
Antarina Lanchester

She was the most beautiful rose in the empire. Her mesmerizing beauty made people forget that roses have thrones too. She was beautiful, poisonous, distinctive, destructive, and venomous. She ruled like nobody else. The passion and rage she had inside were enough to burn the entire world. She can play twisted games, destroy the world and still not be a criminal. Some hated her, Some envied her, Some resented her, some were attracted to her, and some were mesmerized by her. But nobody could ever deny that she was one of a kind.

_Ramisa_ · 歴史
10 Chs

Chapter 9

I have been awake since four in the morning. How can I sleep, when the entire house is in chaos? For the coming-of-age ceremony, all the preparations are being made. Since it was going to be held at the Lanchester's residence, the navy diamond hall was opened and prepared at least five days ago. Every single part of the mansion was being cleaned until it was spotless. It's been two hours. As soon as the clock hits six, All the made burst in. And of course, Renia is there too. looking all haggard. Soon the peace in the rooms vanished and maid screamings filled the room. After hours of washing-up sessions, the dress finally arrives. The coming-of-age ceremony dress is very special, which is made for days by the best tailors in the empire. It is a tradition that not only celebrates a person's maturity as an adult but also compliments the title that the person is presented with. As soon as the dress arrives at the room accompanied by four maids. My eyes stop. The mesmerizing blue-colored dress that compliments Lanchester's eye color and the pearls placed beautifully along with other expensive jewelry are a work of art. The gown is fluffy and bright. For the jewelry, we decided to go with diamonds. Because it was not a typical party but my coming-of-age ceremony was special in every way. It was a responsibility rather than a ceremony.

Before entering the hall, I look at myself again in the mirror next to the hall door. My hair was kept natural and set beautifully with white flowers, diamonds sparkling like stars from my necklace and earrings, and my dress looked gorgeous but elegant making me feel prepared for the day. I take a deep breath because I know how tiring it is going to be greeting and communicating with the nobles that I don't like the slightest.

The door opens and I enter one of the most gorgeous halls existing in the empire. diamond chandeliers, golden marble floors, classical music, expensively dressed nobles, And the entire hall decorated with white and blue roses in my honor. All the nobles bow down their heads. which makes the presence of the crown prince at the end of the hall clear. The royalty always comes after everyone's arrival. But since it's my coming-of-age ceremony, I am the main person today. Some special and annoying faces and recognized fast by my experience, and greet thousands of people and receive congratulations.

" They say your beauty is the most unique in the empire. I see why that is true?" " Antarina Lanchester greets Franz Valer Helexander, the crown prince." " Lady Antarina, I don't recall us being that formal to each other, at least not thirteen years ago." " As your highness mentioned it was thirteen years ago, that does not exist anymore." Why are you bringing that up now? why? After thirteen years of being absolutely horrible to me, why do you ask me today of all day? Like you are even sad about it? why it happened? why? No, it wants anyone's fault. Those innocent selves were devoured by demons so they don't have to suffer anymore in the cruel world.

I see Reven green talking to a crowd of people. It's natural since he is popular. He greeted me but since I had many nobles to welcome so we couldn't talk. As I was about to walk towards Reven, Helena approached me." " Lady Antarina, Congratulations on your coming of age ceremony. I came here to inform you that lady Saria is not present today. For her, an ordinary noble of another country to refuse your personal invitation, something big might have happened". " Thank you very much first of all. I noticed her absence too. Since she would have been a topic of gossip and the ceremony was rather calm.". " You are right lady Antarina. I will see, what I can do to find out more about that. Then excuse me". " you are excused".

I focus on Raven again. He leaves for the corridor as I follow him. The last thing I want to do is stay in the hall, and socialize with the nobles more. I thought he was headed towards the balcony. But when he passes it and walks ahead, it gets me a little confused. He knew the structure of our mansion more than anyone. I keep following him until he stops in front of the private guest room. That was used by people if there was any emergency. As well as for medical reasons. But normally it would have never been used. He knocks on the door twice, and two knocks echo from inside the door, as he enters. Strange thoughts come to my mind. For a person like him to be secretive in our mansion. I move forward to the door. Only to hear something that will ruin everything.

" Ewana, you are so beautiful, it warms my heart. You make me forget all the worries". " Oh my, lord Raven, you flatter me. I have always loved you with all my heart and I could never believe it when you told me that you were engaged. It broke my heart." " Ewana, I was engaged to the Lanchesters in the first place, for my father's and my power. After the engagement, our power and reputation rose rapidly making us a very important noble family. But love was never a factor. Even though Antarina was the most beautiful in the empire, she never ever said I love you, and never admired me. She never let me hold her or even touch her. So how could I be happy with her, that was impossible." " Then Ewana, I found you, you absolutely loved and adored me. How could I let you go." " Lord Reven, your love for me warms my heart". I freeze, the feeling of betrayal, anger, and the urge to kill surrounds me. All my mind could think of was forcing the door open. I put all my strength together, and the door opens with the loudest thud possible. Of course, starteling those disgusting fools. That bastard runs towards me and start to say something. But my mind couldn't understand a thing. My mind was blaming me for trusting him, for being fond of him. But strangely enough, it was all anger, there was no pain in my heart. It was only the feeling of betrayal that angered me to my limits. And soon my anger exceeded the limit. I don't understand what happened after that moment, because my mind was too full. That girls scream brings me back to my senses, when all I can see is blood, and Reven lying on the floor, begging for mercy, which made me even more angry. My being there would be the end of him is something I realized very quickly. I needed to cry. Something I never do he broke my trust, he betrayed me and broke me. Its my fault, I let my guard down. Again, I let someone in my heart and let him win over me. The only place I could think of was my room. I start running. What happened on the way, who saw me or who I bumped into didn't matter, I felt pain in my ankles from running in his heels. I see the duke, talking to the butler in front of the office. I don't know what my facial expression was, something that I put a lot of effort in. I keep running. Because I knew that absolutely nothing can stop me now. Nothing.