
Jonathan's Fantasy

'Melina? Why is she introducing herself and why does she know my name and want to chat?'

Eve felt intimidated by the pressure oozing out of her body and her carefree attitude.

It was a different kind of pressure than the GMO man. It was the type that came out of pure, unfiltered confidence and not physical appearance.

Eve gulped as his grandfather nodded him to sit down.

'Did Charlotte finally get to him? Is he going to kick me out of the house now? Sell me to those people?'

Feeling rejected and fearful, he complied.

He sat on the couch opposite Melina who nodded at Jonathan.

"Ah, sorry. I will leave now." He apologized to Melina and left the room much to Eve's astonishment.

"I will be watching Charlotte in your room to ensure she doesn't break anything," Jonathan said to him as he stood up and left the room.

Eve did not remove his eyes from his grandfather. He stared at him as he went around him, and got out of the living room and into the stairs.

Before he took a step, he seemed to hesitate a bit then turned around and mouthed 'Good luck' and gave him a thumbs up.

'What do you mean?' Eve cried in his heart as Jonathan climbed up the stairs, turned right, and entered his room.

"Get the hell out, brat!" Charlotte screamed as she was seen with a screwdriver in her hands and with the TV disassembled.

Without saying anything, he walked up to her and snatched the screwdriver out of her hands as she silently cursed seeing it was her husband.

Charlotte quickly got up and dusted her skirt before trying to find an excuse for her actions.

"Look, honey, I tried to turn it on and see what he was doing with it but it wouldn't turn on so I tried to fix it." She blatantly lied.

"I understand honey, would you be kindly willing to get my toolkit from our car?" He smiled at her, giving her the chance to realize how screwed up she was.

With her face redder than a tomato, she shamefully left the room in a hurry.

Jonathan snorted as he thought about how he would punish her and avenge his grandson's property.

With the screwdriver in hand, he started to put the TV together. 

He snickered as he saw his grandson's face when he saw the young maiden. He always thought if he had a son instead of a daughter then that would be how he would meet his daughter-in-law.

His mind drifted into his own world.

On a seemingly normal dinner, the door would be fiercely knocked on. In annoyance, he would open the door only to see a man about his age all flared up and a beautiful young girl shying away at his side.

The man would speak loudly, loud to the point where it is almost shouting, and demand to see the bastard that impregnated his one and only daughter.

Dumbstruck, Jonathan would call his son.

His son, Jade as he would have named him, would come to the door with an annoyed expression only for it to be frozen in fear once he saw his girlfriend and his father.

The daughter would snap and hurl insults after insults to Jade, surprising both Jonathan and the dad.

Charlotte would come to the door to see what was happening as the girl stormed in and gave Jade a good and harsh slap on the face.

After beating him enough to satisfy her outburst, she would go out and cry in the yard as Jade stood stupified.

By that point, Jonathan would have figured things out and would lead his son to the couch as the dad goes after her daughter to comfort her.

Jade would meekly follow him as he pulled at his hair and calls himself names for being a dumbass and then Jonathan would shut him up and seat him on the couch.

Jonathan would crouch in front of him and stare into his eyes as he delivered the most inspiring, the most fatherly speech of the decade, century, or the history of fatherhood even.

The speech would be so good that Charlotte would break down and bawl her eyes out as she realized that her sweet little muffin had become a man and that her husband was and will be the most manly man on the planet for the rest of eternity.

He would successfully convince Jade to man up and face the consequences of his actions and send him off to apologize to the girl.

Jade would run to the door as Jonathan accompanied him and they would run out of the house. They would scour the lawn and the yard for any sign of the girl and her father.

The girl would be nowhere to be found and as Jonathan starts to doubt himself and feel sympathy towards his child, Jade would recognize the father's car a good distance away.

With the goal reflected in their irises, the father and the son duo would run as Charlotte cheered her son on.

They would jump over fences, break multiple laws and become illegal trespassers and undergo the most heart-racing parkour scene in the history of action movies.

His son, Jade, would trip and fall on the ground.

He tries to get up but his exhausted legs wouldn't allow him to get up.

Watching his son struggle once again, Jonathan would cheer him on and hype him up.

With a roar of defiance, love, and determination, Jade would get up and run with even more speed as proud and exhausted Jonathan collapsed on the ground.

After some time, Jonathan would recover and chase after his son only to find him lying flat on the ground.

A car strayed off the road not too far ahead, blood stains on the floor, and his twisted limbs would clearly indicate that Jade had been in a car crash.

Blinded with tears Jonathan would run to his son. However, before he gets to him, another person would get to his dying son's side to him first.

She would cry and yell out how much she loved him and that she didn't want him to go as her own father stood touched by the scene.

Not too long after, the ambulance arrives and ships Jade off to a hospital.

Stricken with grief and anxiety, Jonathan would wait outside the emergency room after some time later.

The surgeon would emerge from the door and notify him of the good news much to his relief.

Then he would ruin the mood by immediately handing him the fees which were well over 6 digits.

Just as the world collapsed for Jonathan, he would feel a hand on his shoulder.

With teary eyes, he would see the father of the girl behind him smirking.

He says that he was touched by the determination and love Jade demonstrated for his daughter and how much distance he ran just to apologize to her.

With that statement, he reveals that he approves the relationship of his daughter and Jade and that he is actually one of the richest men in the world.

He gladly says that Jade will inherit his fortune when he dies and continue running the corporation.

This also conveniently means that Jonathan wouldn't have to work a single day again in his life and spend the remaining time in luxury.

With the relationships of the girl and Jade tempered and strengthened by the struggles of incidental pregnancy and the near-death experience, Jonathan could live happily knowing that they would be faithful to each other till the end of their lives.

Jonathan sincerely hoped that Eve could find a family to take care of him when he is gone and that girl seemed to be a good candidate.

He had forgotten, or made forgotten, that Eve never stepped a single step outside the house and the fact that he had no girlfriend that he accidentally got pregnant.

'Melina was it… Please take care of my grandson.' He prayed.

Meanwhile, Eve had his face clutched between his hands as he processed the crazy truth.

He took deep breaths, trying to calm his wildly beating heart down.

How could he not freak out? He had just heard the wildest thing in his life.

Eve inhaled and said what was on his mind.

"You are fucking insane."

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