
Antarina Lanchester

She was the most beautiful rose in the empire. Her mesmerizing beauty made people forget that roses have thrones too. She was beautiful, poisonous, distinctive, destructive, and venomous. She ruled like nobody else. The passion and rage she had inside were enough to burn the entire world. She can play twisted games, destroy the world and still not be a criminal. Some hated her, Some envied her, Some resented her, some were attracted to her, and some were mesmerized by her. But nobody could ever deny that she was one of a kind.

_Ramisa_ · 歴史
10 Chs

Chapter 2

A beautiful and elegant mansion with rich decorations, marble floors, chandeliers, rainbow rose gardens, huge and spacious rooms, huge halls, trained maids, and butlers. There lived a girl. There was nothing she ever lacked. there was nothing she ever longed for. Before she said the word her room would be filled with her desired worldly goods. That's when she lost interest in possessing anything worldly. because they stopped fascinating her. She had everything but was lonely. She had everything except for love and affection. She had the wealth to purchase anything but not love, affection, attention, or warmth.

From a very early age, Antarinas's training of being a true Lanchester and the duke heir started. From etiquette to knowledge, she mastered everything by the age of five. It wasn't a surprise since she was born in the house Lanchester. There was also an education only she received as a girl. Swordsmanship. The dukedom and its territory were peaceful on the outside hiding all its darkness on the inside. Assassinations and conspiracies were frequently happening all because of Antarina being a female. In the Sagarius empire, there is a rule that if the only heir dies then any noble family heir can become the next master with the current master's permission. And the one and only dukedom's heir throne was something a lot of people we're targeting. Underestimating the existence of a female heir.

Antarina was a unique beauty that fascinated the empire's people. Sagariue empire was an empire filled with blond hair, red eyes, purple eyes, and brown hair. But Antarina had black hair and blue eyes, and her white skin that did justice to her shiny black hair. It was simple but unique and totally rare in the empire. Before she appeared, nobody knew that the combination of black hair and blue eyes can be this pretty. The blue eyes she had was from her father. The deep blue color that had a light blue shadow was something totally rare in the empire. but the black hair is something nobody takes about.

Antarina was naturally a genius because she was a Lanchester. But no matter how strong she was, it was hard for an eight-year-old child to learn sowsmanship. And neither did she understand that when other girls her age were learning to be proper ladie and playing with dolls why she had to do brutal showmanship training. But she never said anything and she was prepared for anything no matter how different they were from kids her age. In order to get one thing. That she longed for all her life. If increasing her capabilities and mastering everything can get her that, she would do everything without question. That was her fathers affection.

Since Antarina was born, it was only her and her father. As a child, all she wanted was the affection and the love she carved. she wanted to sit on his lap, play with him, wanted him to tell her that he loves her, wanted to tell her that he always was going to be there. But he never did. It was no doubt that she was provided with everything to the point of being spoiled but he never gave her what she really wanted. Even when she approached him with all the courage she had, killing her self-esteem and timidity, he ignored her. He left saying he was busy without touching the tea Antarina brewed with all the love she had. The duke was always busy so was Antarina with her classes and training. Days went by as Antarina turned into a perfect and dangerous rose who could handle any situation. Even though she didn't show the longing for her father's love anymore, there was still a part of her that wanted to be loved. But that strong self that she created didn't allow her to be weak anymore.