
Ao Ashi: The Japanese Blue Meteor

A young boy is reincarnated in the world of Ao Ashi with certain abilities which he obtained thanks to three wishes for his new life. Will our protagonist manage to become the best player in the world? ——————- There is no fanfiction of this anime even though it has a lot of potential to write fanfiction. I'm going to use elements from the manga so for anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled this is a warning, there will be a lot of moments that didn't appear in the anime. English is not my basic language so I will do my best to translate thanks to my sister but if there is a mistake do not hesitate to tell me. I hope that you will like.

Yutsuka · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 5

Orochi followed Mr. Schrier and his father to the field near the locker rooms. They quickly saw a young Asian boy, approximately 115 cm tall, walking towards them. Orochi immediately recognized Haruhisa Kuribayashi, another Japanese prodigy.

Mr. Schrier made the introductions. "Orochi, this is Haruhisa. I think you two will get along well."

Haruhisa smiled and held out her hand. "Pleased to meet you, Orochi. My name is Haruhisa Kuribayashi."

Well, this is Haruhisa Kuribayashi. Japan's future rising star. Although I would like to spare him his humiliation against Demian, I will let the story continue normally and when this Demian thinks he is all powerful I will come and crush this emerging arrogance.

"There is no need to speak Spanish with me Haruhisa. I know how to speak Japanese and from what I can see you're not very comfortable with Spanish right ?" Orochi said smiling and shaking his hand.

"Ah good ? Are you Japanese? It looks like it with your western style." Haruhisa said.

"Ahaha! It's true that I was born here so I got used to the customs. But my father is Japanese and he made sure to pass on to me the traditions of my country of origin." Said Orochi.

"Wow lucky. So I suppose your mother is Spanish." Haruhisa said.

"Indeed, you have a good mind for deduction. But and you in all this, how did you end up here?" Said Orochi

"Well was transferred to Spain not long ago for his job. So I took my chance and thanks to Mr. Schrier I can take this FC Barcelona U10 test…" Haruhisa continued speaking.

While they were talking, Mr. Schrier, who was nearby, thought: "It looks like they are stretching well. They even started speaking Japanese. It reassures me to know that he can make a friend, Haruhisa is not someone who talks a lot."

Mr. Schrier was interrupted from his thoughts by the calling of his name. He turned to see a bald man, accompanied by a young man with long hair, walking towards him.

Realizing that he knew the man who had called him well, Schrier addressed him in a mocking tone: "Hello, Avan. Is your wife okay? I should come and eat sometime."

The bald man continued: "In your dreams! Who is this boy? He's a Japanese, right? Why is he participating in this training?"

The bald man, with a mocking smile, said: "It is reserved for young Catalans. You know that it is also an entrance test for FC Barcelona! No matter the level of this boy, a foreigner cannot can't join the club before turning 18. That's the rule!

Schrier replied with a tired smile: "I know, I know Avan. But you know... His father works in a Barcelona branch of a Japanese company... And for quite a long time."

Haruhisa and Orochi listened attentively as the adults discussed Haruhisa's future.

Schrier, still in conversation with Avan, continued: "By working in Barcelona long enough... He can receive permanent residency which would allow Haruhisa to join the academy."

The bald man's face twisted in surprise and confusion:


Schrier thought hard, remembering: "Ever since I saw him play at a nearby club... I've been thinking about it. We can't let... this boy's talent go back to Japan. Do you understand, Avan?!"

"Even if I understand you, we can't decide this alone. Besides who is the second child? It looks like he's Japanese too." Said Avan in a questioning tone

Schrier who was lost in the conversation had forgotten to introduce Orochi, so he hastened to correct this mistake: "Well, this is Orochi Tsukugami, he has dual Japanese and Spanish nationality. From what I've heard from other recruiters, he has incredible abilities."

Avan looked at the little boy in surprise: "So you are Takechi and Maria's son?"

Orochi, upon hearing this question, was in turn surprised: "Indeed sir, do you know my father and my mother?"

"Of course I know them, your father is a major shareholder in the FC Barcelona club in certain areas. I guess he didn't tell you but the person he contacted to reserve a place for you was me. You can call me Mr. Avan."

How unexpected. I never thought this man and my father knew each other. But what is even more shocking is to know that my father is also known at the club. I suppose it was his love for football that pushed him to become a shareholder. Also the man next to him is Romeo, the future U18 coach of FC Barcelona. He was also the one who spotted Demian.

"Well, Mr. Avan, nice to meet you!" Said with a smile.

Their conversation was interrupted by Haruhisa speaking: "Mr. Schrier, I have already said it several times... but... even if I like football I don't know if I would like to play it until I'm an adult, it doesn't interest me that much."

The three adults present were shocked to hear such mature comments from a young boy. After all, the dream of all the boys of this age who were gathered here is to become a football player.

Mr. Scrier replied with a comforting smile: "Haruhisa, it's because you don't know football that can excite you from the depths of your heart. This club, FC Barcelona, ​​is the world itself... Haruhisa you will see everything here. Absolutely everything. I will take you to the international stage."

While he was talking, Romeo kept looking at his watch as if he was waiting for someone. Suddenly he looked into the distance and saw the person he was waiting for.

"Thank God ! You're here Demian!" Romeo shouted.

Two people showed up, a girl and a boy. They were brothers and sisters. The big sister is Claire Cant and the boy's name is Demian Cant.

Demian Cant a boy with fairly long blond hair with tattered clothes and a fairly skinny body. His gaze was cold, devoid of emotion.

My poor thing, you lived a rather difficult life in Argentina. However your road to becoming the strongest will not be so easy with me here.

"You're late Demian! What were you doing ?" Said Romeo

"Sorry Mr. Romeo. My little brother wanted to discover the city so he went for a walk!" Said Claire, her sister looking embarrassed.

"Demian? Not know. Romeo, were you the one who spotted this boy?" Avan asked.

"Yeah he's also a foreigner but his situation is much more complicated than the Japanese boy." Romeo said with a constant smile on his face.

An idea popped into his head: "Let's see, it looks like the little Japanese guy you brought was the most talented today. The Japanese boy and Demian why not put them on different teams so they can compete against each other? This is the best way to get an idea of ​​the extent of his talent."

Avan smiled and replied: "It's okay but I have one condition, I will put Orochi in Demian's team. I also wanted to see a match between Orochi and the little Japanese guy (Haruhisa). What do you think?"

"I don't see a problem with that." Said Romeo

Avan turned to Orochi, "It suits you too, Orochi."

"I have no problem with that." Said Orochi looking bored.

Well it seems that my presence is already changing the original in some way. It is not to upset me.

The land was quickly redeveloped, and the teams were formed. Orochi found himself alongside Demian, while Haruhisa took his place on the opposing team. The match began under the watchful eyes of the spectators, all eager to see how these young talents would measure up against each other.

From the first minutes, it became clear that Haruhisa was dominating the game. With exceptional technique and impressive ball control, he dribbled easily through defenders, creating opportunities for his team. Haruhisa's every move seemed perfectly calculated, and his agility on the court left spectators speechless.

On the other hand, Demian was struggling to keep up. Although he showed flashes of talent, his game was clearly limited by his reliance on his right foot. Whenever he tried to dribble or pass, he primarily used his right foot, making him predictable for opposing defenders. Additionally, his physique was not yet developed enough to compete with Haruhisa's power and speed.

Haruhisa took advantage of this weakness and wasted no time in scoring the first goal of the match. He expertly dribbled around Demian, then sent the ball into the net with incredible precision. The spectators applauded and exclaimed at this display of talent.

"Haruhisa is truly amazing," Alejandro whispered to his father. "He has a technique that even some older players don't have."

Takeshi nodded. "Yes, he has a natural gift for football. Demian has potential, but he still needs to work on his game and strengthen his physique."

Bored Orochi, observing the progress of the match, carefully analyzed Haruhisa's movements. He doesn't know much pointed out during the first part. He wanted to approach letting Haruhisa and Demian express themselves.

The match continued, and Haruhisa showed no signs of slowing down. He scored a second goal, this time dodging two defenders and shooting with incredible power. Shortly after the break was whistled.

Well I have to help him a little. Although in the future he will undoubtedly be a rival. But it amuses me.

During the break while everyone was resting and Romeo was talking with Demian. Orochi approached him.

"Your name is Demian, right?" Said Orochi

Demian didn't answer. Orochi, knowing the character, didn't bother to dwell on it.

"Your ball handling is ridiculously superb. This left foot is like handling water. It's clearly a gift from heaven. I understand that you are left-handed but your right foot is just as important. You must not neglect it. You have to make it as strong as your left foot. You must use both feet as easily as you use both hands." While explaining to him Orochi took a ball and juggled it with his hands.

Suddenly Demian finally replied: "And you know how to do it?"

Still as cold as I can see, I'll show you. It's going to be funny to see the face you're going to pull.

Orochi laughed lightly, letting the ball fall gently into his hands. He took a deep breath, then tossed the ball into the air with disconcerting lightness. Everyone around him, including Demian, stopped to watch.

The ball came back down, and Orochi controlled it with his left foot, bouncing it with impeccable precision. He began to juggle, alternating with natural fluidity between his left and right feet. Every contact was controlled, with the ball remaining perfectly under control at all times.

"Look closely, Demian," Orochi said while juggling. "The important thing is coordination and balance."

Orochi then did a series of increasingly complex juggles, passing the ball from his foot to his knee, then to his head, before letting it gently return to his feet. The ball never touched the ground, as if it were attached to Orochi by an invisible thread.

He continued by dribbling, moving the ball quickly from foot to foot, turning and changing direction with impressive agility. Each movement was fluid, without apparent effort. Orochi showed complete mastery, using both feet with equal precision.

"Using both feet gives you a huge advantage," he said, looking at Demian, while rolling the ball. "It makes you unpredictable for defenders."

Orochi then followed up with some more advanced ball control, catching the ball in mid-air with his right foot, then directing it with surgical precision to his left foot. He finished by doing a series of quick juggles before gently letting the ball fall to the ground.

Orochi's demonstration left everyone impressed. Other players, coaches and even spectators looked on in awe. Orochi took a step back, his face still calm but with a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

"You see, Demian," Orochi said, turning to him, "it's not just a matter of natural talent. It's also a lot of practice and determination. If you work hard and practice with both feet, you will become an even more formidable player."

Demian, remained silent amazed by Orochi's demonstration.

Orochi sighed. "You don't seem very talkative. Me neither. In everything as long as you remember what I told you. It is essential."

Romeo, who was in complete amazement at Orochi's achievements, thought strongly: "What kind of talent is this? How can a boy of this age control the ball with such ease and precision? It's as if he already has years of experience in the field. His ability to use both feet interchangeably is incredible. If this is what he can do now, imagine what he will become with even more training and experience... This boy is destined for great things."

While Romeo was lost in thought, Haruhisa, who had been watching the demonstration with growing interest, walked towards Orochi. His gaze was determined, and a spark of challenge shone in his eyes.

"Orochi," Haruhisa said in a calm but confident voice, "I must admit that what you just did is impressive. Your ball control and technique are exceptional. But I'm not here to admire, I'm here to become the best."

Orochi turned his piercing gaze towards Haruhisa, a slight smile playing on his lips. "I understand, Haruhisa. Competition is what pushes us all to improve. I am ready to take on this challenge."

Haruhisa nodded. "So, let's prove ourselves on the ground. May the best win."

The coaches, seeing the exchange between the two young prodigies, decided not to interrupt this emerging confrontation. Avan and Romeo exchanged a knowing look, knowing that this friendly duel could be extremely beneficial for both players.

"Okay, the match will resume, get into position!" Avan shouted, his voice echoing across the field.

The players took their positions, their eyes glued to the ball. The excitement was palpable as the confrontation between Orochi and Haruhisa reached its climax. The whistle blows, marking the start of the second half of the match.

Haruhisa, determined to maintain his lead, demonstrated his usual exceptional technique. He dribbled with ease, weaving between opposing defenders and looking for openings. However, Orochi, with his characteristic calm and bored gaze, seemed to anticipate Haruhisa's every move.

As soon as Orochi recovered the ball, he took control of the game with disconcerting ease. He juggled skillfully, alternating between his two feet with impressive precision. His ability to read the game and find open spaces surpassed that of his teammates and opponents.

Haruhisa tried to snatch the ball from him, but Orochi, without apparent effort, dodged his attempts with impeccable dribbles and ingenious feints. His technique was so perfect that he seemed to be playing on another level. Spectators were amazed by the fluidity and grace of his movements.

With each attack, Orochi created opportunities for his team. He distributed precise passes to his teammates, placing them in ideal positions to score. But it was Orochi himself who made the difference.

After a series of quick and precise passes, Orochi found himself facing the goalkeeper. With astonishing ease, he placed the ball in the upper right corner of the goal, scoring his first goal. The stadium erupted in cheers, impressed by his calm and efficiency.

The game resumed, and despite Haruhisa's efforts to regain control, Orochi continued to dominate. He recovered the ball after a skillful interception and dribbled through the opposition defense, scoring a second goal with a powerful and precise strike.

Haruhisa, although talented, could not match Orochi's total mastery. Each attempted counterattack was neutralized by Orochi, who seemed to anticipate each movement with disconcerting ease.

Finally, a few minutes before the end of the match, Orochi made a final demonstration of his talent. He dribbled through several defenders, using feints and quick changes of direction. Facing the goalkeeper, he sent the ball into the net with a surgical shot, thus completing his hat-trick.

The final whistle blows, marking the end of the match. Orochi had led his team to victory, scoring three goals with no apparent effort. Spectators and coaches were in awe of his performance. Haruhisa, although beaten, could not hide his respect for Orochi.

The players gathered around Orochi, cheering for his exceptional talent. Even Haruhisa approached him, extending his hand with a grateful smile. "Well done, Orochi. You are truly amazing."

Orochi, still with his bored but satisfied look, shook Haruhisa's hand. "Thanks. You played well too. Keep training hard, and we will face each other again. You are talented, don't let this little defeat slow you down. The world is big, talented players are everywhere."

When I think that I haven't even used the Emperor's Eyes or the Breath of Lightning to play yet and I'm this strong, I think that Tsubasa Ozora is an incredible character. His talent for football surpasses anything I can imagine. Well now that I'm done here it's time to go meet my future coach.

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