
Antarina Lanchester

She was the most beautiful rose in the empire. Her mesmerizing beauty made people forget that roses have thrones too. She was beautiful, poisonous, distinctive, destructive, and venomous. She ruled like nobody else. The passion and rage she had inside were enough to burn the entire world. She can play twisted games, destroy the world and still not be a criminal. Some hated her, Some envied her, Some resented her, some were attracted to her, and some were mesmerized by her. But nobody could ever deny that she was one of a kind.

_Ramisa_ · 歴史
10 Chs

Chapter 4

She gets up from bed, looking in the direction of the window which was open but covered with silk curtains. As she walks toward the window, her long hair plays with the wind. Looking far away she wispheres to herself, " the sun is always bright, no matter what". Soon after a maid rushes into the room and greets Antarina. She tells her the bath water is ready and goes to her closet to fetch her clothes for the day. Antarina calls "Lara" which stops the maid and she looks at Antarina. Antarina asks Lara if her mother was alright. Lara with a smile on her face answers that she is totally okay now and thanks Antarina for the help she offered. Antarina then focuses again on the bright light coming through the window, as Lara prepares to dress up her lady.


It is morning again. Bright as always. Lara was on time as usual and I am done with my morning routine correctly. After breakfast, my favorite part of the morning is the tea. My favorite raspberry and long berry tea. which has a bright red color and a beautiful smell that immediately calms me. The door opened and Lara is coming in again. The second time Lara comes into my room is to give me the packed-up schedule of mine of the day. she has always a smile on her face and eyes that has all the innocence in the world. Maybe that's why I choose her among thousand of overly qualified maids. Because she was an easy person to have around and also maybe because she had the innocence I didn't have anymore. I look at my schedule which is totally full. Even if it's really busy, I don't quite hate it. Because being busy keeps you away from the chaos that rises inside. Out of all the schedules, swordsmanship training is my favorite. Cause it can bring out all the emotions that I have within. I heard someone greet me. I look up to see another maid with a letter on a tray. I take the letter in my hands and immediately that bastard's image comes to my mind. It had a seal of the Crown princes palace.

I am doing swordsmanship training but my mind is somewhere else. I can't concentrate. I have been invited to a banquet hosted by the crown prince. It was not a wonder to anyone because being the duke's heir it is normal for me the receive the invitation. But only l know why it is not that suitable. Because we have a very beautiful relationship where we want to kill each other every time we meet. I absolutely abhor that bastard. And I can make a list of why I hate him. But no matter what, we are nobles so we always have a smile on our faces, And I am pretty sure that this time he invited me for his own benefit again. And no matter how hard I think I cannot find a way to avoid it. Because attending is more of a responsibility than a formality. My thoughts were broken my swordmaster greeting the duke. I look up to see him passing by. He is still too busy to spare me a glance.

I enter the room to see Renia standing there. The head maid and my nanny. The person who was always there and thought me the meaning of affection. With her were the entire team of tailor masters and helpers. Renia always was amazingly observant and knew me more than anyone. And that's why I never had to tell her to get my outfit prepared. She already made arrangements. I roll my eyes because that tailoring session was going to take hours. Renia already prepared refreshments because she knew that hours of swordsmanship training might not make me tired but tailors will. After the first session, I am finally relieved and while inhaling the scent of the tea I look outside the window. And again my attention diverts to a matter. A lot of nobles underestimated me and especially the households that had so-called sons as their heirs. A feel a smile on my face. Maybe a smirk. The thought of showing people their real place was interesting. Maybe my life would be boring without these circumstances. The more they underestimate me, the more entrancing it will become when they discover what and who I really am.