
Short Information

Hey guys, so I have written multiple versions of the next chapter but it never works out the way I want/intended it to do...

To put the issue on the table, my cast of characters is simply overwhelming to write in and for.

That's why I will re-write the current chapters into a smaller, better manageable cast for myself.

I'm sorry that there won't be any new chapters for today as well!

Like I said, it's my first time trying to write a story, so I went a bit overboard with my character cast ^^

EDIT: Couldn't really focus on any character as I tried to get everyone in at the same time, that's why I feel it's best if the cast is cut down so that I can better focus while writing and developing them, as well as you guys having a nicer more put-together story to read and enjoy! :D

See y'all tomorrow when I update the existing chapters and later with the new chapter!