
another world self-insert

a mixed fanfic with self-insert story please support this world warning the character in this novel is not my it go to original author please support the original author of course credit go to them and English is not my first language so...so? what should I tell, "bear with it?" probably.. certainly ........ "what's interesting?" "what's so funny?" " what do you take life for?" "y-you don't came near" a head flying rolling around reaching moon shadow " Eh" all he can mutter is confuse thought in his mind he didn't see it coming fast, so fast " eh! you really oni? really? what wrong with this world isn't it enough dragon exist, I will not surprised anymore even if reincarnated, regression etc exist here" " well if there blessings in this world it was male only tenth of population" " let take public bath hihihi where onee-san was hihihi "

Liv_Vil · その他
1 Chs

chapter 1

what a drag, why this happened to me, there seven billions people on earth why I am was the one get reincarnated

you just need to kill otaku with truck they gladly go to another world and bang other world woman whether it loli or milf they will do it so Mr system can you cut me out of slack I'm just a mob true and true why you need to kill me a genuinely mob who believe in gender of equality



[ Do you really wish to refuse offer from System]


[ as your wish but be warned there WILL NEVER BE SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE ]


[ the unbinding from host will start]

[ 10


a young men neither handsome nor ugly a suitable to describe is ordinary just ordinary face you see everyday guy


right now he waiting for system unbinding and also waiting for green light to cross roads



a wind powerful enough blowing skirt of women besides him, he eyes widen looking at bear panties



" kid it danger!"

" panties!"


he out of his enlightened when he heard shout of milf and other people he turn towards them looking at little girl running towards her flying cap


" Pong! Pong!" horn sound

a truck came speeding toward little girl with screeching loud sounds


" Hana!"

the milf seeing her daughter will get SPLAT running toward little girl and hug her


that mother is fool can't you just bring your daughter running towards other side

"tsk" it pity that he won't see the girls reaction besides her, with rush of adrenaline he run towards pair of mother and daughter

" you fool "

with this word protagonist throwing them to sea of people


you think I'm going to die " don't screw with me!" he run with all his might and safe

0 ]


"eh?" his body get down without moving with only bit of his consciousness remind "what?"


" son of bitch" with his last word he lost consciousness



" what wrong mister?" a orange hair girl with pair of wing ask me

" nothing it just that I remember been K.O by unreasonably being and who you?"

" that was rude of me, My name is Lucifer the strongest angel below ALMIGHTY FATHER nice to meet you?" with a grin revealing her teeth

" oh, so?" he said with monotone tone

" ahem " this mortal didn't he knew me, well whatever I need to do my job, huh ignorance fool, goddamn it embarrassing

with flick of his finger a roulette and scale appear " this is roulette that will determine your future and this scale will determine whether you go to hell, asura, deva, abyss netherworld that all " she smile sadistic

" am I not going to heaven" he ask confused

" pft hahaha of course not there no way a stupid looking guy like you going to heaven! it fine if you ugly but even idiot knew his limit " she said with arrogant look and sneer

" so which one should I do first scale or roulette?" he feel his heart stab by thousand knife but he regain his composers after all he didn't want get SPLAT

" touch the scale first" tch he not fallen for that, he hold his temper well I will SPLAT him the moment he snap

he touches the scale, a blinding lights revealing..... nothing changes

" eh? wait moment" Lucifer touch the scale than it changes toward the feathers go down while the other side is hearth up towards the sky

" ok try again" the scale is fine there no problem with it than could it be this guys

he touches again and nothing changes

" so that was it you karma is balance" this type of human is the first time I encountered after Adam the ancestors of humanity

" you can skip this scale go to roulette" this mortal he didn't grief, fear, excited nor he ask what going to happen to his well it work for me

" you will spin it three time in row, the first spin is

he ignores Lucifer and spin the roulette and it fall to Wish word the second time was God of Chaos the third time was Ω symbol, he turn towards Lucifer " I had done it, what wrong?" he look at the girls with her eyes big round and gawking mouth wide open

" n-nothing at all" curse lowly mortal what kind of luck he got the supreme authority, oh ALMIGHTY FATHER why put such bug in this roulette

" mortal touch this tablet and choose anything you want in it remember there no redo "

" thank you"

he take the tablets and scroll down

a notification appear in tablets

[ will you use Ω authority]

" yes"

a page change

[ Goddess Apron - an apron that had been used by slut goddess]

[ Super Duper Condom - an condom created by slut goddess that grant user attributes 100+ to all physical stat ]

[ Stone Mask - a mask that created by Karl the immortal genius to became the ultimate being - it will release a limit of person in turn change to vampire]

[ Saiyan bloodline - a bloodline that keep getting stronger the more powerful the enemies fighting in turn of using anger as fuel ]

[ Gate of Babylon - a treasure that contain countless kind of treasure that been collected by King of Heroes Gilgamesh in his life]

he scroll down more until no more

[ Ω authority active]

more page appear he continues scroll down, what will I choose wait why Lucifer don't tell me how many can I choose did she forgets

[ will you choose this ]

oh so that was it, this tablet will told me anything it know

[ yes]

I want to ask Lucifer about symbol but you know too right

[ yes]

tell me what this symbol use for

[ Answer: Ω is authority that represents ALMIGHTY FATHER your will is absolutely, the creation of it will be your soldier, whatever your wish you will get it but it doesn't mean you had power of ALMIGHTY FATHER ]

" sorry I'm not that bright can you tone it down"


[ it give your permit to use other]

" oh so it like license for driving " he said scratching his head

[.....yes and you can only use it one time per miracle]

" eh? why"

[ so that you didn't racing with your friend wantonly]

tch ok I got it mum

[ ...]

than what this god of chaos thing?

[ God of Chaos or called outer god is a superior being rivalry combat power of strongest angel Lucifer]

amazing so that mean I can kick this brat ass

[ no, in front of you is an angel that only below the ALMIGHTY FATHER this being is ten time more powerful than Lucifer in another universe ]

than is there way that I can spank her ass?

[ Answer : yes, use your wish and authority one time]

hell yeah

sorry what wish should I said


[ searching for solution to make.. even monkey to understand...

answer: impossible]

did you just compare me to monkey?

[ it your imagination]

[ Loading..

[ alternative solution found... System assistant required

[ you just need leave rest to me I will take care of everything]


[ repeat after me " use authority and grant my wish "]


[ stop]

[ start from word "use" ]

yes " use authority and grant my wish"

hearing he word, Lucifer out of his trance there happy expression on her face

I feel assure right now as long he not on my domain he can't order me

[ ding ]

[ Authority Ω been used ]

[ Objective: surpassed individual Lucifer]

[ Creating Body of superior being....

[ please create your body..

a panel appear there many kind of appearance he can choose from disgusting shit, slime, succubus, dragon he chose a dragon why you ask he chooses dragon because it cool

a new page appear there many kind of dragon, seven head dragon, azure dragon, torch dragon, karma dragon, chaos dragon, dragon God he scroll to most below

[ Ω authority active]

a new page appear he tried to scroll down more but his authority didn't not active, he scroll up to last

a humanoid dragon a black scale like magma with blue neon light swirls, a crown horn with seven tail with ring golden ring a massive wing a dragon leg with pair of arms a sharp claw, it pupils is slit blue overall it badasses

he look at humanoid dragon name


" dragon... dragon... dragon oh well I choose this "

[ Superior Being body will be create ...

[ reconstruction of mortal soul to superior being soul will be start ]

[ searching a power that surpasses individual Lucifer]

[ Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail ]

[ alternative solution found.....

a power that rivaling individual Lucifer...

found the First pillar...

not enough to surpassed.....

[ First pillar of chaos God of Destruction...

Second pillar of chaos God of Eternity....

Third pillar of chaos God of Fate...

Fourth pillar of chaos God of Providential...

Five pillars of chaos God of Madness...

Six pillar of chaos God of Nightmare...]

[ combine the six pillar power.....

[ soul will be became one with body

[ soul and body sync....


[ Protocol had active

[ to make sure new outer god didn't fallen to madness the outer god will be needing coma state]

[ yes/no]

[ answer yes if you don't feel pain later ]

oi is that threat!? that threat right?... well I think it fine I guess

[ ....]


in black cocoon engulf with star and galaxy there dragon awakening

the black cocoon destroy by his claw

he look at his surrounding " where in heck am I?"

[ Answer: a chaos the home of you]

"chaos? so this is my home got to say it very interesting there no door no line no bedroom no washroom no toilet no tv no floor system you taste of home is different from me"

" but you knew what weird thing is I can breathe in this place where no even tiny of gas exist.... shit how in heck I knew gas didn't had in this place! take deep breaths... oh my god! where the heck is this place I really really got reincarnated to chaos? I think other people go to another world but I reincarnated too chaos this discrimination! I object this your highness! as member who believe in gender of equality I object this thing! "

few hours later...


" system do you knew what meaning of gender of equality? I doubt you knew

[ system didn't had gender]

" wait! wait! wait! you didn't had any gender? shit this is true but why I read in some fanfiction that system is female.... so that why is it I understand"

he looking at endless chaos with sage look like he knew what in their mind...huh virgin meh..weeb

[ you had sleep for trillion of year ]

" so that why I feel hungry"

[ you should eat you shell to ease your hungry]

" yes free food!" he take all the fragments and eat it all

" ah yummy" it feel like mucus strand and fetid stench it very nutrition

" right why you with me system?"

[ don't mind it ]

" oh ok"

anyway I'm dragon yes I'm dragon a dragon

[ yep we know]


how I use my power?

[ feel it]

feel it....feel it?....feeeeel ittttt nothing happened duh?

[ adjusting performance... standard of monkey...]

[ repeat after " open status"]

open status

[ Name:

Race: Chaos God

Age: 0

Mana: 100

Strength & Agility:100

Vitality & Stamina: 100

Intelligence & Wisdom: 1

Stat Point 100 ]

[ put all stat point in intelligence and wisdom]

"put all stat point in intelligence and wisdom"

like a thunder a flash of flashbacks appear like picture appear in his mind sudden change occurs in his mind a wisdom appear in his eyes

" what do you mean wisdom appear in his eyes? do you think l lack intelligence this entire time!? "

[ oops ]

" don't oops? me you rude rude.. rude.. whatever you rude"

[ even with wisdom and intelligence stat increase sigh]

what that means?

[ Host do want to open Beginners package?]

yes of course

[ you will transport shortly to universe]

[ all your power will be seal ]

what! where my waifu!? you liar!





a new version greet him a place what it called world yes a planet not earth it another world medieval times with magic exist in this world

I became baby with other person beside yes he is my twin, but this twin of my is weird to say at least

[ you not the one should say something like that]

shut it!, ahem anyway let me say this Kono Dragon da! have sanjo!

[ so what]

right my name in this life is Vin Kagenoh and my twin brother name is Cid Kagenoh

it feel familiar.... well whatever there nothing I can do with all my power seal, and I like being baby to be take care by beauty and sucking... I'm not hypocrite I'm just baby it can't be helped anyway it what people call special right... yes

[ pervert scum]