
A night of passion and love.

After the door closed, Antoniette slumped back on the bed as her mood dampened along with her heart when she heard their conversation. Although she had been heads in the clouds about Aidan Knight, she wasn't stupid not to know that he would never be hers and that fact hurt a lot. She was just a poor young maiden who could barely take care of her family, how coule she spare anytime for love?

A few minutes later, Aidan Knight opened the door with a more solemn expression and her heart sank immediately she noticed it. Immediately he opened his mouth to say something, she stood up and dusted her skirt. "Young Master,you are right. Perhaps, it's best for me to work downtown so I can support my family."

"Are you sure?" Aidan Knight was slightly surprised to see her change of heart since he had gone through the same experience after the conversation with his mother. He somehow felt disappointed to hear her words since he wanted her near him more than ever. "I can still support you and your family-"

"As what? Your mistress?" Antoniette snapped when she heard his words were not the ones she wanted to hear. "Although I appreciate the help you have given me these past few days, I will not sell my body fo comfort."

Aidan Knight was taken aback when he heard her words but he could sense the hurt in her voice as she wrapped her hands around herself defensively. He narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Wait, what are you talking about? Where is all this coming from?"

"What exactly do you want from me, Aidan?" Tears pooled in Antoniette's eyes as she faced him while trying not to bear her hurt for him to see. "What is going on between us? You already have a fiancee...."

"Whom I will not marry, Antoniette." Aidan finally approached her when he found out the reason behind her earlier cold behavior. "There is nothing that can separate me from the woman I love. You, my dear Antoniette....."

Antoniette felt her heart melt as she stared at him in the eyes and she felt his face slowly closing in on hers so she placed her hands on his body, halting his intentions to kiss her. she whispered until his warm breath and said. "Do you promise me, Aidan? That you would love only me forever?"

"I promise, Antoniette." Aidan replied under his breath and felt her relax in his arms and then kissed her. He directly her gently to the bed as his hands dug into her hair, his mouth delving into her sweet mouth. He had never fallen for any woman before and now that he had, he couldn't control himself around her. He wanted her by his side, in his heart and on his bed.

Antoniette could feel how intense things were getting and she made no attempt to stop him.She had already made up her mind at that moment, since she had given her heart to this person she would give her all to him. She would not regret it since she has chosen to love.....

The next morning, the maids immediately went to each room to clean when they were sure that the members of the family were all dressed and in the dining room but then one of them noticed something and immediately went to the Madam's side on the dining table to tell her. The old woman dropped her napkin with her eyes widening. "What? He didn't sleep in his room last night?!"

The ladies, Eloise and Elena stopped eating as they looked at their mother and overheard the conversation. Eloise smiled and tried to comfort her mother. "Mother, please calm down. We both know that Aidan sometimes sleeps in the study when he is very busy. It's not a big deal."

"But he is always wakes up early." Their mother looked at the wall clock worriedly when she saw that it was almost noon. She frowned and waves away the servant who delivered the news to her before she said to herself. "Why is he still in the study?"

At the other side of the table, Finley shared a look with the valet who was standing by his side and then the old man left the room quietly without a sound to the study. The old woman stood up after eating a few more minutes while thinking deeply about her son's weird behavior. She told her daughters. "I understand that he must be fatigued from work but Victoria will soon be arriving anytime from now. He has to welcome her himself."

"Mother is right. I fear this is his way of running away from his duties. We mustn't let Victoria be unhappy in her stay here at all." Elena commented but she shriveled under Finley's cold glare after she said it.

"I am going to see him." The old woman left the room and started walking upstairs, leaving the two ladies and Finley alone. Elena avoided her cousin's stare while she ate but also pondered the reason behind his warning look at her. She was sure that she hadn't said anything at all....

Meanwhile, Antoniette woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping outside her bedroom window and then she stretched her body, her eyebrows unconsciously furrowing in slight pain. A few minutes later, she felt her flesh touch another body and then memories of the day before rushed through her mind. She opened her eyes in alarm and then touched Aidan's chest to wake him up, not daring to give herself the opportunity to admire her lover's body. "Aidan! Aidan! Wake up!"

She heard the outer door of the study open and immediately stilled in order not to make a sound as she heard the valet's voice echo through the walls. Aidan seemed to have woken up at that exact moment in confusion and murmured drowsily. "Antoniette.....what's going on?"

Antoniette covered his lips with her hand and said in a low voice full of panic as she said. "Someone is in the study. The valet is looking for you, Aidan!"