
Apex Mech

[Apocalypse + Behemoths + Mechs] The invasion of gargantuan beasts heralds the apocalypse! Ethan, a surface survivor, awakens with mysterious powers, pilots a mech, and confronts the massive creatures. This is the clash of metal's might! This is humanity's final roar! This is the saga of a hero...

shui_AW · SF
38 Chs

The Gruesome Battlefield

After Ethan and Cedricl's off-road vehicle had passed, another vehicle followed in their wake, skirting past the 'Tanuki Power.' However, luck was not on their side as the 'Tanuki Power' lashed out, sending the vehicle flying with a chorus of screams before it crashed into the distant woods, followed by the sound of an explosion. The chances of survival seemed slim.

Ethan glanced back to see the 'Tanuki Power' rising to its feet, charging towards the black heavy mech piloted by He Hao. 'Black Thunder' released blue flames from its feet and palms, propelling the seemingly cumbersome mech away from the Behemoth. Then, 'Black Thunder' formed hand seals, casting the 'Black Rope' mystic technique to ensnare the Behemoth's front legs. With a forceful tug, the creature was brought down once more and dragged away, clearing the path for the vehicles behind.

At that moment, a thunderous boom! Ethan turned towards the sound, only to see a third-year student's mech being toppled by a 'Tanuki Power' and then sent flying by a buffalo-shaped 'Si' using shockwaves. When the mech finally regained its footing, it was too late. The two Behemoths rammed it from both sides, shattering the mech into pieces, with explosions erupting continuously. The pilot was ejected from the mech's head, but before he could land, he was caught and swallowed whole by the boar-like 'Tanuki Power.'

This gruesome sight left Ethan speechless for a long time. He settled back into the vehicle, and Cedricl, who had also witnessed the scene through the rearview mirror, shook his head and said, "That was horrific." He then added, "But it's strange. Why would so many Behemoths suddenly appear?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes and uttered one word, "Xuan..."

Cedricl paused, then asked, "Ethan, do you think it was the work of that sovereign-level Behemoth?"

Ethan frowned slightly but did not disagree. "It's a possibility." Due to the 'Phoenix Tail Fern,' 'Xuan' had been spotted in the safe zone before. It might have taken notice of the camp. Moreover, 'Xuan' was described as having beast-controlling abilities. The convergence of so many Behemoths seemed less like a coincidence and more like they were being driven by something.

Just then, a roar erupted. Reacting instinctively, Ethan activated his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye.' The world transformed into a simple sketch before him, with basic lines outlining the shapes of objects. He immediately spotted a massive creature emitting a gray glow approaching from the forest to their left.

"There, a Behemoth!" Ethan pointed to the left. As he did, trees were uprooted from the forest, shooting out like giant spears. A dark shadow loomed overhead, and a large tree descended upon them. Cedricl jerked the steering wheel sharply, narrowly avoiding the tree, which crashed beside the vehicle, its branches entangling the off-road car.

Cedricl floored the accelerator, the wheels smoking, but the vehicle was stuck. And then, a 'Si,' covered in dark fur and resembling a water buffalo, charged out of the woods towards them.

"Run!" Ethan made a split-second decision, unbuckled his seatbelt, and leaped from the vehicle. He and Cedricl had just jumped out when a huge hoof descended from above. In a life-or-death moment, Ethan's Yuan Force surged explosively through his meridians, propelling him out of the hoof's crushing path.

Looking back, Ethan saw the off-road vehicle flattened. Cedricl's fate was unknown, and Ethan had no time to check. He turned and ran. The black buffalo-like Behemoth had already moved on, seemingly just passing by. But Ethan's danger was far from over.

Behind him, a chorus of buzzing grew louder. Ethan looked back, his scalp tingling at the sight. A swarm of Behemoth parasites, resembling green-headed flies the size of small dogs, with bloated bodies and many sacs on their backs, were in pursuit. They had wings but couldn't fly, yet they scurried across the ground with alarming speed.

These parasites, known as 'Decay Flies,' originated from the 'Si.' The sacs on their backs would burst upon the slightest provocation, spraying highly corrosive fluid. Moreover, these creatures liked to lay eggs inside living hosts, depositing hundreds of larvae that would feed on the host's flesh.

With a swarm of Decay Flies on his heels, Ethan could not engage in close combat as he might with Goldwing Lice, and he was unarmed. As the flies drew closer, Ethan activated his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye' again, scanning for an environment that could save his life. He hoped to find a cave or similar refuge, where blocking the entrance might give him a chance to survive.

Then he heard the sound of water. After a search, he discovered a river with turbulent waters and a swift current. Ethan glanced back at the nearing swarm of flies, clenched his teeth, and plunged into the river. The current swept him uncontrollably downstream.

Struggling to keep afloat, Ethan looked back to see the Decay Flies following along the riverbank, but they couldn't match the speed of the water. Soon, they were out of sight. Ethan tried to reach the bank, but the current was too strong, and he failed repeatedly. He also collided with riverbed stones several times, each time having to activate his Yuan Force in advance to harden his skin like rock to avoid being knocked unconscious.

But then, something even more despairing happened. The river, flowing through the forest, led to an underground cave. Ethan fought desperately to reach the shore before entering the cave, but nature's force was overwhelming. He was swept into the cave, tumbling and choking on water until, after taking a sharp turn, the river widened, and the current slowed.

Ethan quickly activated his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye' and found a shallow bank. Moments later, he lay there, soaking wet and gasping for air, caring for nothing else. After a while, he sat up, removed his clothes to avoid catching a chill from the wet garments, and wrung them out. Then he continued using his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye' to search for an exit.

Soon, he found a cave opening. Through his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye,' he saw that the cave led to a more open space. His only other option was to go against the current and leave the way he came in, which was impossible for him at the moment. With no other choice, Ethan crawled into the cave.

After a silent journey of half an hour, Ethan saw light. He didn't rush out but used his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye' to survey the exit first. He didn't detect any creature's gray glow, but to his astonishment, he found that the space outside the cave had an incredibly high density of Yuan Force!