
Anthony Unleashed

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, where the sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, lived a solitary teenager named Anthony. With his striking appearance - black spikey soft hair that reached his neck and an incredibly handsome face - Anthony was like any other ordinary high school student. But beneath his seemingly unremarkable exterior, a dormant power lay hidden, waiting to be unleashed. (join my Patreon.) https://patreon.com/Masteratlest

Master_Atlest · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

Chapter 5: Shadows of Persecution

The news of the false report spread like wildfire, branding me, Anthony, as a mutant terrorist. The accusations weighed heavily on my heart, and I found myself trapped within the confines of the Xavier Institute. It was no longer safe for me to venture outside; the world beyond the mansion's walls was now a dangerous and hostile place.

The bullies' twisted lies had turned my life upside down, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. No matter what I did, the world would always see me as a threat, as a monster to be feared.

Inside the institute, the X-Men and my fellow mutants stood by my side, their unwavering support providing a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. But even they couldn't shield me from the truth of the world we lived in. The hatred and prejudice against mutants ran deep, and it seemed that there was no escaping it.

Wolverine, gruff and determined, tried to encourage me to stand up to the accusations. "Kid, we can't let them define who we are. We'll fight this together."

I appreciated his words, but I couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness that gnawed at me. How could I prove my innocence when the world was determined to see me as a threat? The fear of other mutant organizations seeking to recruit me only added to my burden.

One evening, I found myself on the rooftop of the Xavier Institute, the moon casting a soft glow on the city below. The lights of the city sparkled like stars, a stark contrast to the darkness that filled my heart.

Jean Grey joined me, her presence a calming force amidst the turmoil. "Anthony, you are not defined by their lies," she said gently. "We know the truth, and that's what matters."

I nodded, grateful for her support, but the weight of the accusations still bore down on me. "Even if we clear my name, it won't change anything," I whispered. "Humans will always fear and hate mutants, no matter what we do."

Jean sighed, understanding the depth of my despair. "You're right, Anthony. Prejudice is deeply ingrained in some people. But that doesn't mean we give up. We must stand together and show the world that mutants are not to be feared."

As the days passed, I found myself becoming more reclusive within the mansion. The fear of being targeted by other mutant organizations made me hesitant to interact even with my fellow students. The sanctuary that had once been my home now felt like a fortress of isolation.

The X-Men's investigation into the false report yielded little progress. The bullies had covered their tracks well, leaving behind only traces of doubt and suspicion. Even with the truth in our grasp, it seemed impossible to change the perception of the world.

One day, as I wandered the halls, I overheard a heated conversation among some of my fellow mutants. They were divided on whether to believe the accusations against me or not. The fear of being targeted by humans had left its mark on them, leaving them wary of anyone who could bring danger to the institute.

Rachel, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. "We can't turn against our own because of fear," she urged. "Anthony needs our support now more than ever."

Her words struck a chord, and I realized that not everyone would turn their back on me. Despite the fear and prejudice, there were still those who believed in the power of unity and acceptance.

As the chapter approached its conclusion, I stood once again on the rooftop, gazing at the city lights that flickered like stars. A sense of acceptance washed over me, not from the outside world, but from within. I had come to understand that no matter how hard I tried to prove myself, there would always be those who saw me as a threat.

But I couldn't let the hatred of others define who I was. I was Anthony, a reality warper with the power to shape his own destiny. With the support of the X-Men and my fellow mutants, I knew I could face whatever lay ahead.

The world might always be filled with shadows of persecution, but I refused to be consumed by them. The Xavier Institute was my home, and the bonds I had formed with the X-Men and my fellow mutants were unbreakable.

As I looked out at the city, I knew that no matter the challenges that lay ahead, I was not alone. Together, we would stand strong, united in the face of prejudice and hatred.

To be continued...