

Reyan 15 years old teenage boy came back to Maiyong town (imaginary) after 10 years and met Richa a mysterious girl. As time goes on Reyan got to know the secret of Richa and was able unlock many secrets related to serial killings that happened 10 years back. Will they be able to catch that killer and bring justice to the victims. Written by Richa and Karthikeya.

Fakeshadow · ホラー
16 Chs


Reyan to himself - After getting a good scolding from Viren sir, the enitre class laughed but it was good because after this horrifying incident everyone was upset and we all faced a situation like this for the first time the person died. We might don't know her but she was a student of our school who is dead, but after my grand humiliation everyone seemed a bit ok. At least some people laughed because of me.

Kraig truns back to look at him and gives a thumbs up .

Reyan- aaah this idiot seriously is a joker. Hahaha

Reyan sits back on his seat and the class begun after the attendance.

A circular came just in time and this is the only thing which can save us from this depression kinda mood. The circular is about


Reyan- Kraig what's this?

Kraig- This is fest celebrate in school every year, it's more like Annual function, held once in a year. Every class has to participate and do something to entertain the audience and public who visits our school. Some will form a group to dance, some will do solo dance. And you know girls dresses up so beautifully. (Almost drooling) Same goes with singing solo, dual and group.

Reyan- hey idiot stop drooling. Some people were saying that Viola is mine Viola this Viola that blah blah blah. I think I should tell her about this. Or maybe I can just find a good man for her.

Kraig- hey hey hey, don't you dare to do that. Are you even my friend?

Reyan- obviously not hahaha.

Kraig- ouch that hurts you know. You hit me in my heart. Maybe I'll die of heartattack. (Pretending to be sad and drawing circles on desk as if he's giving curse to Reyan.)

Reyan- OK stop now. Hahaha

My eyes are bleeding after watching your over acting. I won't tell her ok. But stop drooling while thinking of other girls, idiot.

Kraig- oh Ray I love you. You are my true friend let's get married.( With a puppy look on his face.)

Reyan- ewwww, I'm not into boys specially not into you. (rolling his eyes)

Kraig- so you are telling that you are already into some girl. Wooohhh. Tell me her name, I'm already calling her sister in law.

Reyan smacked Kraig's forehead. Stop now and back to the main topic.

Kraig - aww aww, you hit me really hard. But this fest is really awesome.

Reyan- This seemed odd because just now we faced a death and school is taking it lightly. But atleast all the students will be back on the track and releave there tension.

After that, like magic the enitre class forgot about the suicide but not me .

At 4:30 pm in evening

Ding a ling

The final bell rang and immediately Kraig came to me and took me to the park.

Near the park there was huge mansion it, seemed like a British royal palace.

While coming to the park Kraig was non stop talking about the fest alot and he seems excited about this.

To be honest I don't know much about him.

Kraig- hey Ray why are you spaced out again. Most of the time you are spaced out. WWhhhaaatttttt!! Dude don't tell me you are in love. Hohoho. You know what, this is the age of getting distracted over a juicy romantic life when a young boy starts feeling about girls and there ...

Reyan- dude stop, it sounds so creepy. (To himself- I guess I really don't know about him much, so I want to keep it that way.)

Kraig- we are here. I used to play here when I was kid. It was fun and he went into the moments of THOSE OLD DAYSS...

Reyan- wwhat .. what is this a park? (To himsel- this park I always see in my dreams but more rusted out and so much of wild plants growing everywhere. But giving more peace to the heart.)

Kraig- you have been here before!?

Reyan- aah no no of course not. It just that I went to similar park like this once.

Kraig- Hmmm, anyway lets go inside .

Kraig- now tell me what do you think about the suicide.

Reyan- right, first thing it's not a suicide.

Kraig- what, but how !?

Reyan- see, when she fell from the roof in front of me, she landed on her face means the body was facing the ground and her legs should have landed first and she wouldn't have died may be she would have suffered from heavy injuries.

And the second thing is I saw her nails were polished. The nail paint I mean, why would a person who wants to die wanted to look beautiful. When they die those things doesn't make any sense and also only her three nails were polished like a cult.

And my uncle (Gavin) said, she had some family problems but her family is more worried about her death but not about their problems. So this sucide doesn't make any sense and ...

Kraig- OK ok stop. That girl, her name is Pia. And I have some connections so I'll try to contact them maybe I can get some information. But now it's time to do some adventurous investion. See that mansion in front of us. Come let's investigate that mansion.

Reyan- hey hey hey... Are you mad, we can't just trespass the property of others. What if we'll get caught? It's really a bad idea.

Kraig- come on Ray, it will be fun. And you know this is our old school. See it's written on the board Maiyong public school. And it's close from past ten years. No one will come here, look at this school. It's looks more like a haunted house, who will dare to come to such secluded place. Come come, trust me nothing will happen. No fear when super cool and extremely talented Kraig is here. Hahahaha. Both laughed after listening this.

Reyan - just kill me already. Hahaha it was really a bad joke. OK let's go super cool extremely talented Kraig sir.

Reyan and Kraig standing in front of the mansion's gate which is right next to the park . The park is excatly as Reyan saw in his dreams, two swings and threeslides, a pull up bar and one see-saw. The park had few benches too and the gate of the park was painted in bule colour having some painting to attract children.