
Apocalypse there

Ramsey. He's Ray's Son. He had gone missing for quite a while..... but where did he go? He later gets teleported to another world.... he wanted to go there...... but why? Was it to save humanity? Or rule them?

AhmedOsama16 · ホラー
16 Chs


Ramsey, Gordon, and Michelle finally reach the bunker…

"So, this is the safe spot?"

"Yeah, what is with it?"

Said Michelle in an angered manner.

"Jesus, I wasn't pointing out that it was bad. I was just askin'"

"Yeah old man, you better not get on my nerves or say anything terrible about this place."

"Old man… Ah okay?"

Gordon was just listening to the fight and well, he just didn't want to interrupt so yeah he didn't care so much.

"So, Mister Ramsey."

"Yeah, Gordon?"

"How could you get this tall? You told us on the way that you were like… 20 years or something."

"Well, I think I'm done with growing… sike! I can even grow in the years from 20 to 25."


"Ah… a word meaning… joke's on you!"

"Well, I guess you deserve to be called an old man by Michelle."

"Yeah, I think I'm so old… -This is going to be a pain. Socializing with these guys who don't get a single thing I'm trying to reference or anything… hope older people are fine with it.-"

"Damn, why are they taking so long to open the door?"

"Maybe I'm a good omen and all out the sudden the place got swarmed with Zombi-"

"Sorry old man, I don't really wanna interrupt you but they're called Regenerated."

"Uh, Fine, Gordon! The place gets swarmed by Regenerated and they attack both of you, but it turns out that you're immune to the virus, and all three of us live until I find all the pieces to create that device that would get us out of here!"

"Old man, I think you've got some Back to the future sense"

"Back to the what?"

"Back to the Future! I thought you'd start making references about it and stuff."

"Well, I didn't know that a show called back to the future existed. Maybe it was really famous but I didn't notice it or anything?"

"It came out in the 80s."

"I still don't remember it."

"God damn it old man! I thought you were the archives or something!"

"Well, I do know a lot of stuff about the past… from 1 CE to 2030 AD. That's all. I know history stuff, music, Some Iconic people like Johnny S- I mean Johnny Sanderson –I literally don't know who that is-. And Gaming stuff."

"Say… do you know a series called half-life?"

"Hell yeah I know it, I really wanna see Half-Life 3!"

"Well… it actually came out in 2037. And it was announced in the year 2036. And in the Ending The combine is…"


"Damn, I'm going to shut up."

"I didn't know Gaben would still keep his series alive."

All this talking was basically between Gordon and Ramsey.

And finally after all that loud discussion. Someone came to open the door.

"Come in… wait. Who are you?"

"Me? Well, I'm immune to the disease, and I ain't a carrier. And I've got evidence!"

He showed them the scratch on his leg.

"Well… I still have to see if you were completely immune or not."

"Uh. I've got all day."

Inside the bunker were people wearing masks… the apocalyptic ones I want a mask like that.

Oh yeah, Ramsey. I've got the first day for you.


Everyone started looking at Ramsey giving him the maniac look.

"Oh, sorry. I was… talking to my friend on the radio… I come from 2030, I mean. I've got some old tech on my A$$. I think you people actually sleep in a dream bed where you can dream whatever you want… right?"

Everyone started looking into the ground… probably thinking about how life was… that's what Ramsey thought.

"Oh, excuse me, but I really am getting the tank full. Can I please go the bathroom?"

A random guy stood up.

"So that you can pollute it?! No way mister! You can't go into the bathroom until you're proven innocent. Meaning that you must at first get scanned by doctor Wilhelm first."

"Okay, okay. Damn Apocalypse really gets everyone on his chills."

"-To be fair, everything's kinda making sense. If it was a zombie sins thing, Zack would've been laughing right now. Also, Hey Zack if you're reading this! Or if this thing is so successful that it becomes a film or something… Damn this writer guy must pay me a lot of money for going into such crap.-"

10 Minutes later.

"Can I have a seat?"

"No way dude. Not until you're not a carrier."

"-Did they read the sacrifice comic?-"

"Well, Imma sit on the ground then."

Everyone stood up and they started yelling at him.

"Damn! I'm your only hope of getting outta here!"

"Yeah, then, mister our only hope of getting outta, here you should shut up, until the doctor comes to see you and sees if you were completely immune or a carrier."

"God damn it guys, I helped the guy out with my bare hands, not my glove. And I'm perfect!"


They ended up being pushed by the crowd to the quarantine zone. Everyone inside was wearing that good sexy apocalyptic mask we all wanted instead of the boring white or blue facemask we have.

"Thanks for acting like a hero Gordon. That's much obliged."

"Well, The head of our operations is so freaking angry because we picked you up over the mission."

"What was the mission?"

"Our mission is to basically go and see how everything's going. And See if Regenerated are around and even notice if they have evolved or not.

After we find a safe route. More Reinforcements arrive and we get more supplies from markets or anywhere that's not so easily noticeable by anyone and raid them. You can say that this gets hard sometimes as those unknown small Grocery stores end… you know.

Everything was raided… even some of these. We started however making our own healthy food."

"Thanks for picking me up over the mission."

"Don't thank me, instead thank Michelle. As I thought it was a regenerated getting shot."

Speak of the Devil! Michelle knocks on the door!

"Hey… Old man, Gordon. Both of you go to the lab."


They both went to the room… but the looks that were given to them… were enough to make Ramsey feel unwanted, hated. And well… sad… not because of the feelings. But just because he understands their fear. He encountered something similar in the Covid-19 outbreak. And he was the one giving the looks at infected people for increasing day by day. Now He wishes everyone in this bunker survives until the year and a half period passes.

During the test.

"Look, old man, I will go for it first. Just to prove to everyone that you're safer than anything."

"Okay. If the doctor doesn't mind"

"Look, it doesn't matter whom I pick up first. If Ramsey has the virus in his body you're a carrier. If not. Then you're completely immune and safe."

"Sounds fair to me. –Like I don't know what the results are going to be? Come on me, you and the author know that he's not infected.-"

And well… yeah… I've got nothing to say about this segment.

"So, the diagnoses here suggest that you actually didn't infect Gordon. And the virus isn't inside your body. I just want to make sure that you're completely immune to it. I've got a regenerated blood sample that matches yours. So I'm going to inject you with it and see what happens."

"Okay… be quick cuz I really need that bathroom."

The doctor got the sample and injected Ramsey with it.


"What are they wrestling?"

"No! The Virus… it's just completely vanished!"

"Well, I think I'm safe… right?"

"You're someone special… let me ask you some questions… please?"

"Look pal, I'm the one who actually wants to know some stuff. OKAY?!"

Gordon got out of the room before the injection so yeah he didn't see Ramsey being mad at the Doctor.

"Okay… okay! What're your questions?"

"First of all. How do these 'Regenerated' Work?"

"Well. They cannot see or hear anything. But when they touch something that isn't the ground they can hear and see again. But this isn't permanent. It is probably like 15 to 25 seconds they're able to hear and see. After that, they go back to their original state. However, they have mutated today. As I've seen today, the subject I'm testing mutated that it could actually start feeling stuff that is 1-2 meters around it. And they have reduced hearing. And I guess instead of retaining the ability to hear and see for 15 or 25 seconds. They retain both senses but now they're even better… overall, all the senses are so good except for two. The hearing, and the sight senses."

"That's a lotta explanation. But, I understand it.

So where did the disease come from?"

"That's even more lengthy than how these zombies work."

"I wanna hear it."

"6 Months ago the Misotan Army wanted us to develop a secret weapon called the SuperSoldier Virus.

This Virus had the ability to increase the dexterity, strength, and overall body shape of the host.

If the host died they would regenerate. But unlike most zombies. They actually are alive human beings.

Misota was at war against France.

Soldiers that couldn't die unless they were fighting a tank could so easily obliterate the French Army.

It took us two months to 3 months and 20 days to make this virus stable and try to limit its mutations.

But the virus Deceived us. And Every ten days it was evolving.

At first, it was like a bit severe common flu that would sometimes make the infected person lose their mind and if enraged they'd be cannibals.

On Day 15. They started to transform into regenerated. And Dead were rising up again. Infected with this disease.

This disease was transmittable by Pigeons, Rabbits, bodily fluids. And insects such as Wasps and bees Etcetera.

On Day 20. They were completely blind yet spores were around their body everywhere, so touching them without any spore protection on your body, would be an infection.

Day 30, they gained the ability to see and hear once they touch an object, but they no longer produce spores, so they're a bit safer to approach.

On Day 40. Their motor skills, reaction time. And all that was getting better."

"What a terrible story. At this rate are we the only survivors in this country?"

"What? Were you drunk when I told you about the Pigeons and insects part?"


"I told you already the disease got transmitted into every single country in the world. According to the world pop counter, there are only 170 living individuals on earth. We're the 70 by the way."

"That's interesting, a world counter, 170 survivors in the entire world. At this point, the world just feels like a village right now."

"I don't get you."

"I mean we can look up for each other so easily."

"Yeah, that's right."

"What's your name, Doc?"


"Nice to meet you. I think my fame runs before me."

"Yeah it does, Ramsey."

Ramsey was looking at his watch to see what time it was. And it was 4 A.M

Despite the fact that it's afternoon outside.

"-I should readjust this watch to the new timing I've got here.

My Parents must be sleeping right now. I just hope neither of them wakes up to drink water or take a dump and doesn't find me in my room.-"


Doctor Bill (31)

Height: 219

Weight: 105 Kilograms

Blood Group: A+

Hair Color: Naturally blonde.

Eye color: Red