
He is definitely dead

Back at the graveyard…

“What is taking him so long? Do you think he really died?” Sara tapped her fingers on her elbow, feeling a little unease creeping into her heart. Something was amiss somewhere. Her gut feeling told her. She just knew it.

Martin, on the other hand, seemed rather quite confident. “Nah. Impossible.” He brushed away her concerns with a casual wave of his hand.

As a Level 30 paladin, even he was not confident enough to handle a herd of boars of that size. How could a small fry like that guy survive something like that?

“He probably died a bunch of times before we got here, so maybe his respawn time is longer.”

“Ya. You are right.” Sara also nodded, though she still seemed unsure. Her friend’s words hadn’t yet totally convinced her.

The two continued to stare at the empty graveyard as they waited for some more time. Though it was a waste of time, they couldn’t bring themselves to give up on the endeavor after already having spent so much time on it.