
Another World Survival: The Blessing Was Meant for a Different Cause!

It was something out of a fantasy video game or light novel. I was sent to another world where I am alone. Egil, a man in his 30's found himself inside the forest of another world with nothing but clothes that he does not recognize. A forest teeming with monsters and challenges not every modern man will face in their life. Fortunately for him, he retained all his memories from watching survival videos to his time being in the military. Time to test his world's knowledge in this otherworldly situation he's in!

Super_Dots · ファンタジー
35 Chs

XIV - Uninvited Guests and Confession

I draped a fur blanket over Lucia and then quickly dressed myself. Time ticked by until she finally woke up, her expression mirroring my shock at our current predicament. Hastily, she slipped on her dress and called me for a conversation.

Her confession caught me off guard. She admitted to harboring feelings for me since our initial encounter. While she had dreamt of us becoming a couple, she lamented that she hadn't envisioned our relationship starting under these circumstances.

Accepting the reality of the situation, I clasped her hand and offered my assurance that I would shoulder full responsibility. Together, we stepped outside to broach the topic with Eogan. However, upon opening my door, we were greeted by the entire community, as if they were aware of the events that had transpired the previous night.

Cheers erupted at the sight of us holding hands, with Eogan standing among the crowd, visibly emotional yet attempting to restrain his tears. We rushed to him, and amidst the gathering's attention, I extended my apology to Eogan and formally asked for Lucia's hand in marriage.

Eogan, realizing this inevitable turn of events, grappled with conflicting emotions. Though as any loving father, he would have been reluctant to relinquish his daughter, he recognized the profound happiness reflected in Lucia's gaze whenever I was near.

A modest ceremony ensued, officiated by Eogan, followed by another joyous feast. Despite their limited means, the residents hastily prepared gifts for our newlywed life.

The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity. Mornings were spent renovating and adorning our home, while afternoons were dedicated to hunting. Lucia, meanwhile, started to become a housewife and formed a deep bond with the hounds, seamlessly integrating into our familial dynamic.

In this moment, I found myself in the throes of bliss, the worries of gods and being summoned in another world a distant memory. Each night, as I closed my eyes, I whispered a prayer for this happiness to endure until my final breath.

As I toiled in the fields, a distant voice called out my name. It was Theo.

His face drained of color as he relayed his discovery: ships on the horizon, unmistakably Aptonian.

Panic swept through the residents at Theo's words. Some hastily armed themselves with whatever tools they could find, while others sought refuge for their families.

In an effort to quell the rising fear, I urged everyone to remain calm and ventured towards the coast. Lucia, apprehensive, attempted to stop me, but I reassured her with a confident smile, accepting the knife she silently offered as a precaution.

"Just in case," she murmured as she retreated.

Instructing the others to seal the gates and avoid venturing outside, I set off towards the shore, my heart heavy with uncertainty yet determined to confront the approaching ships.

I reached the shoreline and watched as the Aptonian warships approached, their sails adorned with the distinct red and black crest of the Apton Empire, featuring a fierce lion emblem. Lucia's descriptions of the Aptonian symbols flashed through my mind, confirming their identity.

The presence of the Eastonian ships nearby left no room to deny the existence of Eastonians on this island.

As the armored soldiers disembarked from their boats, an officer, with a calculated smile, stepped forward to address me.

"We're from the Apton Empire, in pursuit of a runaway king and princess," he announced, preempting any protest from me. "Don't bother hiding them. Those Eastonian ships over there are unmistakable royal vessels under the king's command."

"We have no interest in common folk like you. We simply seek the royal family," he continued, his tone dismissive.

Curiosity tinged with fury coursed through me as I contemplated his words. "And what's my incentive for handing them over? What fate awaits them if I comply?"

"Hand them over, and you'll be richly rewarded," he promised eagerly. "I might even secure you a high-ranking position once I've captured them. As for their fate, they'll face public execution, signaling the end of their reign and their nation."

Rage bubbled within me, propelling me into action. With swift, unexpected movements, I lunged at the soldiers with my knife, catching them off guard. One by one, they fell to my blade until only a soldier remained.

I leveled my knife at him, issuing a stern warning. "Let everyone know that they'll meet the same fate as your comrades unless they retreat." With a trembling nod, the soldier turned and fled, leaving behind the stench of fear mingled with defeat.

The sight of me, drenched in blood, elicited gasps from the residents as I made my way back to the village. Lucia's panicked reaction, her sprint towards me with tears threatening to spill, spoke volumes of her concern. She must have feared the worst, thinking I was injured.

I quickly reassured her, explaining that the blood belonged to the Apton soldiers, not mine. As I recounted my encounter with them, Lucia's knees buckled beneath her, overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation.

After a cleansing bath and a change of clothes, I convened with the residents to devise a strategy should the Aptonians press their attack.

True to expectation, the Aptonian ships remained anchored offshore, their presence an ominous reminder of impending conflict.

Utilizing my Heavenly Blueprint, I swiftly constructed additional layers of wooden palisades around the village, complete with elevated platforms for archers to defend from. It was our best defense given the circumstances.

As evening descended, Eogan's guards maintained vigilant watch, while the Hellhounds prowled the perimeter.

Advised to conserve my energy until the onset of battle, Lucia and I retreated to our home. Seated together on our bed, we engaged in quiet conversation, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the looming threat of war.

"I'm sorry, Egil. We brought this upon you, and now you have to risk your life for us," Lucia's voice trembled with guilt and worry.

I reached out to gently cup her face, meeting her eyes with reassurance. "What are you talking about? I know it's just been over a week, but I'm your husband now. It's my job to protect you and your family."

Her expression softened, but confusion lingered in her eyes. "Besides," I continued after a moment's hesitation, "I was the reason the war started."

Her brows furrowed in disbelief. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The explosion that happened between Easton and Apton, it was me. I created that mess. I'm sorry," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.

For a moment, I thought she might lash out in anger, but instead, she enveloped me in a warm embrace. Tears welled in my eyes as relief washed over me.

There were no words between us as she held me tightly, offering comfort and understanding. Eventually, she pulled away, her gaze filled with compassion.

"It must've been hard to keep this to yourself. Although it pains me that it took you some time to tell the truth, I appreciate your honesty," Lucia spoke softly, her voice laced with sincerity.

Her words eased the weight of guilt that had been burdening me.

"The war between our countries was inevitable, didn't I tell you? Even if that didn't happen, they would still find a reason to go to war," she added.

With a feeble attempt at levity, Lucia attempted to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, husband. Even if you destroyed the world, I would still be there as your wife to support you."

Her jest broke the tension, and we shared a moment of laughter amid the heaviness of the situation.

As we prepared to retire for the night, we clung to each other, finding solace in our shared embrace.

In the quiet darkness, we prayed for safety and peace, unaware that it would be our last night together.