
Antarina Lanchester

She was the most beautiful rose in the empire. Her mesmerizing beauty made people forget that roses have thrones too. She was beautiful, poisonous, distinctive, destructive, and venomous. She ruled like nobody else. The passion and rage she had inside were enough to burn the entire world. She can play twisted games, destroy the world and still not be a criminal. Some hated her, Some envied her, Some resented her, some were attracted to her, and some were mesmerized by her. But nobody could ever deny that she was one of a kind.

_Ramisa_ · 歴史
10 Chs

Chapter 3

There was a famous love story in the Sagarius empire. It is still remembered every time the word "love" is mentioned. It is so popular that it was spread like wildfire in the current time. And no matter how much time went by it was still one of the symbolic love stories and eventually became an example. An exquisite love story that had unexpected turns, a beautiful journey but not a happy ending. A story that doesn't have a happy ending is often forgotten or unmentioned. But this story had its own beauty which was broken, painful, and passionate in its own way. In a country full of people, who had multiple partners, arranged marriages, and often divorces. That story taught people something different. The value of that important emotion added that a little more value to living.

The Lanchester dukedom of the empire always had a great history of contribution to the empire and pledging loyalty. But that incredible history seemed to come to an end when Evelyn Lanchester became the new duke. Evelyn was free-spirited from childhood and didn't quite like the heavy responsibility that a Lanchester has to carry with him. From a young, he started to ignore his responsibilities and started to focus on his social circle. And within a month he became the talk of the aristocratic circle. It wasn't hard because he was the empire's dukedom's only heir and also inherited the Lanchester genes. He became interested in going to parties and hanging out with ladies. After his father's death, when it was time for him to become serious and take care of the dukedom seriously, he still continued his parties as usual. He didn't pay attention to the dukedom at all resulting in its poor state. And at this time Evelyn Lanchester learned about his engagement with one of the big noble families. It was arranged by his father and something he had to do. That marriage saved the dukedom from completely falling apart. Evelyn Lanchester felt betrayed for being married against his will and was indifferent to his wife ever since. Maria Ronan was a true aristocrat who was both capable and kind. And she was a woman who would be loyal to the partner she marries. Even though it was an arranged marriage she was looking forward to her partner who she was fascinated by once at a party. but that dream soon shattered into pieces. The dukedom was on the verge of downfall when they saw a ray of light. The new heir.

The birth of Laurent Lanchester was a light to both the dukedom and its people. Sadly Maria Lanchester never saw the last reason for her survival and happiness. she didn't survive the labor. And Lauren grew up under an incompetent father who didn't care about his son. Due to his father not acknowledging his existence, everyone started treating him unimportantly and carelessly. Laurents only goal in life was not to become someone not like his father and gradually he became an overqualified capable person without realizing.

The real story began when Laurent Lanchester became seventeen years old. That was when he first debuted in high society. People were always curious about the only heir to the Lanchester's and who was admirable in every way, But that day he exceeded all the people's exceptions and appeared with confidence and pride like he always belonged there. A crowd was soon gathered surrounding the young duke. People were fascinated by everything he had and was. The silver hair from his mother and the sparkling symbolic blue eyes of the dukedom he received from his father was noticeable from anywhere. The day of the debut ball is special for every noble. And especially for the ones that want to gain attention and fame through it. And for the little duke who was least interested in the fame or attention, the debut ball was nothing but a responsibility that he had to fulfill. Even though he had a smile on his face, he could see everyone being attracted to his appearance and title. Nobody cared to look inside of him. Well, he wasn't surprised. Over the years he had already mastered how to hide his emotions in order to become the perfect heir. Being suffocated by the atmosphere, he went to the balcony and told his guards to watch the door outside. As he entered the balcony cold breeze hit him. And maybe he was too entangled in his thoughts to feel the presence of someone else. A voice greeted him bringing him back to reality. He turned around to see a young girl with the most innocent smile he had ever come across. He received the greetings and both of them went silent. Laurents was surprised that he who can sense people's presence from meters away couldn't sense this girl's presence on the same balcony. But he couldn't deny the fact that her presence felt strangely peaceful than suffocating. After resisting a few times, he finally asked "what is your name?". She replied Eleiana Archie. Maybe that was the start of something unanticipated.