
Another World Survival: The Blessing Was Meant for a Different Cause!

It was something out of a fantasy video game or light novel. I was sent to another world where I am alone. Egil, a man in his 30's found himself inside the forest of another world with nothing but clothes that he does not recognize. A forest teeming with monsters and challenges not every modern man will face in their life. Fortunately for him, he retained all his memories from watching survival videos to his time being in the military. Time to test his world's knowledge in this otherworldly situation he's in!

Super_Dots · ファンタジー
33 Chs

X - Easton and Apton Pt. 2

I didn't care anymore and walked away with the hounds. The misunderstanding was too much for me to handle. I turned in for the night while they continued to set up camp.

The next morning, I went to check on them and see how they were doing. Otac and Majka wanted to come with me, but I stopped them, fearing they might scare the people.

As I opened the gate, someone shouted, "Everyone, the exalted one is awake!"

The people swarmed around me like flies on fresh dung, cheering and shouting. Then, they fell silent and bowed their heads as the royal family made their entrance, walking toward me. The clothes they had were likened to a commoner's yet you could still tell they are royalty.

The princess then began to speak:

"Greetings to the exalted one. We thank you for allowing us to establish our roots here so that our people can continue to live in peace."

Annoyed, I grabbed her arm and led her to my house. The guards attempted to stop me, but the princess shook her head, signaling them to guard the gate.

We sat down in the dining area and began our conversation.

"Look princess, everything is a huge misunderstanding. I am a human being just like you!"

"Forgive me for being blunt, but as I mentioned last night, you cannot hide your true self from me."

"So, what exactly do you see with your Appraisal skill?"

"When I use the skill on someone, a tablet appears that only I can see, showing me information about the target."

"I can also see auras. The color and intensity reveal a person's affinity and skill level."

Intrigued, I remained silent and allowed her to continue speaking.

"Your aura in magic alone is supernatural. Even the highest-ranking archmage of the continent pales in comparison to yours! Although your aura in combat is weaker, it still ranks at the commander level at least and is nothing to scoff at."

The goddess Neso forgot to mention this to me. Why am I only learning about this now?

"You also have five blessings, which is unprecedented."

"Does it reveal what blessings I have?"

"Unfortunately, no. That's the limit of my ability. However, I can see your titles."

"If I understand correctly, titles are bestowed upon beings recognized by the higher powers. The gods and goddesses that we know of are below these divine beings."

"So there are beings higher than gods. I suppose they were the ones who set the limits of the gods' interference with this world."

"So, princess, what are my titles?"

"You are titled as 'A Being Close To The Gods' and 'Otherworlder'."

"Just with your titles alone, it's clear that you are from a different plane than ours."

So that's where the misunderstanding originated from.

"Princess Lucia, you are correct in that I'm not from this world. Rather than hailing from the realm of gods, I am a human from a world vastly different from yours."

"You can stop referring to me as 'exalted.' I'm just as human as the next person."

"If you insist," she replied.

"Enough about me, please tell me about your people's circumstances."

She proceeded to tell me about Easton, the nation from whence they came. They shared their borders with the Apton Empire.

Lucia explained that the king of Apton had been hostile and had been amassing military power. It was only a matter of time before they found a pretext to march toward our capital.

Then, the incident occurred.

I broke into a cold sweat as I realized that what she described was the mana ball that I recklessly released.

She went on to explain that Easton's army was formidable. They had a hero named The Unbreakable Shield, Griseld, who could halt enemy advances simply by standing on the battlefield.

"But then, a monstrous human emerged."

"He possessed the ability to annihilate entire battalions with a single swing of his sword. Griseld was no match for Apton's monstrous swordsman, and all she could do was delay him so that we could board the ships and escape."

A part of me whispered that I was responsible for the conflict between these two nations, and guilt began to suffocate me.

Lucia continued, her voice heavy with sadness, "It pains me that we must abandon our homeland, but what matters is that we are still alive and have the opportunity to start anew."

"Is this island a part of your country, Princess Lucia?"

"As far as I know, no one ever claimed this land as theirs. As to why, I have no clue."

"Please call me Lucia from now on. My father, Eogan, and I have already discussed this; we are no longer the king and princess of Easton but commoners living on this island."

"Lucia; got it. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself; my name's Egil."

"Enough about us, please tell me more about yourself and the world you came from,"

I shared almost everything with her, except for the details about the gods.

"I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Egil. Your experience is no better than ours."

I just smiled and invited her outside. I'm sure the folks are eager to know what happened.

I opened the gate and exited together with Lucia. She then explained to her former subjects that it was all a misunderstanding, but they should treat me as the lord of the land.

"I guess this is better than being treated as a god," I thought wryly.

Lucia added that she and her father were now commoners, and the people should treat them as such. Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as her words sank in.

"Wait, Lucia," I said, raising my hand. "I would have liked to respect your decision but think about the people. Although you're no longer in the castle, they've followed your family's leadership for generations. It would be difficult for them to accept you both as mere commoners overnight."

Since everyone was present, I seized the opportunity.

I braced myself and made sure everyone could hear me.

"Everyone! I know that it saddens you to see the family you revered reduced to commoners. But fear not! As the lord of these lands, I hereby appoint the former king as the mayor of this soon-to-be town!"

Lucia and her father were dumbfounded by my declaration, but they soon realized my intentions. A collective cheer rose from the crowd, their faces alight with renewed hope and security, knowing they would still follow their trusted leader.

Lucia looked at me with appreciation, and I smiled back, a silent reassurance that all would be well.

Later that day, I helped the people build their permanent residences. Although they had the necessary tools, construction proved challenging. They stood in awe as I effortlessly cut trees with a stone axe, while their iron tools could barely make a scratch.

Otac assisted me in delivering wood to the site using the sled I had made for him earlier. The people slowly grew accustomed to the sight of hellhounds, treating them like regular housepets. The hounds were patient and well-behaved.

I decided to build the first house for Lucia and her family. Situated just a few meters south of mine, their home would be a bit fancier, befitting their status as important figures in the new settlement.

But first, we need to gather materials.

I asked a couple of people to collect stones and limestones from the northern cave and clay from the nearby stream. I had Majka escort the stone collectors in case they encountered any beasts and assist them in carrying the load. I had her equipped with a saddlebag that I've made before.

I then requested several individuals to gather and start burning as many twigs and branches as possible. Though hesitant at first, they complied with my request, their confusion evident in their expressions. They likely couldn't see the connection between burning twigs and building a house.

They'll find out soon enough.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Super_Dotscreators' thoughts