
You’re a fighter!

I don't really think people understand what it actually means having these two together.Depression isn't something people can see ,neither it has any medications, but it's only felt by the person suffering from it. Whereas anxiety is something which kills you from the inside without even the person suffering from it knows before it's too late.Alot of people think depression and anxiety are just normal things happening to difficult people.But that's not the truth.

Depression is something that takes you away from your real self without you even knowing it. It is like living a normal life , but dying from inside every moment. It is like being okay and laughing one moment, and crying the other.Being alive and wanting to live one moment,and dying and wanting to die the next.And then out of no where anxiety strikes you, making things more worse than they really were,and you just sit there feeling nothing,but numb. Nobody will ever realise how difficult it is to pull yourself backk together after having an anxiety attack.

Here's to all the people suffering from this. Justt hope that things get better.Maybe not today, not tomorrow,but when the time comes. Iknow how difficult it is to actually believe that everything gets better , knowing it hasn't till now. But you dont have to loose hope.Everything will eventually fall into place when it has to. Its okay to have depression and anxiety for any reason, no matter how much dumb the reason is for other people or no matter how you get judged, just know that you dont have to care. Because at the end of day,you know what you've suffered or are suffering. Its okay to cry and pour out everything you feel to someone who understands you.Sending love to everyone going through these things, maybe not today, but things will be okay! You are normal just like everybody else and you dont need anybody's judgment.

There's always light after a dark tunnel, takes time but the darkness always ends, doesn't it? ~