
Apocalyptic Summoning Frenzy

The blood-red night sky looms, and the demonic realm invades. In this apocalypse, slaughter is my means of self-preservation, indifference is my armor, and strength is the only guarantee for my survival. On this vast earth, I hunt formidable monsters, experience the darkness of human hearts, and search for the faintest glimmer of light and hope.

DaoistmKkCOU · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Points and Exchange pillars

Wen Yu closed the door and carefully checked each room to ensure that there were no living beings other than himself in the house.

"Checking points"

"Ding The host has received 1 point."

Wen Yu was not stranger to the concept of point

With the arrival of the apocalypse, the entire world had fallen into chaos, the banknotes of the past had turned into worthless paper.

Subsequently, a new set of rules and a new currency system had emerged-the apocalypse rules and the exchange system of points.

The rules of apocalypse were quite simple——there was no rules! As law and civilization crumbled, morality declined, and all survivors came to accept the truth that the power was the biggest rules.

And points exchange system, on the other hand, was established based on the exchange stone pillars scattered across the globe.

Points was not transferable and was automatically provided by the exchange system to survivors who killed zombies, mutated beasts and demonic creatures. Naturally, the number of points obtained varied greatly depending on the strength of the defeated monster.

Points were the currency for all survivors, the material basis for self-improvement and survival, and the hope for humanity to continue its existence.

When survivors touched the exchanged stone pillar, they could use their points to purchase various items. For example, occupations, skills, various scrolls, equipment, and even basic necessities for survival.

Of course, the items offered on the exchange stone pillars were all basic. For instance, Wen Yu's occupation in his previous life as a warrior was one of the three basic occupations provided by the exchange stone pillars.

By spending just 10 points, one could change their occupation to one of the three basic ones, and upon doing so, they would become a level 1 professional.

Even as a level 1 professional who had just changed occupations, their basic physical abilities could reach twice that of a normal human.

After absorbing enough magic crystals, a level 1 peak professional's physical abilities could reach ten times that of a normal human.

And this was only for level one professionals.

How could survivors not be drawn to such a terrifying enhancement?

In his previous life, Wen Yu didn't dare to step out of his home for the first month, and naturally, he was unaware of the existence of points. After being rescued, the zombies that were once ubiquitous at the beginning of the apocalypse had become rare creatures, hunted to extinction by survivors. It took Wen Yu a full two months to gather the 10 points needed to change his occupation.

The saying "a miss is as good as a mile" rang true, as Wen Yu found himself straying further and further down the path of cannon fodder.

In this life, Wen Yu still planned to become a warrior, as there was no distinction income superiority among the three basic occupations.

However, having been a warrior in his previous life, he was naturally most familiar with this occupation.

It wasn't Wen Yu didn't want to pursue hidden occupations, but most of them were elusive and hard to come by. Moreover, even after changing to a common occupation, one could still change their occupation using hidden occupation change scrolls. Wen Yu naturally wouldn't place his hopes on such intangible hidden occupation.

Having planned his future course, Wen Yu took a sip of water and ate some simple food before heading into kitchen.

He picked out the largest kitchen knife and chose the sharpest pointed knife to replace the fruit knife on his homemade spear. Turning around, Wen Yu walked towards the door.

The first step of Wen Yu's plan was became a warrior. In the apocalyptic world, choosing an occupation was the first step in evolving and becoming stronger. Therefore, obtaining 10 points was essential.