
The beginning of the end

A Global crises surrounded every corner of the earth, rain was last seen in 2023 and the people who were living in 2043 were out of food, water and other supplies. It was a dog eat dog situation as livestock died of hunger, this left humans without food and drink. Trees were slowly dying and almost the whole earth was turning into a desert. Money no longer had value and most people wished that death swallowed them. From the year 2023 to 2043, pandemics were sweeping the remainder of every breathing creature. Even the rich couldn't save themselves. The infrastructure deteriorated bit by bit, there was no one to maintain the roads, bridges and buildings. In Africa, predictors left the jungle and hunted down humans as game. Even lions hunted down each other and some humans ate the flesh of their own kind because of starvation. At first they ate their pets and what people called pets became extinct. After this phase they finished the remaining game which was very difficult to track as some of the wild animals were swept by the ongoing pandemic. Locasts invaded the grass, crops and trees. After invading these things, the locusts descended on human flesh. Even the flies became predictors. Most families fled from their homes and settled near swamps and they built shelter near the swamps inorder to have access to water. What people used to call waste became the only hope for human survival. Most people died because of drinking water from the swamps, some were killed by crocodiles and alligators. No creature was on top of the food chain as every existing thing was a danger to each other. In Europe, Asia and other advanced continents, people tried to build bunkers and store food but in the year 2043,all their food and supplies were exhausted. The bunkers became their graves as they died of starvation. No one wanted to go outside because of the airborne pandemics created as biological weapons in the third world war of 2035 which affected other continents more than the extent Africa was affected. The air was very toxic and the horrible smell of dead corpses filled seventy-five percent of the bunkers. This was the beginning of an end of both the earth and every creation in it, this was just the birth of the apocalypse.