
Apocalypse: I Choose To Stop Time

"It was the year 2030 and the world had fallen into darkness. Pollution spread pervasively and all sorts of diseases permeated Earth. Countless lives were mutated by the shadows and turned into the living dead. Faced with such a haunting world, Thomson was surprised to wake one day with a newly implanted system. With living dead scattered all over the world, the system gave him two choices. 1. A hundred sets of individual equipment. 2. To stop time. The system gave Thomson two choices and he replied, ""Stop time!"""

Thoughts of A Foodie · SF
40 Chs

Eye of Insight!

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Option 1. Attribute points could strengthen one's attributes.

However, with 20 attribute points, Thomson did not think much of it.

Thus, without hesitation, he eliminated option 1.

Option 2. An AK rifle.

This option was rather interesting. Hot weapons were more useful than cold weapons.

However, according to Thomson's previous experiments, these zombies would continue to move unless they had lost their heads.

Therefore, for an AK, he needed to shoot them in the head.

Previously, Thomson had not practiced his marksmanship.

Before he transmigrated, he had played penguin's national gun battle and a 300-million-mouse-gun battle dream game.

In that game, Thomson liked to use the AK the most. It was for nothing else, but for its power and high head shot rate.

However, no matter how good Thomson's marksmanship was in the game, in reality, he was still a noob.

After all, it was a real AK rifle in reality. In the game, he only needed to press the mouse.

Moreover, the most fatal problem was the problem of bullet supply.

There could not be an unlimited supply of bullets, right?

Moreover, with Thomson's biggest trump card, the time freeze superpower, within his 50-meter range, cold weapons were the most effective.

When he aimed at the zombie's head with his AK, his tang knife had already cut off the zombie's head.

Therefore, the second option was not too tempting.

As for the third option, power... Eye of insight!

Thomson was very clear about the power of his power.

His time-stopping ability was his trump card.

His ability was definitely more valuable than any weapon.

At this thought, Thomson no longer hesitated.

He told the system in his heart that his choice was the third option.

In the next moment, the system's reward arrived.

Thomson felt his eyes suddenly become hot.

If not for Thomson's strong willpower, he would have shouted.

After a few seconds, it started to become cold again.

The hot breath started to dissipate.

After a few seconds, it started to become hot again.

After being tortured repeatedly for a few rounds, Thomson felt that his eyes were starting to change.

Thomson found that his vision had improved again.

His vision, which was comparable to that of a special forces soldier, became clear again.

Was this the eye of insight?

It did not seem to have improved his vision much.

Was that all?

Thomson silently thought to himself... Eye of insight.

Instantly, the information of the long-legged girl in front of Thomson appeared.

[Name: Nina.]

[Age: 20 years old.]

[Strength: 10.] (10 points for ordinary people.)

[Speed: 15.] (10 points for ordinary people.)

[Constitution: 12.] (10 points for ordinary people.)

[Spirit: 10.] (10 points for ordinary people.)

[Special: 90.] (Female-specific attributes, related to personal life.)

[Note: the target is currently in a weakened state, all attributes reduced by half.]

[Superpower: None.]

[Loyalty: 50.] (Max value: 100.)

So, that was how the eye of insight was used.

Being able to see the target's information was great.

Not bad, not bad. Thomson was very satisfied with the first subordinate he had just subdued.

As a girl, her attributes were pretty good.

Especially Nina's speed value, which actually reached 15 points.

Could it be that because her legs were long so her speed was particularly fast?

Thomson took a look at Nina's long legs and thought to himself.

Everyone had their own unique talent.

Previously, Thomson's spirit was also higher than that of an ordinary person.

Thomson discovered that after having the eye of insight, his observational ability had become even stronger.

He could easily see that Nina's delicate and pretty face in front of him had not been fixed.

Moreover, he could see that Nina was still a virgin.

Thomson was more and more satisfied with this subordinate.

Looking at Nina's weak appearance, Thomson handed her a box of milk.

"Drink some milk to replenish your strength, but don't drink too much. Your stomach won't be able to take it," Thomson said.

A person who had been hungry for a long time would have a very small stomach. If she suddenly ate too much, her stomach would easily burst.

Nina looked at the milk and nodded excitedly.

With a mouthful of milk in her mouth, Nina felt that this was the most delicious milk in the world.

After a few mouthfuls, Nina had drunk half a carton of milk.

"Alright, take a rest before drinking. I won't fight with you." Thomson snatched the milk away.

He was afraid that this long-legged girl would burst her stomach.

After drinking the milk, Nina's face finally looked better.

She looked at the handsome Thomson with gratitude.

Nina said a little embarrassingly, "Thank you. My name is Nina."

"I know. You're twenty years old this year. You should be a running champion, right?"

"How do you know?" Nina was a little surprised.

"The secrets of heaven cannot be revealed." Thomson had an unfathomable look on his face.

Thomson handed the ham sausage that had been peeled to Nina.

Looking at the ham sausage, Nina's fair and pretty face turned red.

He could not be hinting at something, right?

'Is he trying to get me to do something?

'Haiya, Nina, what are you thinking about!'

Shaking her small head, Nina dispelled the impure thoughts in her mind.

Opening her small mouth, she ate the ham sausage bit by bit.

After drinking the milk, Nina was no longer very hungry at the moment.

Therefore, she ate more elegantly.

"If you want to eat anything else, feel free to choose," Thomson said generously.

"You're now my subordinate, so you're no longer an outsider.

"What I have, you'll also have.

"However, the most important thing is that you must be loyal to me."

When Thomson said "what I have, you'll also have", he could see that Nina's loyalty had risen from 50 points to 60 points.

Nina nodded solemnly at Thomson.

"You saved my life. I'll be loyal to you.

"If it weren't for you, I'd have been eaten by zombies or starved to death.

"I used to be a student of the police academy. I know some combat skills.

"I'll definitely be able to help you with some things in the apocalypse.

"If there's anything you need me to do, just tell me."

Nina knew Thomson's strength, so she expressed her loyalty.

There was a saying, "a great favor could not be repaid, only..."

Thinking of this, Nina's face turned red again.