
Goddess' Agent on Earth!

"I am what you might call an "angel", my name is Nomia, and I am the chief aide of Lady Goddess Eanna. I am responsible for guiding the souls of the Lady Goddess' universe."

"I see, so I am being guided too?"

"No, "you" didn't have a soul."

"Huh? Wouldn't it be somewhat inconsistent with your explanation now?"

"Well, I can see why you might think so, let me explain; The space around us that you see now is the reflection of just a tiny portion of the Lady Goddess' universe. In this universe, living beings have souls, and that allows them to tap into the cosmic energies inhabiting this universe and also allows the Goddess to interfere and exert her influence so that the universe stays stable. But your universe has no cosmic energies or souls, though your kind thought of the concept. Your home universe is what the Gods call the "natural universe", which started from what you call "singularity", which was the waste from the universes controlled by the Gods. Long story short, your kind is the hottest topic among Gods. I mean, before the Gods started observing Earth, there were only stupid and ugly creatures in their universes. Your kind is like a flower in a wasteland, whereas the universes the Godkin control are gardens."

The surplus of information made me terrified, but I still retained my rationality. For all I know, she could be lying to me. Though the sheer presence of the being behind her has already half convinced me. Either way, it won't make much difference whether I believe her or not, because I am powerless at this point. Also, the thing she told me earlier about me not having a soul arose another question in me, then how am I here?

"I guess you are worried about that, huh? When you died, Lady Goddess used a generous amount of her power to transfer your consciousness and memories to a newly created soul. Since she herself created your soul, you have a pretty strong spiritual connection to Lady Goddess."

"I see. So, I am basically Jesus."

Nomia looked at me in disbelief. She was dumbfounded by my reasoning. Well, I was just trying to get a reaction out of her. Whereas Goddess Eanna was laughing behind the angel.

"Hahaha, I am joking."

"Aren't you too relaxed for someone who just died and found his whole life to be meaningless?"

"I don't know how to feel about it. I did whatever I could to prevent it, but I couldn't change anything at all, so there is bitterness and maybe I'll feel differently later on when I can collect my thoughts, but I feel somewhat relieved. After all, it is pointless to cry about it at this point. All I can do now is live with this bitterness and regret. Speaking about "living", what will you do with my soul now? Will I live again? Will I reincarnate?"

"Yes, you will reincarnate as the second son of a king of a theocratic monarchy. The state and the faith in the Goddess are dying regardless of the number of prophets and saints we have sent, that's why Lady Goddess choose you, an outsider to fulfill what any of the previously chosen people could do. Your valor and struggle inspired her, and she took a liking to you, that's why she specifically created your soul and vessel. Lady Goddess hopes that you will use your knowledge and rational judgment to lead her believers and expand her influence in a world similar to Earth. Actually, you can just call it Earth since the original died anyway."

If I was in a world where I am in a direct position of power, not like my parents who were part of unions, and societies and had to maintain their connections and couldn't deviate from the others, would I have been able to achieve anything? Regardless of whatever I think, I cannot know of the outcome unless I put in the work and see through it, and although I have many doubts and questions regarding their story and what they asked me, I am basically in no position to deny it, and since I have nothing to lose for, that's why I will disregard my suspicions and put my faith on a higher being for the first time in my life.

"I will see to it. I will fulfill the task you gave me, Goddess."

The Goddess' smile, which she kept throughout my conversation with Nomia, deepened from the moment I thought of accepting her offer, and she raised her hand and pointed her finger at me and the distance between me and Nomia and the Goddess widened. I felt like I was falling through a hole. The space around me slowly filled with white light and I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the face of a young woman I assumed to be in her 20s, with an oval-shaped face, bright blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and two pointy ears.

Wait a second, pointy ears? Wow, she is an elf! Does that mean I am an elf too?

While I was observing my mother, she was observing me too. After looking at my face with a bright smile, she then lifted me slowly and shifted my sight toward a sickly-looking middle-aged man with black hair and purple eyes, and human-like, normal ears. His purple eyes made no sense to me, but who am I to judge? I just talked to a deity and was bestowed a life. In time, I will try to figure out how that works and how these species are different than the humans on my old planet.

"Look your majesty, our son has your eyes, but his hair is an unusual color."

The man smiled at me and put one of his hands on my head and the other on top of my mother's hand.

"It looks like he is very smart. He is observing us hahaha. His white hair is quite unusual indeed. Hmm, let me take another look at him."

My father lifted me up to take another look at me. From their conversation, I learned that I had purple eyes like the man before me, my father, but my hair color was white. It took me a while to comprehend what it meant, but Lady Goddess also had white hair, though I couldn't see her eyes. This reminded me that she was the one who created a soul for me and designed this vessel, this body. Does that mean she also has bestowed me with some of her own attributes?

When I was thinking about this, I heard a faint sound of giggling. A sound that was familiar to me, it was the voice of Lady Goddess. So my Jesus joke turned out to be kind of correct in the end?

I too started to giggle with Lady Goddess.

"Oh, you like to be held by papa?"

Uhm, no. Also please don't call yourself "papa", it is creepy, old man. While my father looked ten years younger while being happy that his newly-born son was fond of him, we arrived near a small opening, which I suppose is supposed to be a window.

"What? His hair glowing in the sun! Nessa, his hair glowing!"

"Oh! Oh! Bless the Lady!"

"I think he is blessed by Lady Goddess. This is truly amazing news! Goddess has finally shown her light to us!"

While my parents were making a rather sentimental fuss about blessing that and blessing this, I was more worried about the fact that my father almost dropped me five times!

"Nessa, I will name him Aelius! Aelius Alkimos Cala!"

The background story is finally over. It is hard to come up with stuff to justify what will happen later on. Well, I am glad it is over.

"Aelius" means "sun" or "sunshine" and it is a gender-neutral Greek name derived from "Helios". I thought it was a fitting name for an apostle/ son of a Goddess of Light. "Alkimos" means "strong" in ancient Greek, which I added just to make the name longer. Finally, "cala" means "light" in Quenya, Tolkien's Elven language. 

ryuutauruscreators' thoughts