
Another World Survival: The Blessing Was Meant for a Different Cause!

It was something out of a fantasy video game or light novel. I was sent to another world where I am alone. Egil, a man in his 30's found himself inside the forest of another world with nothing but clothes that he does not recognize. A forest teeming with monsters and challenges not every modern man will face in their life. Fortunately for him, he retained all his memories from watching survival videos to his time being in the military. Time to test his world's knowledge in this otherworldly situation he's in!

Super_Dots · ファンタジー
35 Chs

XX - Arthur and Dinero

Just as we were about to square off, someone from the crowd suddenly shouted, "Sea Dragon!"

Everyone turned to locate the source of the commotion and spotted the massive beast mere meters away from the ship.

With its serpentine body rivaling the size of the snake I had encountered on that accursed island, one would expect such a vibrant blue leviathan to be easily visible from afar. However, the crew and passengers had been so engrossed in the spectacle of our sparring match that the creature managed to silently close the distance, undetected.

Pandemonium erupted as everyone, save for our party and the hulking swordsman, scrambled in a frenzied panic to find shelter from the approaching beast.

Gale, understanding his current incapacitated state would render him more hindrance than help, wisely resigned himself and Ness to simply avoiding becoming obstacles.

The swordsman, his thirst for battle reinvigorated by this new challenge, addressed me. "Let's settle our match another time. I have work to attend to."

Retrieving his massive Zweihänder, he awaited the sea dragon's approach. As the leviathan drew perilously close, the warrior leaped from the deck, aiming to sever its neck with one mighty swing. However, the beast's smooth, blue scales proved nigh-impenetrable, his blade leaving barely a scratch.

Retreating to the deck, the swordsman began concentrating his energy, enveloping his form in a shimmering aura. With this power surging through him, he struck again, shattering the dragon's defenses and inflicting a grievous wound. Yet the tenacious beast fought on.

For several intense minutes, man and monster traded blows, their violent duel leaving the decks awash in the serpent's ichor. Finally, with one last defiant thrash, the sea dragon succumbed to its injuries and stilled.

As the crew and passengers tentatively emerged from their hasty shelters, their relief was palpable – though short-lived. In the distance, three more sea dragons could be seen, their massive forms cutting through the waves as they charged toward the beleaguered vessel.

The captain's terse assessment only compounded the growing dread. "It's strange enough to encounter three of the solitary beasts together," he muttered grimly. "But for them to attack so brazenly after one of their kin has fallen? Unnatural..."

Battered and bruised from his previous exertions, the swordsman nevertheless prepared to confront this new threat, steadfast in his duty to protect the ship and its passengers.

It is an admirable display of courage, to be certain. But could even his skills hope to prevail against such overwhelming odds?

I raised my hand and took aim toward the oncoming sea dragons and fired three mana orbs, each no larger than a marble. To the spectators, my meager volley must have appeared little more than a feeble taunt – until the three projectiles streaked forth.

Jaws dropped and eyes bulged as the seemingly innocuous spheres unerringly found their marks, detonating in a series of thunderous explosions that utterly decapitated the serpentine behemoths within mere seconds. The force of the blasts was utterly disproportionate to the modest size of my initial barrage.

This was but one application of the Mana Arts I had yet to unveil – the ability to not only harness the latent energies within my body and surroundings but to exert profound control over their trajectory, shaping them into guided munitions. Something that I wasn't aware I could do back on the island.

"I think this is called 'Magic Missile' in games and manga, right?" I mused inwardly, a slight smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

Glancing back toward the swordsman, I noted his expression frozen in stunned disbelief at the display he had just witnessed. Without further acknowledgment, I turned and rejoined Gale and Ness, leaving the warrior to process what had transpired.

As I neared, however, the swordsman seemed to regain his faculties.

"You there," he called out. "What is your name?"

Pausing, I turned to regard him once more. "Egil," I replied simply.

"Arthur," he offered in kind, introducing himself.

I nodded and offered a thin smile in response before continuing on my way.

When I reached Gale, I quickly assessed his condition. Fortunately, he appeared to have suffered no serious injury beyond a nasty bruise discoloring his midsection and a sizable dent marring his armor.

That evening, as we were settled in our cabin thinking about what to eat for dinner, a knock at the door heralded the arrival of an employee from the merchant group.

He informed us that his employer had prepared a celebratory feast in honor of our victory against the sea beasts, and that we were invited to attend as esteemed guests.

Accepting the invitation seemed a prudent course of action, and I could practically see Ness's mouth watering at the prospect of a lavish, complimentary meal. A glance toward Gale revealed an approving smile, signaling his agreement.

We made our way to the merchant group's quarters, greeted by warm cheers and jubilant revelry. Their leader rose, raising a cup in salute as he announced, "Greetings to our saviors! Please, enjoy this humble feast we have prepared, to your heart's content – a token of our deepest appreciation."

They had reserved seats for the three of us beside their leader, and across the way, we spotted Arthur, his gaze fixed intently upon me.

"Glad to finally make your acquaintance," the merchant said, introducing himself. "I am Dinero, and I lead this troupe of traders."

We exchanged introductions in kind, engaging in pleasant conversation that lasted well into the evening. Over the course of our discussions, we managed to glean some potentially valuable information from our host.

However, learning that Arthur hailed from the former Kingdom of Easton proved most surprising.

We were about to head back to our cabin after thanking Dinero for dinner when Arthur approached. His emotionless face still unsettled Ness.

"I apologize for my earlier behavior," he addressed Gale.

Ever the character, Gale laughed it off and said, "That was quite a punch!"

It was great to see Arthur and Gale resolve whatever happened.

I had intended to follow Gale's request once we docked at Auhnaver, but the timing seemed opportune.

Initially, I had reservations about involving Arthur in our plans, but Gale insisted we could benefit from his information.

"Arthur, I heard from Dinero that you were a former commander in the Kingdom of Easton," I said.

For the first time, anger flashed across his face, and I sensed his hostility.

"Are you with the Empire?" he asked with a sharp tone.

I signaled Ness, beside me, to take any item from the blessing I had given her. She took out a piece of bread from a dark hole that appeared out of nowhere, causing Arthur's eyes to widen as if beholding a deity.

"That's…" His words trailed off, his speech momentarily halted by astonishment. He collapsed to his knees, as if drained of strength.

He recognized the blessing, confirming the information we had received from Dinero.

"How is this possible?" Arthur asked, bewildered.

I proceeded to recount the events on the island, and Arthur's emotions became impossible to conceal.

Learning of the fate of those who sought refuge from Apton's warmongering, he was overcome with anger and guilt.

After that, he shared his experiences leading up to the kingdom's downfall. In the decisive battle at the capital Barta, he was stationed along the coast, tasked with defending against Apton's naval forces.

Engaged in combat on the beach, his forces were swiftly overwhelmed, leaving him wounded and at the mercy of the waves, which dragged him out to sea.

He was found days later by a fisherman on the shores north of Hofors where the empire hasn't reached yet.

A few more days passed before he regained consciousness, only to learn that the war had ended and the Kingdom of Easton now lay under the empire's rule.

Though he grieved for the loss of his homeland, he resolved to rebuild and held onto hope that one day the Kingdom of Easton would emerge from the ruins.

After he was treated back to health, he went to the now empire-occupied city of Hofors hoping to find a way to get back to his homeland.

There, he met the merchant Dinero. He hired Arthur as a bodyguard for the caravan, agreeing that they would part ways once their business in Auhnaver concluded.

From the merchant, he learned that the empire's main forces had moved west to bolster their defenses against the Alfornalian Empire. This information aligned with what we had gathered from the Aptonian scout.

"Looks like we're sticking with the original plan," Gale said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Lord Egil, please allow me to accompany you," Arthur implored, his eyes full of determination.

I shook my head. "I'm not a lord, Arthur. Besides, aren't you supposed to return to Barta?"

"Technically, being wed to Lucia meant that you're part of the royal family, hence you're the surviving king," Ness interjected, her gaze unwavering.

Gale let out a chuckle and said, "I couldn't agree more, Your Highness."

Arthur's expression hardened, his voice thick with conviction. "Lady Ness is right, the kingdom lives on through you. Nothing is more important for me now than to continue my vow of servitude to the kingdom and the crown." He dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "Please, Lord Egil."

I heaved a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Very well," I relented. "But on one condition – you must stop addressing me as Lord Egil in public."

Hi Everyone!

I know it's been a while but I finally mustered enough motivation to continue with the story. Drop a comment on this chapter and let me know you're still with me! Thanks a lot!

Super_Dotscreators' thoughts