
Apocalyptic Family Reunion

Emilia died once... falling from the top of the base wall fighting off zombies that tried to enter their base. Zombies that wanted to destroy what little they had left to hold on to of their once glorious past. As she fell she thought that this was the end for her and that she would finally be able to rest, but when she opened her eyes she realized she had been reborn seven years in the past. A whole year before the apocalypse.At a time when her son still lived, her family was alive and the world balance hadn't been disrupted yet. Join Emilia Crossfow on her journey as she prepares to face the apocalypse as a mom and a warrior. Kill zombies during the day , cook and tell bedtime stories at night. ............ This is an original story as well as my first book so I hope for your support

snowstorm16 · ファンタジー
48 Chs

They are here

Early the next morning both Qin Lu and Emilia got up early to prepare for the day. After the usual routine of training they got to cleaning the house. They would be having important guests in a little while so the house couldn't be untidy. Not that it was originally. Both Qin Lu and Emilia were both clean freaks so the house being  dirty was not a regular site.

Once they were done Emilia got dressed and ready to leave for the airport to pick them up.

"Little Qin are you sure you don't want to come with me and want to wait here?" Emilia asked once again before she left.

"No it's okay I'm sure you guys would probably have some things to talk about so I'll stay here." Qin Lu replied . He wanted to come along but at the thought that his mom hadn't seen her family for six years because of him he decided to let her have this time alone with them before he came into the picture.

"Alright then I'll be back soon . Relax ok they're gonna love you" she said kissing his cheek before she got on her car and drove towards the airport.

It took her about 30 minutes to reach A cities airport from her house. After parking the car she moved towards the waiting area. Looking around for a little while it wasn't long before Emilia spotted her mom dad and elder brother.

Her family spotted her around the same time she did as they began to move towards her. Looking at the faces of her parents that seemed to have aged a bit during the six years she hadn't seen them, Emilia could feel tears pooling in her eyes.

Mom, Dad, Ge! She said as she ran towards them

Lia her mom said through tears as she embraced her only daughter. Her father Lu Yao's face also softened as he moved forward and embraced his daughter with his wife. Lu Tianyi, Emilia's older brother was the only one who didn't move forward. He only looked at the scene with warm in his eyes for a brief moment before they turned cold again.

After hugging for a minute Emilia separated from her parents and looked nervously at her older brother. Her heart hurt a little as she saw that her brother looked at her with the same coldness he did to others.

"Ge " she called out weakly looking at him expectantly." Hmmf" Lu Tianyi snorted as he looked away.

"Tianyi!" Mother Lu ( Duan Rong) chided her eldest.

"Mom it's okay. Come on I've booked a place for lunch not too far from here, we can talk there." Emilia said as she turned around and let the way towards her car.

After the little incident the drive to the restaurant was a little akward and silent. No one knew how to start a new topic or address the elephant in the room. Once they arrived at the restaurant the family of four walked into a private room before they all took their seats.

"I've ordered all your favorite food I'm sure you guys are hungry." Emilia began trying to reduce the akwardness

"You think just a little meal will erase all you've done." Lu Tianyi finally spoke his first sentence since he left the plane.

"Tianyi!" both father Lu and mother Lu exclaimed.

"Mom dad I know that you want to defend her but her just disappearing for six years and then showing up out of nowhere is not ok. She is not a little girl anymore she can't act like this. What about all the times you cried and stressed about her. We can't just act like none of that ever happened."

"That's all in the past now can't we just move on. Aren't you happy that your sister is back, why does it sound like you don't want her to return." Duan Rong said to her son. Her two kids had always had the best relationship and she was worried that they would not be able to overcome what happened and that their relationship would be strained. That was something she did not want to see at all.

"No mom he is right." Emilia responded.

All three looked at her in shock. It could be seen that none of her expected her to say that. Emilia was spoiled growing up so her admitting that she was wrong was quite a shocker for them.

"Mom you don't have to defend me ge is right. Though I did have my reasons at that time my actions were nothing but selfish." Emilia said

"Lia.. "Mrs Lu began

"I know that me just leaving was wrong and that it caused you to be hurt . I'm sorry for that but that was honestly not my intention at all." Emilia continued after a short pause.

"Then what was? Why did you leave?" Father Lu said looking at his daughter who seemed to have changed since the last time he saw her.

Ha taking in a deep breath Emilia finally announced what she had been keeping from them for the last six years.

"I have a son." Silence was all that was left after that statement.

"Wh. What how?" Was all Tianyi managed to say before he went silent again. Clearly this was too much for them to handle.

"I got pregnant six years ago and I didn't know what to do so I ran. I panicked and I ran.I was afraid that after you guys found out you would be disappointed with me and I also didn't want to get rid of my baby so I just I just... I'm sorry I just I just didn't know what to do and once I had thought things through I didn't know how to approach the matter and I didn't know how to come back ,so I just" she stuttered not knowing how to continue

Oh my baby Mrs Lu said with tears in her eyes as she pulled Emilia into her arms sobbing." Mommy would never have been disappointed in you. We would never. You are our baby okay we have said before that you could always come to us. You didn't have to handle it alone." Just thinking that her 18 year old daughter had to leave home and survive alone in this cruel world all on her own and still have to take care of a baby too. Just the thought of the suffering she went through broke her hearts a million times.

Lu Tianyi couldn't help but blankly stare at his little sister sobbing in his mother's arm. He honestly was not expecting this and he did not know what to do and what to say . Thinking about how the little sister he had pampered in his hand had had to go through all that all his anger washed away and he couldn't help but blame himself for making her cry.

"Ge I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me anymore ok. Please!" Emilia said looking at her brother.

"Come here!" Lu Tianyi said opening his arms towards her. His sister's tears had always been his greatest bane so he couldn't handle her looking at him with those teary eyes.

Emilia stood up and charged into her brothers arms. Knowing that her brother had forgiven her and that he was not angry with her anymore made her incredible happy. The two of them had been incredibly close since they were kids and she was scared that their relationship would be forever destroyed and that it would not be able to become what it was before. Even though she knew that things would not be able to be the same instantly the fact that he was willing to give her a chance to fix it made her happy

"I'm a grandfather." Came the deep authoritative voice of father Lu . Finally bringing the people's attention back to the Crux of the matter.

"Right were grandparents now. I'm a grandma." Mrs Lu exclaimed when she finally remembered. A happy smile on her face. This was her first time being a grandma after all of course she was excited.

"Yes papa you are" Emilia said

"Where is my grandson?" Mr Lu asked his daughter in anticipation. Looking at the glow in her parents eyes Emilia was finally sure that her parents really were not mad at her. She secretly chided herself for being such a full to not let them know sooner. Maybe if she had things would have turned out differently for the two of them. No it doesn't matter anymore. The past is the past since I've been given a new chance why should I dwell on that stuff anylonger.

"His back at my house"she said.

"You how can you be do irresponsible to leave a six year old on his own for this long what if something happens to him." Mother Lu immediately chided her daughter when she heard this. Thank God her daughter finally let them know about this now. Who knows if her irresponsible parenting would and up harming her grandson. Remembering how young  her daughter was she started to worry about the well being of her grandson. Who knows if her daughter had neglected some things all these years. After all you can't have a child raise another.

"Mom don't worry he is ok he can take care of himself. "Emilia said trying to reassure her mother.

"What! how good can a six year old be at taking care of himself. No let's go now we can't leave him alone any longer." Mother Lu exclaimed as she stood up. What are you three still sitting there for let's go.

"Mom he is really alright." Emilia tried saying but she immediately shut up when she received her mom's glare. Who would have know that her mother who always treated her as her treasure would immediately disregard her when she learnt about having a grandson. Emilia could already imagine her dark days to come seeing as how her position had already fallen do low in her mother's heart without even meeting Qin Lu just yet. And with the way her baby Qin was so lovable.... She could really see her end.

Looking at his sister's crestfallen expression, Lu Tianyi couldn't help but laugh " Come on let's go meet my nephew "

"Oh right let's go" Emilia got out if her dazed state and got up to leave with the rest.

The drive back to her house was a short one so it wasn't long before they were before the front door.

"Hurry up already why are you acting so old. Quickly open the door." Said Mrs Lu impatiently to her daughter.

"Ok ok". Emilia said before she shuffled in front to open the door.

"Little Qin I'm back" she shouted once she had opened the door. It wasn't long before they could here the sound of shoes hitting the floor, from upstairs.

"Mommy!" came a soft milky voice not too long after.

The three Lu family members looked up in anticipation waiting to see the little grandson.

And right when they were about to see the little kid a deep cold voice from the living room caught their attention.

"Oh Emilia your back. Father-in-law, mother-in-law as well as brother-in- law too."