it.

There were subtle giggling and murmuring going on. When suddenly Satvik heard a calm and serene voice calling him out.


Satvik could only stare at the person with pale expressions as he couldn't believe who was in front of him.

'A person with divine aura, three eyes and snake garlanded around his neck', Satvik thought to himself that there's only one entity that fits the bill, ' lord of destruction'.

And for some reason the majestic entity was looking at Satvik with eyes shut and lips curled up on his face which could be anything but a smile and it only made Satvik nervous.

"Your actions have brought shame upon me!"

And as soon as the words left of the entity there was, Satvik could only hear chortle around them. And to Satvik it was like a judgment has been passed against him.

"We finally have our 'a-pot-star' instead of an apostle."

Suddenly a voice remarked with laughter.

This is my first time writing and creating a story. There might be some issues with my writting so constructive criticism is most welcomed. And I will definately try not to cringe you guys... XD

This is only my hobby so updates might not be to frequent but if I receive your appreciation might start to pump out more.

With that said you're most welcomed on this journey.

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hen_pai_sancreators' thoughts