
135 A Class that Hacks?

[: Daniel POV :]

I finally found it!

After scrolling through the countless class options, my eyes locked on the class I had been searching for.

With trembling hands, I clicked on the class and made my selection.

[: Are you sure about this choice? :]

The system questioned me, but I was resolute in my decision. No matter what the outcome, I wouldn't regret it.

"Yes!" I answered, my voice tinged with nervousness.

This class held a special place in my heart.

I had heard legends and stories about its history, and it was tied to a dark age in this world's past.

It was an overpowered class that could manipulate a portion of reality itself, something truly unimaginable.

[: Congratulations, you have chosen the unique class, 'Modded Player,' as your selection :]

Yes, the class I had opted for was none other than 'Modded Player.'

[: You have chosen 'Modded Player' as your class, and as a result, you have received the following stat bonuses: +200 to all stats :]

[: You have acquired the following skills: Hacked Stats(S), Modded Refinement(S), Hacker Invincibility(S), Bugged Player(S), and Lag Function(S) :]

I couldn't contain my excitement as I read through the notifications.

The bonuses and skills that came with the 'Modded Player' class were beyond my wildest dreams.

My heart raced with each passing second, and I found it hard to believe that I now possessed one of the legendary classes that had nearly brought the world to its knees.

Anyone who understood how these skills worked would undoubtedly recognize their incredible power.

[: Hacked Stats(S) :]

- This skill could modify and multiply stats from a value of 1 to 100

[: Modded Refinement(S) :]

- A passive skill that modified all stats and experiences and drops to a value of 100-

[: Hacker Invincibility(S) :]

- Another passive skill that modded all aspects of defence, including recovery, physical damage reduction, magical damage reduction, soul damage reduction, and poison resistance, to a value of 100 -

- If my health reached zero, it would be immediately restored, granting me 1 minute of invincibility during which all forms of damage would be negated: Cooldown 1 week :]

[: Bugged Player(S) :]

- This passive skill caused occasional bugged moments where stats and experiences could be multiplied by any number from 1

to 1000 -

[: Lag Function(S) :]

- A passive skill that causes lag to enemies, resulting in their attacks occasionally failing to work or the damage they received being multiplied by any number from 1 to 1000.

These skills were essentially cheats that could drive anyone to frustration.

While they offered fewer offensive capabilities, the buffs and advantages they provided were enough to make a king declare


But this is not the end!

My heart pounding with excitement.

I still had one more trick up my sleeve which was the upgrade

skills runes.

With 69 upgrade skills at my disposal. I decided to use the Upgrade Skill Runes to further enhance my skills to the Mythic


I wonder what would the results be.

The anticipation of the outcome only fueled my excitement


[: Modded Refinement has been increased from S to SS :]

[: Modded Refinement has been increased from S to SS :]

[: Modded Refinement(SSS) :]

- A passive skill that mods all stats, rewards, and experiences to

500 -

500!? Are you serious!?

I couldn't contain my excitement as the results exceeded my


If the SSS Rank had given me a modded multiplication of 500, I could only imagine what the number would be at the Epic Rank. The possibilities were mind-boggling, and I couldn't wait to see the astronomical figures that would be revealed when the skill reached Mythic Rank.

With renewed excitement, I decided to spam the skill upgrade rune to uncover the full potential of this incredible skill.

[: Modded Refinement(MYTHIC):]

- A passive skill that mods all stats and experiences to 5000, and

multiplies all rewards by x5 -

I couldn't believe my eyes as I witnessed the skill upgrade to

Mythic rank.

The numbers were mind-boggling.

Modding all stats and experiences to 5000 was beyond anything I

had ever imagined.

But multiplying the rewards that I received by 5 times is just

something that I couldn't comprehend.

This wasn't just a boost to my stats; it applied to everything, from

the rewards I gained to the experiences I earned.

The potential for exponential growth and power was staggering.

With this skill alone, I could acquire S-Rank Skill Books and Prisms like they were common items.

It was undeniably unfair and felt like cheating, but I wasn't done


There were other skills I had my eye on, and I intended to

upgrade them all to perfection.

[: Hacker Invincibility(MYTHIC):]

- A passive skill that mods all recovery, physical damage reduction, magical damage reduction, soul damage reduction, and poison resistance to 5000 -

- If HP reaches zero, health will be immediately restored and will

receive 6h of invincibility where all sorts of damages will be

negated. Cool down - 12h -

[: Bugged Player(MYTHIC):]

- A passive skill that causes bugged moments where stats and

experiences could be multiplied from any number from 1 to 5000,

and multiplies rewards from 1 to 5 randomly-

[: Lag Function(Mythic):]

- A passive skill that causes lag to enemies, resulting in their

attacks occasionally failing to work or the damage they received being multiplied by any number from 1 to 5000 -

[: Hacked Stats(Mythic) :]

- This skill could modify and multiply stats from a value of 1 to

5000 -

I couldn't believe the incredible power I now possessed in


The skills I had upgraded to Mythic level were beyond anything I

had ever imagined.

With the ability to multiply stats, rewards, and experiences by 5000, I felt like I could conquer the entire world of Fantasia.

As I looked at my character sheet and saw the modifiers applied

to my stats, I couldn't help but smile.

[: Congratulations, you have completed the requirements for

unlocking the class quest upgrade for Modded Player :]

[: Due to unlocking all of the skills to mythic, the class quest upgrade has been unlocked :]

[: Modded Player Class Upgrade Quest (Ex):]

- Find and gather all of the Modded Chips: 0/10 -

- Reward: Class Upgrade -

I can't believe it.

I never thought I would unlock the class quest upgrade for

Modded Player.

I was in disbelief yet a surge of excitement coursing through me.

It seems that breaking all the skills to the mythic level was the


Now, I understand that it was because of this reason that the

records had indicated that the predecessor couldn't upgrade


After all, obtaining the skill runes necessary for upgrades was almost impossible to obtain.

Bella's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts with her sweet


"You seem rather happy, Daniel," she observed, her tone tinged with genuine curiosity.

Perhaps, I had been so preoccupied with my thoughts that I hadn't noticed her gazing at me with such interest.

Her warm smile pulled me back to the moment, and I couldn't

help but grin in response.

"Yeah, I am. Something really good just happened," I admitted, a surge of happiness bubbling within me.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and perhaps a touch of excitement as she leaned in slightly.

"Well, that's good! I'm glad that you're happy with the relic,"

She said, her smile still as sweet as ever.

I squared my shoulders and looked at Bella. "Bella, I'm going to track down and eliminate every last one of

those remaining monsters. Just stay put, and I'll be back," I assured her.

There were still millions of monsters lurking out, but I saw this as

the perfect opportunity to test modded player skills and the

Omega Lock abilities.

Alright," she replied with a reassuring smile and her trust in me was evident.

With a self-assured grin, I added, "I promise, it won't take more than a few moments."

Eventually, I surveyed the forest surroundings, preparing for what lay ahead. With that, I activated the Omega Lock skill, unleashing its power

in a blaze of excitement and anticipation.

A rush of exhilaration surged through me as I tapped into the mighty power of the Omega Lock skill.

My eyes blazed with a fierce, destructive red energy, the raw

power building within them until they transformed into lasers, radiant and unstoppable.

But these lasers didn't follow a predictable path.

They danced like lightning bolts, seeking out their monstrous prey

with an uncanny, mesmerizing precision.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, a symphony of destruction

unfolded before me.

In a mere 0.0000001 seconds, the first monster fell, a surge of

triumph coursing through me.

In 0.00001 seconds, a hundred monsters met their swift and

decisive end, each victory fueling my excitement.

In 0.0001 seconds, a thousand monsters vanished into oblivion,

leaving behind a sense of awe and exhilaration.

In 0.001 seconds, ten thousand monsters succumbed to the

relentless power of the Omega Lock, my heart pounding with

each passing moment.

In 0.01 seconds, a hundred thousand monsters disappeared, and I

felt like an unstoppable force of nature.

In 0.1 seconds, I had annihilated a staggering one million monsters, a surge of elation washing over me. And then, as the clock reached a single second, I unleashed the

final, cataclysmic wave, eradicating every last remaining monster.

Knowing that I had eradicated every monster, I was smiling widely and emotions of triumph and awe swelled within me. When the dust settled, it left behind a victorious and electrifying aftermath..