
Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain

Hikaru was living a peaceful life when the system sent him to a chaotic apocalyptic world. This world consists of many apocalyptic novels. However, Hikaru was not the main character of this world but a villain. Faced with countless protagonists from other novels, he has no choice but to try to survive. He began to hoard food, build bases, and rob the main male lead's items. Hikaru struggled, fighting with the male leads. ... Check the characters art at my Twitter: @HikaruKiki1111 … Release: 1 chapter / day (^_^) .... I hope you will enjoy this book. Thank you so much! Sorry for my bad English, if there is anything wrong, just tell me. I will try to fix it a.s.a.p (^_^)

HikaruKiki · SF
204 Chs

I can give you the secret of this car

20 minutes ago.

In the staff lounge, Hikaru looked at Laylah and asked: "I know his location, however, he is a very careful person, so there will be many plans to stop us."

Laylah heard that and smiled: "Hikaru, he is a careful person, not an omnipotent person, there are many ways to deal with him."

"Hm?! You mean…"

She nodded and said, "That's right. He is a careful man who has many plans to deal with us."

"He tries to anticipate our predictions to figure out how to deal with us."

"So… the way to deal with him is…"

Hikaru remained silent, listening intently to what Laylah was about to say.

"That is… we don't need a plan."

"Heh?!" Hikaru felt like he heard wrong, so he tilted his head and asked Laylah again: "What the hell are you… talking about?"

"Hahaha… do you find it strange?" Laylah laughed and said: "I have been in contact with many criminals, many of which are psychopaths or extremely bizarre."