
Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

【A false Necromancer lacks troops and is hunted down by others.】 【A true Necromancer commands countless skeletons and becomes a ruler in their own right.】 After obtaining the Dual-Portal, Wu Heng discovered that the original world was overrun with zombies. When the plan to become a profiteer failed, a new plan for survival began. Wu Heng chose to become a 'Necromancer.' Can't summon the undead in another world? The entire apocalyptic planet is a source of troops. Can't survive in the zombie world? Then I'll live and learn skills in another world. From that point on, the world witnessed an undead army equipped with modern weapons. Natural disaster looms, with millions of skeletons. Undying bone dragons, undead kings. (Dual-Portal + Necromancer + Magic + Fantasy World + Undead Plague.)

FALCON_N · ファンタジー
71 Chs

Chapter 60: Practicing Coordination

Chapter 60: Practicing Coordination


After returning to the community, Wu Heng began casting Raise Skeleton on the corpses.


Not long after, Xiaoxiao floated back and said, "Uncle, they didn't leave. They started preparing to make the iron spears."


It seems that the other party is also smart.


They didn't try to run away while he led the team out.


Running away would most likely lead to getting killed by zombies, but staying and making the iron spears gives them a chance to get food.


"Good job," Wu Heng praised.


"Hehe, when can I watch TV? I really want to watch TV," Xiaoxiao asked, lying on his shoulder.


"All that's on TV now are ads, what's so great about that?"


Even if they could generate electricity, he wasn't sure if TV was still available. Plus, there's probably no one left to run the stations, so what would there be to watch?


"Anything would do, I just want to watch."


"Once we solve the power issue, I'll let you watch."




The two of them continued their casual conversation as Wu Heng kept casting Raise Skeleton.




Blackstone Town.


After tidying up, Wu Heng planned to go out for a meal.


As he walked out of the alley, he saw his landlord chatting with a neighbor at the street corner.


When the landlord saw Wu Heng, he asked, "You were home?"


"What's up?"


"Someone was looking for you this afternoon, banging on your door. If I hadn't seen it, she might have broken it down," the landlord complained.


"Who was it? So rude."


"A short girl with slightly curly hair."


With that description, Wu Heng immediately knew who it was.




"Did she say what she wanted?" Wu Heng asked.


"She asked you to go to the Adventurer's Guild."




"Tell that girl not to kick the door again. If it gets broken, it's a hassle to fix," the landlord said, watching Wu Heng's back.


Wu Heng waved, indicating he understood.


He made his way to the Adventurer's Guild, passed through the corridor, and arrived at the Fourth Squad's rest room.


He pushed the door open and went inside.


Captain Otruluk, Kavina, and Yuli were all in the rest room.


Kavina seemed to have recovered, with the bandages on her arm removed.


When Yuli saw Wu Heng enter, she raised an eyebrow, "Wu Heng, where have you been? You weren't home."


"Do I need to report to you where I go?" He sat down on the side. "And by the way, the landlord said if you kick the door again, he'll file a complaint with the Guild for damaging property."


"Nonsense, I knocked with my hand."


"You kicked it with your foot!"


Otruluk and Kavina looked at the two in surprise.


They didn't know when these two had gotten so close.


When they first met, they wouldn't even talk to each other.




Otruluk cleared his throat, signaling them to stop bickering, and continued, "Let's discuss the important matter first, then talk about the door."


"I didn't kick it, hmph!" Yuli turned away, pouting.


Otruluk continued, "Wu Heng, Yuli has obtained solid intel, and we'll carry out a commission tonight to practice our squad's coordination."




Yesterday, when he came to the Adventurer's Guild, Otruluk had informed him about taking on some commissions to practice the squad's teamwork.


He didn't expect to get the intel so quickly.


Or maybe they had planned this earlier and only informed him late.


"I'm fine with it. What's the commission?" Wu Heng asked.


"It's these three people." Otruluk pulled out three wanted posters and handed them to Wu Heng.


The three men in the portraits were scruffy and dirty.


"What did they do?"


"Robbery, murder, and after being wanted, they fled to Blackstone Town."


"Oh, where are we going to catch them? Alive or dead?"


"According to the intel, they're currently at the 'Blushing Mermaid Inn' in the DC District, a place where mercenaries gather. Be cautious; it doesn't matter if they're dead or alive."


The Blushing Mermaid Inn was quite well-known in the DC District.


It wasn't just an inn; the first floor was also a tavern, a common gathering spot for mercenaries.


If chaos erupted, the Adventurer's Guild's reputation might not be enough to intimidate everyone.


"Do we have a plan?" Wu Heng asked.


Otruluk glanced at the other two members and continued, "We'll first confirm the targets' location, then we'll plan accordingly."




It wasn't anything special, just a regular mission to capture wanted criminals.


And the intel source was actually straightforward—it came from Deputy Deacon Slater.


Expecting Yuli, who had just arrived in Blackstone Town, to gather this information would have been difficult.




DC District, Blushing Mermaid Inn.


At the entrance, small groups of half-drunken patrons gathered. In the dark alleys, scantily clad women were passionately kissing men.


Wine and women lured mercenaries here to release their excess energy.


In a building across the street, the Fourth Squad members sat by a window, chatting while they waited.


After a short while, a black-feathered raven flew in through the window, landing on a seat and transforming back into Yuli.


She took a large gulp of water from a cup before saying, "I flew around the second-floor windows, didn't see anyone matching the descriptions."


"They've probably disguised themselves," Kavina suggested.


Wu Heng nodded in agreement.


With not much entertainment in this world, taverns and women were the best forms of distraction.


With so many people around, it would be chaotic and hard to find anyone.


Yuli looked at Otruluk and asked, "Captain, what do we do next? Should I fly around again?"


"I'll go in and take a look; wait for my signal," Otruluk said.


"That's not a good idea," Wu Heng shook his head, explaining as Otruluk looked puzzled, "Captain, if you enter the tavern, many mercenaries will recognize you. If those wanted criminals hide, it'll be even harder to find them."


"Do you have a better idea?" Otruluk asked.


"I'll go in; wait for my signal."


Wu Heng rarely showed up at the Adventurer's Guild. Besides the squad members and staff, few knew who he was.


There was almost no one among the mercenaries who would recognize him.


The main reason was that Xiaoxiao had already spotted someone inside the tavern who matched the wanted criminals' descriptions.


He couldn't tell the squad members that he had found the targets without going in himself.


And he couldn't reveal Xiaoxiao's existence.


"Alright, be careful," Otruluk said.


"Hmm." Wu Heng nodded and headed downstairs.


He walked out of the building and directly toward the tavern.


As he approached, a skinny man with a shifty look hurried over, but Wu Heng signaled Barson not to intervene.


The man came closer and whispered mysteriously, "Friend, you look new here. First time? Want to try something? Paradise Potion—just one dose, and you'll feel so~ good, so~ happy, like nothing you've ever experienced before. And it's not expensive."


The potion development in this world was no less advanced than in modern times, perhaps even more so.


Seeing Wu Heng dressed well, with an obvious bodyguard in tow, the locals saw him as a potential customer.


Wu Heng ignored him and pushed past to continue into the tavern.


The noise, the strong smell of alcohol, and the stench of sweat hit him as soon as he entered.


Besides the people drinking at the tables, there were a few burly men armed with weapons, acting as bouncers.


Wu Heng found a place to sit.


Almost immediately, a scantily clad woman approached him, "What can I get you, sir?"


"Foggy Cocktail."


The woman glanced at Barson, who sat nearby, upright and wearing a round helmet, "Doesn't he want anything?"


"He doesn't need anything."


"That'll be 55 copper coins," the woman said with a smile, leaning forward to reveal more of her low-cut neckline.


Although Wu Heng usually frequented taverns in the crowded areas, he was familiar with this type of interaction.


He pulled out a silver coin and slipped it into her cleavage, "Keep the change."


"Thank you, sir."


As the woman went to get the drink, Wu Heng looked up toward the second floor.


A man with a beard and a hat was leaning on the railing, looking down.


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