
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · ファンタジー
583 Chs


The mutated spider let out a miserable cry, then used its spider legs to cover its eyes.

After seeing the first gunshot take effect, Waldo naturally wouldn't miss any opportunity and fired one shot after another, rapidly and closely.

However, each shot was blocked by the spider's spider legs.

The shell of the mutated spider was very tough, so although Waldo's subsequent bullets hit the spider's legs and abdomen, they barely clung to the outer layer, unable to penetrate the spider completely and only leaving bullet holes.

Waldo had no time to be surprised because his handgun ran out of bullets and he needed to reload. Seizing the opportunity, the spider jumped down from the top of the mine and swooped down.

Waldo retrieved his handgun and drew out a critical strike katana.

The mutated spider swung its eight spider legs towards him.

Waldo quickly made a block.

If it weren't for temporarily reaching the peak of physical enhancement, he really wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Although the mutated spider was huge in size, its eight spider legs were extremely agile.

And they had great destructive power.

Waldo dodged one of the legs that lunged towards him, and the stone wall behind him was swiftly sliced apart as if it were tofu.

Waldo threw a Molotov cocktail, igniting the spider web that sealed the entrance to the tunnel.

But due to the size of the spider web, the Molotov cocktail burst open and only burned slowly.

Waldo had already noticed when his left hand was entangled by the spider silk earlier that the spider silk of this mutated spider had also undergone mutations, surprisingly not being afraid of fire.

At that time, he had rubbed the torch hard to free himself from the spider silk at the critical moment.

It seemed that it would take some time to burn open a passage to escape.

During this time, all Waldo could do was use every trick in the book to try to restrain the mutated spider.

Throughout the process, Waldo continuously utilized his agile figure to dodge and occasionally stabbed the katana into the relatively soft abdomen of the mutated spider.

The pain made the mutated spider even more frenzied.

Unlike ordinary creatures, which would gradually weaken when subjected to more and more attacks, this mutated spider seemed to be stimulated and launched even more fierce attacks.

Waldo pursed his lips.He thought to himself, isn't this just like the kind of boss in games that goes berserk?

Thinking he was about to succeed, the boss calmly entered the second phase, directly sending the player back to the respawn point.

But if I die here, there won't be a respawn point.

Waldo bitterly smiled and could only concentrate even more to dodge the mutated spider's attacks.


The mutated spider shot out spider silk, trying to restrict Waldo's movements.

Waldo decisively threw out two Molotov cocktails.

Then he took advantage of the situation and slid underneath the mutated spider, using the critical strike katana to open a wound on its abdomen.

Waldo grinned and said, "Fortunately, you're not a mutated tiger, otherwise, my slide would have been in vain."

He wasn't really fond of making jokes, but in this highly tense situation, he unconsciously relieved his own pressure by speaking.

Even if it was talking to himself.

The mutated spider gradually turned red.This was true red eyes.

The originally green compound eyes gradually turned red.

Waldo clearly felt a significant change in the mutated spider's momentum.

At this moment, the mutated spider emitted an indescribable aura, making Waldo feel uncomfortable under its pressure.

Perhaps, this was the wildness inherent in mutated creatures.

Just then, a sudden idea struck Waldo.

Since it was a spider, could it be dealt with

using insecticide?

Among the daily supplies distributed during this period, there happened to be an unlimited supply of insecticide for one day.

He threw two bottles of insecticide.

The mutated spider lightly brushed its spider legs, easily tearing through the fragile metal packaging of the insecticide.


In an instant, the liquid contained within the two bottles of insecticide exploded.

The mutated spider smelled the insecticide and actually moved to the side.


It actually worked!

Although Waldo was speechless about this nonsensical turn of events, he wouldn't let the opportunity slip by.

He immediately took out another bottle of insecticide and sprayed it inside the enclosed mine.

The mutated spider continued waving its spider legs in place and then charged towards Waldo.

Naturally, Waldo wouldn't give the mutated spider a chance to get close. Taking advantage of his agility, he performed a play of an eagle catching a chick with the spider.

The mutated spider kept chasing behind while Waldo put on a mask and kept pressing the insecticide spray.

One bottle after another, he circled around inside the mine.

Waldo started to doubt whether the insecticide was effective or not.

The reason the mutated spider avoided it was simply an instinctive subconscious action based on its previous survival instincts.

But soon, the insecticide took effect.

The mutated spider suddenly stopped chasing Waldo and stood in place, swaying.

It was like a drunken man, trying to stand up straight and shouting, "I'm not drunk!"

Even the zombie spider, after being mutated, couldn't escape from the prolonged inhalation of the insecticide spray.

The violent behavior on the mutated spider gradually faded away, and its red compound eyes started to change back to green, losing its imposing aura.

However, Waldo didn't dare to relax.

After all, it was insecticide!

During the previous period, he had practically sprayed the entire mine with insecticide. Even with a mask on, he felt uncomfortable.

Yet, the mutated spider, which was already at a disadvantage, was only a little dizzy.

This made Waldo remain cautious.

Strike while the iron is hot!

Waldo immediately drew his critical strike katana and charged forward.

Just as he approached, the mutated spider suddenly kicked one of its spider legs, attempting to attack Waldo.

Exactly as expected!

Waldo had been on guard against the counterattack and wasn't startled by the sudden attack.

He seized the opportunity and, in one swift motion, chopped down on the joint of the spider leg that the mutated spider extended.

The spider leg was neatly severed.

The mutated spider let out a miserable cry, extending its other spider legs and swinging them wildly.

Unfortunately, affected by the dizziness caused by the insecticide and its already injured body, its mobility was greatly reduced.

Attacks that Waldo could barely dodge by exerting all his effort earlier now became easily avoidable.

One slash!

Waldo severed another spider leg.

Another slash!

Waldo sliced open the compound eyes of the mutated spider.

Slash after slash!

Waldo chopped off the head of the mutated spider, splitting it open.

In this battle, Waldo unexpectedly emerged victorious.

He originally thought he just needed to hold on until the spider web blocking the mine was burned open, and then he could make a lucky escape.

To be able to save his life was like stepping on dog poop and getting lucky.

He never expected that he, alone and single-handedly, would hunt and kill this mutated zombie spider.

Waldo was somewhat uneasy and continued to deliver a few more slashes.

After cutting off all the spider legs, he finally sat on the ground to rest, feeling relieved.

This battle was more perilous than any he had experienced before.

Although he successfully killed the mutated spider in the end, the true strength of mutated creatures left Waldo with a heavy heart.

It seemed like what many survivors had said was true.

Surviving in this apocalypse would become increasingly difficult.

One could imagine that soon, another large group of survivors would likely be wiped out.

The spider silk sealing the exit of the mine had just burned a hole big enough to leave.

Waldo stood up, but was attracted by the glow emanating from the abdomen of the mutated spider.

Using his critical strike katana, he pried open the abdomen of the mutated spider and saw a golden-level supply box radiating a golden light.

Mia's intelligence was not wrong. There really was a golden-level supply box here.

However, it had somehow been swallowed by the mutated spider.

Waldo directly retrieved the supply box into his backpack without checking it immediately. He couldn't wait to leave the mine.

Feeling the warmth of the sunlight and enjoying the joy of surviving the disaster.


Waldo smiled.

Then, driving his old car, he sang loudly all the way, leaving the mining site.

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