

Gavin was given another chance in life. he was killed by the boyfriend of the girl he loved the most. now he has transmigratted into the body of a female girl. and as if the world hates him, he was also in a new world where an apocalypse was about to begin.

lil_insane_butgood · ファンタジー
28 Chs


"with that gone, we need to decide a plan for our survival." I said

"So who amongst all of you have evolved?" I asked.

A girl raised her hand, she had long white hair sapphire azure like eyes and the average curves of a woman.

Following the girl's lead, a boy also raised his hand.

He was a skinny looking boy with black shorr hair.

Then another boy raised his hand, he had brown hair, an athlete physique which made him look handsome, what am I saying.

'Human beings had a great way of adapting, even if it was only the first day of the apocalypse, they had already evolved'

I walked over to the three people

"And what are your names?" I asked

"My name is Stacy." the girl said

"And he is called mark." Stacy said pointing to the brown haired boy

"And he is...."

"John, my name is John, it's a pleasure meet you." the black haired boy said taking my hand.

I quickly retracted my hands

"That's good, my name is gav... Kate I mean Kate, right here next to me is Sophie." I said pointing at Sophie

"I just needed to inform you all that I want to have a private meeting, as I want to discuss something important with you all... Now if you would please lead the way."

"Right this way." John said leading us.

After a while we got to an empty space with a table in the middle and chairs around it

I took my seat and Sophie followed, seating beside me, and then the rest of the people sat down

"Now, the reason why I called for this meeting is to discuss our food situation, although it has only been one day, we still need to save up for the future until help arrives."

"That's a great idea, your so smart Kate." John said

"Hey kate, do you think this guy is trying too hard." Sophie whispered.

She was right John was making advances towards me and it was disgusting

"I wish I had been reincarnated as a teenage boy like in the novels then I would look cool." I thought

"You're right, with all the nasty things happening out there, we need to cheerish our supplies and consume them slowly." Stacy said

"What are you suggesting we do now?" mark asked

"We shouldn't go at it all at once, we should consume our little supplies little by little" I said

"Yes and we can make a few people in charge of distributing the food equally." Sophie added

"That's a smart Idea Sophie, who knows you had it in you." I teased

"Then you should know that I'm really smart." Sophie said

"Yeah right."

"That's a great idea." mark said

"Thanks." Sophie replied

"Well then, let's move on to our second problem, who has a phone in here?" I asked

"I brought mine with me." Stacy said

"Can you connect to the outside world or has the connection been cut off."

"I've tried calling my parents a few times, but sadly it didn't connect."

"That's going to be a problem." John said

"With how things are going, the government won't be here anytime soon." Sophie said

"No, my father will surely come for me, I know he will, he can't abandon me here to die!" Stacy cried out

"Stacy, although your father is the military head commander, he still has his own problems to solve." mark tried to calm the crying girl

"We can't loose hope, someone will come for us, but until then we need to stay alert and manage the little resources we have." i tried to encourage everyone

This is another reason why I decided to hold the meeting in private, some survivors may freak out hearing this

"Stacy! Stacy!" a boy ran in calling out to Stacy

"What are you doing here can't you see that we're having a private meeting?" John yelled

"I'm so sorry, but it's really important, I need to talk to Stacy." the boy replied

"Adam, I'm not the leader here, anything you want to discuss which is important tell it to the leader" Stacy said pointing at me

"Oh, uhm... miss Kate, we've received some bad news."

"First of all don't call me miss, call me by my real name, Kate, now what's the news that you received?" I asked

"Sorry miss... I mean sorry Kate, but we've received news that there's a huge monster out there, it's destroying everything on it's path, and soon enough it'd reach the cafeteria." Adam said

"Well what do you expect, if we run and hide leaving the mutated monsters out there, they'll surely evolve... But it happened too fast." I thought

"We need to take care of it before it reaches the cafeteria, gather all the fighters we're going out." mark said


"What do you mean, we need to kill it before it kills us, that's the rule of the jungle, kill or be killed!" Stacy argued

"You're right about killing it, but we can't send everyone out there, they'll practically be useless and inevitably die." I said

"So what do you expect us to do?" mark asked

"Get everyone capable of fighting ready on standby, guard the cafeteria with your lives."

"I'll go out alone to face it." I said

"What do you mean go out to face it alone, you're a girl, don't try to act cool." John said out of frustration

"He's right kate, although you're strong don't risk your life trying to be brave." Sophie said

As much as I wanted to look cool in front of the girls this wasn't a plan to act cool.

I knew that all their fighters would be weak as their boss was only a level 2 evolver, so his followers would practically be at the level 1 stage which meant they would inevitably die fighting the beast

"This beast must be at least a level 4 or a level 5 beast, which makes it more dangerous, I need to handle it alone." I thought

"If you insist on going alone then I'll come with you." John said

"Me too, we need all the help we can get." mark added

"Me three."

"M-me four, I'm going if Mark's going." Stacy and Sophie aslo opted to join the group

"I must go alone and that's an order!" I commanded